



1. 辐射制冷原理与应用

2. 辐射热管理材料与器件

3. 热电制冷与发电

4. 储热与储冷

5. 可再生能源与建筑节能

6. 碳中和战略与路径规划





赵东亮,19879生,安徽南陵人,中共党员。2008年本科毕业于南京航空航天大学建筑环境与设备工程专业,2011年硕士毕业于上海交通大学制冷与低温工程研究所暖通专业,2014博士毕业于美国怀俄明大学土木与建筑工程专业,此后在美国科罗拉多大学博尔德校机械工程系进行博士后研究,20199月入职东20211月获聘东南大学青年首席授,目前担任能源与环境学院副院长、碳中和科学技术研究院副院长;主要从事以天空辐射制冷为代表的新型制冷原理与技术、辐射热管理材料与器件、可再生能源与建筑节能、碳中和战略与路径规划等领域的前沿研究工,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、江苏省杰出青年基金、东南大学首批学科交叉青年特支计划等项目,ScienceJoule、Energy & Environmental Science、Nature Communications、Science Advances等期刊发表80,总7900余次h指数34,获4项中国专利,1项美国专利,是包括Science在内的50余种国际知名SCI期刊审稿人,曾多次受高校和企业界邀请在国际国内作学术交流报告;科研成果曾入选Physics World评选的2017年度国际物理学10大突破,并吸引了英国广播公司、经济学人、福布斯等全世界上百家媒体报道,曾受邀在美国华盛顿向国会议员进行成果宣讲。荣获2021年度“东南大学青年五四奖章”。连续入选2022-2024年度全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(斯坦福大学)。


Dongliang Zhao is a Full Professor at the School of Energy and Environment, and deputy director of the Institute of Science and Technology for Carbon Neutrality, Southeast University, China. Prof. Zhao's research interests include radiative cooling, thermoelectric cooling, barocaloric cooling, personal thermal management, thermal energy storage, and building energy saving. He has published more than 80 journal papers, delivered more than 60 invited talks and seminars. His journal papers are highly cited with a total citation over 8400 (h-index 36) according to Google Scholar. He regularly serves as a referee or a panelist for about 50 prestigious academic journals including Science, Science Advances, Joule, and etc. Prof. Zhao was named in the world's top 2% of scientists list in 2022, 2023 and 2024. 




科研 教改项目


16.江苏省杰出青年基金,2024/9 - 2027/8,主持

15.东南大学首批学科交叉青年特支计划,2024/1 - 2026/12,主持

14.江苏省碳达峰碳中和科技创新专项,江苏火电行业深度减碳技术路径,2023/9 - 2026/8,课题负责人

13.国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,银基电致变色透明围护结构的光谱特性动态调控机理与运行优化方法研究,2023/5 - 2025/4,主持

12.国家自然科学基金面上项目,银基柔性电致变色对低密度辐射能的动态调控机理与增强捕获方法研究,2023/1 -2026/12,主持

11.企业项目,煤电CCUS规模化发展的政策体系研究,2022/7 - 2022/9,主持

10.企业项目,压铸行业的全生命周期碳核算研究,2022/7 - 2022/12,主持

9. 航天低温推进剂技术国家重点实验室开放研究课题,2021/6 - 2023/5,主持

8. 企业项目,辐射制冷超材料建筑应用节能效果研究,2021/4 - 2022/6,主持

7. 江苏省“双创人才”项目,2020-2023,主持

6. 南京留学人员科技创新项目择优资助,2020,主持

5. 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目,辐射制冷表面受大气环境影响的规律及其机理研究,2020/7 - 2023/6,主持

4. 东南大学新进教师科研启动经费,2020/1 - 2020/12,主持

3. 企业项目,基于光谱选择性辐射制冷超材料的冷能空调系统设计和开发,2019/11 - 2020/10,主持

2. 美国能源部项目,Radiative Cooled Cold Storage Modules and Systems,2015/7 - 2018/7,参与

1. 美国能源部项目,Thermoregulatory Clothing System for Building Energy Saving,2015/4 - 2018/9,参与

论文 专著

202412月,Google Scholar8800余次,h指数38Web of Science引用6100次,*代表通

Book Chapter

1. Haodan Pan, Xueying Li, Dongliang Zhao*, Thermoelectric system for personal cooling and heating. Book title: Personal Comfort systems for improving indoor thermal comfort and air quality, Springer, 2023. [link]


