21. Ce Wang, Bikash Thakuri**, Amit Kumar Roy, Nitish Mondal, Yi Qi, Amit Chakraborty*. Changes in the associations between malaria incidence and climatic factors across malaria endemic countries in Africa and Asia-Pacific region. Journal of Environmental Management, 2023, 331, 117264. (IF=8.910) 20. Ce Wang, Yi Qi, Zhenhua, Chen*. Explainable Gated Recurrent Unit to explore the effect of co-exposure to multiple air pollutants and meteorological conditions on mental health outcomes. Environment International, 2023, 171, 107689. (IF=13.352) 19. Ce Wang, Lan Feng, Bikash Thakuri, Amit Chakraborty*. Ecological risk assessment of organochlorine pesticide mixture in South China Sea and East China Sea under the effects of seasonal changes and phase-partitioning. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2022, 185, 114329. (IF=7.001) 18. Ce Wang, Bikash Thakuri, Amit Kumar Roy, Nitish Mondal, Amit Chakraborty*. Phase partitioning effects on seasonal compositions and distributions of terrigenous Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons along the South China Sea and East China Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 828, 154430. (IF=10.753) 17. Ce Wang, Lan Feng, Yi Qi*. Explainable deep learning predictions for illness risk of mental disorders in Nanjing, China. Environmental Research, 2021, 202, 111740. (IF=8.431) 16. Sarah R. Lowe#, Ce Wang#,*, Yiqun Ma, Kai Chen**. Particulate matter pollution and risk of outpatient visits for psychological diseases in Nanjing, China. Environmental Research, 2021, 193, 110601. (IF=8.431) 15. Ce Wang, Yi Qi*, Guangcan Zhu**. Deep learning for predicting the occurrence of cardiopulmonary diseases in Nanjing, China. Chemosphere, 2020, 257, 127176. (IF=7.086) 14. Tao Li#, Ce Wang#,*, Zhaoan Xu, Amit Chakraborty. A coupled method of on-line solid phase extraction with the UHPLC-MS-MS for detection of sulfonamides antibiotics residues in aquaculture. Chemosphere, 2020, 254, 126765. (IF=7.086) 13. Ce Wang, Guangcan Zhu*, Lei Zhang, Kai Chen. Particulate matter pollution and hospital outpatient visits for endocrine, digestive, urological, and dermatological diseases in Nanjing, China. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 261, 114205. (IF=8.071) 12. Ce Wang*, Lan Feng, Kai Chen. The impact of ambient particulate matter on hospital outpatient visits for respiratory and circulatory system disease in an urban Chinese population. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 666, 672-679. (IF=6.551) 11. Ce Wang, Jun Bi*, Marcel Olde Rikkert. Early-warning signals for critical transitions in cardiopulmonary health, related to air pollution in an urban Chinese population. Environment International, 2018, 121, 240-249. (IF=7.297) 10. Zhaoan Xu, Tao Li, Jun Bi, Ce Wang*. Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of antibiotic pollution and ecological risk assessment in Taihu Lake Basin, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 643, 12-20. (IF=4.900) 9. Ce Wang, Jun Bi, Xu-Xiang Zhang, Qiang Fang, Yi Qi*. In-time source tracking of watershed loads of Taihu Lake Basin, China based on spatial relationship modeling. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25, 22085-22094. (IF=2.800) 8. Ce Wang, Jun Bi*, Brian D. Fath**. Effects of abiotic factors on ecosystem health of Taihu Lake, China based on eco-exergy theory. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 42872. (IF=5.228) 7. Ce Wang, Jun Bi*. TMDL development for the Taihu Lake's influent rivers, China using variable daily load expressions. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2016, 30, 911-921. (IF=2.673) 6. Ce Wang*, Mike Cyterski**, Yujie Feng, Peng Gao, Qingfang Sun. Spatiotemporal characteristics of organic contaminant concentrations and ecological risk assessment in the Songhua River, China. Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts, 2015, 17, 1967-1975. (IF=2.401) 5. Ce Wang, Jun Bi*, Robert B. Ambrose. Development and application of mathematical models to support Total Maximum Daily Load for the Taihu Lake's influent rivers, China. Ecological Engineering, 2015, 83, 258-267. (IF=3.041) 4. Ce Wang, Yujie Feng*, Peng Gao, Nanqi Ren, Bai-Lian Li. Simulation and prediction of phenolic compounds fate in Songhua River, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2012, 431, 366-374. (IF=3.286) 3. Ce Wang, Yujie Feng*, Shanshan Zhao, Bai-Lian Li. A dynamic contaminant fate model of organic compound: A case study of Nitrobenzene pollution in Songhua River, China. Chemosphere, 2012, 88, 69-76. (IF=3.206) 2. Ce Wang, Yujie Feng*, Qingfang Sun, Shanshan Zhao, Peng Gao, Bai-Lian Li. A multimedia fate model to evaluate the fate of PAHs in Songhua River, China. Environmental Pollution, 2012, 164, 81-88. (IF=3.746) 1. Yujie Feng*, Ce Wang, Junfeng Liu, Zhaohan Zhang. Electrochemical degradation of 17-alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2) and estrogenic activity changes. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2010, 12, 404-408. (IF=2.225) 中文核心
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