93. Qixiang Chen, ..., Xiaobo Yin*, Xun Cao*, Dongliang Zhao*, Ultrabroadband directional tunable thermal emission control based on vanadium dioxide photonic structures, Advanced Science, 2416437, 2025. (IF: 14.3) [link

92. Qiang Zhang, Zhaofeng Dai, Bin Gu, Dongliang Zhao*, Thermally conductive phase change composites for efficient medium-temperature solar thermal storage, Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 113, 115687, 2025. [link]

91. Ya Dan, ..., Dongliang Zhao et al., A novel radiative cooling system with a dissimilar material-based compound parabolic concentrator for mitigating daytime solar radiation impact, Renewable Energy, Vol. 244, 122622, 2025. [link]

90. Huajie Tang, Chenyue Guo, Xinyu Zhao, Fan Fan, Ruifeng Lu, Dongliang Zhao*, Guidance for combining radiative cooling and evaporative cooling: A heat and mass transfer analysis, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 325, 119385, 2025. [link]

89. Hongkui Wang, Yuting Yan, Zhen Li, Zhi Cao, Yao Fu, Zheng Zhou, Dongliang Zhao*, Carbon mitigation potential and economic benefits of biomass co-firing in coal-fired power plants: A case study in Nanjing, China, Energy, Vol. 314, 134262, 2025. [link]


88. Bin Gu, Guo Li, Qiang Zhang, Haodan Pan, Mengfan Duan, Liqing Weng, Dongliang Zhao*, A novel method for increasing phase-change microcapsules in nanofiber textile through electrospinning, Advanced Functional Materials, 2412089, 2024. (IF: 18.5) [link]

87. Fan Fan, Jiayun Wang, Haodan Pan, Zhen Li, Dongliang Zhao*, Optical-thermal modeling and geographic analysis of dusty radiative cooling surfaces, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 205, 114878, 2024. (IF: 16.3) [link]

86. Chenyue Guo, Huajie Tang, Pengfei Wang, Qihao Xu, Haodan Pan, Xinyu Zhao, Fan Fan, Tingxian Li*, Dongliang Zhao*, Radiative cooling assisted self-sustaining and highly efficient moisture energy harvesting, Nature Communications, 15, 6100, 2024. (IF: 14.7) [link]. 媒体报道基金委网站[link]

85. 樊帆,徐琪皓,汤华杰,顾斌,赵东亮*,灰尘沉积对辐射制冷影响的模拟与实验研究,工程热物理学报,45(07),2024. [link]

84. Xinyu Zhao, Mingfeng Sheng, Huajie Tang, Haodan Pan, Chenyue Guo, Dongliang Zhao*, A flexible electrochromic device for all-season thermal regulation on curved transparent building envelopes, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024. [link]

83. Bin Gu, Zhaofeng Dai, Haodan Pan, Dongliang Zhao*, Integration of prolonged phase-change thermal storage material and radiative cooling textile for personal thermal management, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 493, 152637, 2024. [link]

82. Mengfan Duan, ..., Dongliang Zhao et al., Occupant-centric dynamic heating demand in residential buildings based on a temporal-spatial combined quantification method, Building and Environment, Vol. 258, 111625, 2024. [link

81. Huajie Tang, Chenyue Guo, Fan Fan, Haodan Pan, Qihao Xu, Dongliang Zhao*, Both sub-ambient and above-ambient conditions: a comprehensive approach for the efficient use of radiative cooling, Energy and Environmental Science, 17, 4498-4507, 2024. (IF: 32.5, ESI高被引论文) 面论文 [link]. 媒体报道:东大新闻网[link]

80. Siying Huang, Fan Fan, Qihao Xu, Huajie Tang, Dongliang Zhao*, Motion of fine particles in a temperature gradient: Experiment, visualization, and numerical simulation studies, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 155, 107534, 2024. [link]

79. Zhaofeng Dai, Xiaohui She, Chen Wang, Yulong Ding, Yongliang Li, Xiaosong Zhang*, Dongliang Zhao*, Dynamic simulation and performance analysis of a solid-state barocaloric refrigeration system, Energy, Vol. 294, 130800, 2024. [link]

78. Qixiang Chen, Xuemei Huang, Yuehui Lu, Hua Xu*, Dongliang Zhao*, Mechanically tunable transmittance convection shield for dynamic radiative cooling, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16, 17, 21807-21817, 2024. [link]

77. Jinhao Xu, ..., Dongliang Zhao, Dahua Shou, A durable, breathable, and weather-adaptive coating driven by particle self-assembly for radiative cooling and energy harvesting, Nano Energy, Vol. 124, 109489, 2024. (IF: 17.6) [link]

76. Zhaofeng Dai, ..., Xiaosong Zhang*, Dongliang Zhao*, High-directional thermally conductive stearic acid/expanded graphite-Graphene films for efficient photothermal energy storage, Chemical Engineering Journal, 149203, 2024. (IF: 15.1) [link]

75. Jiayun Wang, Guo Li, Dongliang Zhao*, Multi-objective optimization of an anti-reflection AlN/VO2/AlN thermochromic window for building energy saving, Energy, Vol. 288, 129798, 2024. [link]

74. Qihao Xu, Qiang Zhang, Dikai Xu, Jingtao Xu, Dongliang Zhao*, Enhancing energy-saving potential of radiative cooling by integrating with humidity control in hot-humid climates, Next Energy, Vol. 2, 100088, 2024. [link]


73. 徐第开,盛茗峰,杨荣贵,赵东亮*,天空辐射制冷规模化应用对我国建筑的减碳作用研究,制冷学报,第44卷,第6期,202312. [link]

72. Dongliang Zhao*, Huajie Tang, Staying stably cool in the sunlight, Science, Vol. 382, Issue 6671, pp. 644-645, 2023. (IF: 56.9) [link]. 媒体报道:东大新闻网[link], 基金委网站[link], CGTN[link]

71. Zhaofeng Dai, ..., Xiaosong Zhang*, Dongliang Zhao*, Plastic crystal neopentyl glycol/multiwall carbon nanotubes composites for highly efficient barocaloric refrigeration system, Journal of Thermal Science, 2023. [link]

70. Qihao Xu, Bin Gu, Haodan Pan, Fan Fan, Huajie Tang, Jingtao Xu, Dongliang Zhao*, Simultaneous passive cooling and humidity control via the fiber-encapsulated gel structure, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15, 45, 52542-52551, 2023. (IF: 10.4) [link]

69. Liu et al., Impacts of high-albedo urban surfaces on outdoor thermal environment across morphological contexts: A case of Tianjin, China, Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023. [link]

68. Guo Li, Jiayun Wang, Xinyu Zhao, Yuehong Su, Dongliang Zhao*, Simultaneous modulation of solar and longwave infrared radiation for smart window applications, Materials Today Physics, Vol. 38, 101284, 2023. (IF: 11.5) [link]

67. Mingfeng Sheng, Haodan Pan, Dikai Xu, Dongliang Zhao*, Characterization and performance enhancement of radiative cooling on circular surfaces, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 188, 113782, 2023. (IF: 15.9) [link]

66. Bin Gu, Qihao Xu, Hongkui Wang, Haodan Pan, Dongliang Zhao*, A hierarchically nanofibrous self-cleaning textile for efficient personal thermal management in severe hot and cold environments, ACS Nano, 2023. (IF: 17.1) [link]. 媒体报道:东大科研[link],高分子科技[link]

65. Zhaofeng Dai, ..., Xiaosong Zhang*, Dongliang Zhao*, Synergistic advancement of molecular design and dual encapsulation technology for high-performance room-temperature barocaloric refrigeration materials, Advanced Functional Materials, 2023. (IF: 19.0)[link]. 媒体报道:东大科研[link

64. Zhu et al., Barocaloric material with high thermal conductivity for room-temperature refrigeration, Journal of Thermal Science, 2023. [link]

63. Fan Fan, Qihao Xu, Dongliang Zhao*, Heat transfer properties of dusty radiative cooling surface: Modeling and experimental studies, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 214, 124465, 2023. [link]

62. Zhaofeng Dai, ..., Yulong Ding, Xiaosong Zhang*, Dongliang Zhao*, Oriented high thermal conductivity solid-solid phase change materials for mid-temperature solar-thermal energy storage, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023. (IF: 10.4) [link]

61. Haodan Pan, Dongliang Zhao*, An improved model for performance predicting and optimization of wearable thermoelectric generators with radiative cooling, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 284, (2023) 116981. (IF: 10.4) [link]

60. Zhaofeng Dai, Xiaohui She, Chen Wang, Yulong Ding, Xiaosong Zhang*, Dongliang Zhao*, Thermodynamic analysis on the performance of barocaloric refrigeration systems using neopentyl glycol as the refrigerant, Journal of Thermal Science, 2023. [link]

59. Bin Gu, Fan Fan, Qihao Xu, Dahua Shou, Dongliang Zhao*, A nano-structured bilayer asymmetric wettability textile for efficient personal thermal and moisture management in high-temperature environments, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 461, April 2023, 141919. (IF: 16.7, ESI高被引论文[link]

58. Huajie Tang, Chenyue Guo, Qihao Xu, Dongliang Zhao*, Boosting evaporative cooling performance with microporous aerogel, Micromachines 2023, 14(1), 219. [link

57. Sun et al., A recyclable, up-scalable and eco-friendly radiative cooling material for all-day sub-ambient comfort, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol. 455, Part 2, 139786, 2023. (IF: 16.7) [link

56. Dikai Xu, Mingfeng Sheng, Xinpeng Zhao, Hua Qian, Wenqing Liang, Xiaohong Zheng, Dongliang Zhao*, Electrochromism-induced adaptive fresh air pre-handling system for building energy saving, Energy and Built Environment, Accepted. [link]

55. Fan Fan, Dikai Xu, Yazhu Zhu, Gang Tan, Dongliang Zhao*, A simple, accurate, and universal method for characterizing and comparing radiative cooling materials and devices, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 200 (2023) 123494. [link]


54. Huajie Tang, ..., Dongliang Zhao*, Junwei Liu*, Zhihua Zhou, Radiative cooling performance and life-cycle assessment of a scalable MgO paint for building applications, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 380, Part 2, 135035. (IF: 11.1) [link]

53. Jiayun Wang, Gang Tan, Ronggui Yang, Dongliang Zhao*, Materials, structures, and devices for dynamic radiative cooling, Cell Reports Physical Science, Vol. 3, Issue 12, 101198, 2022 [link]

52. Junwei Liu, Huajie Tang, Chongxu Jiang, Shiqiang Wu, Long Ye*, Dongliang Zhao*, Zhihua Zhou*, Micro-nano porous structure for efficient daytime radiative sky cooling, Advanced Functional Materials, 2206962, 2022. (IF: 19.9)[link]

51. 潘浩丹,徐第开,樊帆,朱亚著,钱华,赵东亮*,耦合温度衰减效应的月球光伏板倾角优化设计研究,东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 52(5), 972-980. [link]

50. Lin Xu et al., Locomotion of an untethered, worm-inspired soft robot driven by a shape-memory alloy skeleton, Scientific Reports, Vol. 12, Issue 1, pp. 1-16, 2022. [link]

49. Xiaohong Zheng, Wenxiao Dai, Zhiyong Shu, Dongliang Zhao, Wenqing Liang, Gang Lei, Hua Qian, Numerical simulation of air solidification process in liquid hydrogen with LBM-CA coupled method, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 48 (30), 11567-11577, 2023. [link]

48. Yousif Abdalgadir, Hua Qian, Dongliang Zhao, Abdalazeem Adam, Wenqing Liang, Daily and annual performance analyses of the BIPV/T system in typical cities of Sudan, Energy and Built Environment, Accepted, 2022. [link]

47. 郭晨玥,潘浩丹,徐琪皓,王佳云,盛茗峰,赵东亮*,天空辐射制冷技术发展现状与展望,制冷学报,第43卷,第3期,20226. 《制冷学报》2022年度优秀论文 [link]

46. Xinpeng Zhao, Ablimit Aili, Dongliang Zhao, Dikai Xu, Xiaobo Yin, Ronggui Yang, Dynamic glazing with switchable solar reflectance for radiative cooling and solar heating, Cell Reports Physical Science, Vol. 3, Issue 4, 100853, 2022. [link]

45. Zengkai Cui, Chenyue Guo, Dongliang Zhao*, Energy-saving and economic analysis of passive radiative sky cooling for telecommunication base station in China, Building Simulation, 2022. [link]

44. Zhihao Ma, Dongliang Zhao*, Faming Wang, Ronggui Yang, A novel thermal comfort and energy saving evaluation model for radiative cooling and heating textiles, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 258, 111842, 2022. [link]

43. Ningsheng Wang, Yinyan Lv, Dongliang Zhao, Wenbo Zhao, Jingtao Xu, Ronggui Yang, Performance evaluation of radiative cooling for commercial-scale warehouse, Materials Today Energy, Vol. 24, 100927, 2022. [link]

42. Huajie Tang, Zhihua Zhou, Shifei Jiao, Yunfei Zhang, Shuai Li, Debao Zhang, Ji Zhang, Junwei Liu, Dongliang Zhao, Radiative cooling of solar cells with scalable and high-performance nanoporous anodic aluminum oxide, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol. 235, 111498, 2022. [link]

41. Ankit Joshi, Faming Wang, Zhanxiao Kang, Bin Yang, Dongliang Zhao, A three-dimensional thermoregulatory model for predicting human thermophysiological responses in various thermal environments, Building and Environment, Vol. 207, Part B, 108506, 2022. [link]

40. Dikai Xu, Sebastien Boncoeur, Gang Tan, Jingtao Xu, Hua Qian, Dongliang Zhao*, Energy saving potential of a fresh air pre-cooling system using radiative sky cooling, Building Simulation 15, 167-178, 2022. (2022年第2期封面论文) [link]


39. 朱亚著,徐第开,杨荣贵,赵东亮*,可降水量及云层覆盖率对天空辐射制冷性能的影响,制冷技术(03)25-30,2021.[link]

38. Ablimit Aili, Dongliang Zhao, Gang Tan, Xiaobo Yin, Ronggui Yang, Reduction of water consumption in thermal power plants with radiative sky cooling, Applied Energy, Vol. 302, 117515, 2021. [link]

37. Zhihao Ma, Dongliang Zhao*, Chenglong She, Yongjian Yang, Ronggui Yang*, Personal thermal management techniques for thermal comfort and building energy saving, Materials Today Physics, Vol. 20, 100465, 2021. (IF: 10.4)[link]

36. Yazhu Zhu, Hua Qian, Ronggui Yang, Dongliang Zhao*, Radiative sky cooling potential maps of China based on atmospheric spectral emissivity, Solar Energy, Vol. 218, pp. 195-210, 2021 [link]

35. Wei Ren, Yan Sun, Dongliang Zhao (co-first author) et al. High-performance wearable thermoelectric generator with self-healing, recycling, and Lego-like reconfiguring capabilities, Science Advances, Vol. 7, no. 7, eabe0586, 2021. (IF: 13.1,ESI高被引论文, Web of Science被引33) [link] 部分媒体报道ScienceDaily [link], NewScientist [link], Yahoo [link], USA Today [link]

34. Junwei Liu, Ji Zhang, Huajie Tang, Zhihua Zhou, Debao Zhang, Long Ye, Dongliang Zhao*, Recent advances in the development of radiative sky cooling inspired from solar thermal harvesting, Nano Energy, Vol. 81, 105611, 2021. (IF: 16.6) [link]

33. Zhitong Yi, Yingyan lv, Dikai Xu, Jingtao Xu, Hua Qian, Dongliang Zhao*, Ronggui Yang, Energy saving analysis of a transparent radiative cooling film for buildings with roof glazing. Energy and Built Environment, Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp. 214-222, 2021. (EBE 2021 Best Paper Award) [link]


32. Jinwei Song, Hua Qian, Dongliang Zhao, Weixue Jiang, Xiaohong Zheng, Particulate matter emission by an isolated rotating wheel, Building Simulation, 2020. [link]

31. Kangqi Guo, Hua Qian, Dongliang Zhao, et al. Indoor exposure levels of bacteria and fungi in residences, schools, and offices in China: A systematic review, Indoor Air, Vol. 30, Issue 6, pp. 1147-1165, 2020. [link]

30. Lun Lou, Dahua Shou, Huiju Park, Dongliang Zhao, Yuen Shing Wu, Xiaonan Hui, Ronggui Yang, Edwin Chihchuan Kan, Jintu Fan, Thermoelectric air conditioning undergarment for personal thermal management and HVAC energy saving, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 226, 110374, 2020. [link]

Before joining Southeast University 

29. Dongliang Zhao, Xiaobo Yin, Jingtao Xu, Gang Tan, Ronggui Yang, Radiative sky cooling-assisted thermoelectric cooling system for building applications, Energy, Vol.190, 116322, 2020. [link]

28. Luxing Wang, Xing Lu, Xingfei Yu, Dongliang Zhao, Wei Ren, Qiuwang Wang, Ting Ma, Effect of operating temperature on interface diffusion and power generation bismuth telluride thermoelectric modules, Heat Transfer Research, 51(3), 253-262, 2020. [link]

27. Dongliang Zhao, Ablimit Aili, Xiaobo Yin, Gang Tan, Ronggui Yang, Roof-integrated radiative air-cooling system to achieve cooler attic for building energy saving, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 203, 109453, 2019.[link]

26. Ablimit Aili, Zhiyuan Wei, Yizhou Chen, Dongliang Zhao, Ronggui Yang, Xiaobo Yin, Selection of polymers with functional groups for day-time radiative cooling, Materials Today Physics, Vol. 10, 100127, 2019. (IF: 10.4). [link]

25. S. Manikandan, C. Selvam, P. Pavan Sai Praful, Ravita Lamba, S. C. Kaushik, Dongliang Zhao*, Ronggui Yang, A novel technique to enhance thermal performance of a thermoelectric cooler using phase-change materials, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2019. [link]

24. Hong Fang, Dongliang Zhao, Jinchao Yuan, Ablimit Aili, Xiaobo Yin, Ronggui Yang, and Gang Tan, Performance evaluation of a metamaterial-based new cool roof using improved Roof Thermal Transfer Value (iRTTV) model, Applied Energy, 248 (2019), 589-599. [link]

23. Dongliang Zhao, Ablimit Aili, Yao Zhai, Shaoyu Xu, Gang Tan, Xiaobo Yin, Ronggui Yang, Radiative sky cooling: Fundamentals principles, Materials, and Applications, Applied Physics Reviews, 6(2), 021306, 2019. (IF: 19.2,ESI高被引论文,Web of Science被引145). [link]

22.  Ablimit Aili, Dongliang Zhao, Jiatao Lu, Yao Zhai, Xiaobo Yin, Gang Tan, Ronggui Yang, A kW-scale, 24-hour continuously operational, radiative sky cooling system: Experimental demonstration and predictive modeling, Energy Conversion and Management, 186 (2019) 586-596. [link]

21.  Dongliang Zhao, Ablimit Aili, Yao Zhai, Jiatao Lu, Dillon Kidd, Gang Tan, Xiaobo Yin, Ronggui Yang, Subambient cooling of water: Toward real-world applications of daytime radiative cooling, Joule, 2019, 3(1), 111-123. (IF: 41.2,ESI高被引论文,Web of Science被引139). [link]. 部分媒体报道:ScienceDaily [link], 新华网 [link], China.org.cn [link], Phys.org [link], BBC news [link], CleanTechnica [link], EurekAlert! [link], Cooling Post [link], RAC [link]

20. Rongfu Wen, Shanshan Xu, Dongliang Zhao, Lixin Yang, Xuehu Ma, Wei Liu, Yung-Cheng Lee, Ronggui Yang, Sustaining enhanced condensation on hierarchical copper mesh-covered surfaces, National Science Review, 2018, 5(6), 878-887. (IF: 16.7). [link]

19. Dongliang Zhao, Xing Lu, Tianzhu Fan, Yuen Shing Wu, Lun Lou, Qiuwang Wang, Jintu Fan, Ronggui Yang, Personal thermal management using portable thermoelectrics for potential building energy saving, Applied Energy, 218 (2018) 282-291. [link]

18. Xing Lu, Dongliang Zhao, Ting Ma, Qiuwang Wang, Ronggui Yang, Thermal resistance matching for thermoelectric cooling systems, Energy Conversion and Management, 169 (2018) 186-193. [link]

17. Kai Zhang, Dongliang Zhao, Xiaobo Yin, Ronggui Yang, Gang Tan, Energy Performance and economic analysis of a new hybrid radiative cooling system for single-house buildings in USA, Applied Energy, 224 (2018) 371-381. [link]

16. Rongfu Wen, Shanshan Xu, Dongliang Zhao, Yung-Cheng Lee, Xuehu Ma, Ronggui Yang, Hierarchical superhydrophobic surfaces with micropatterned nanowire arrays for high-efficiency jumping droplet condensation, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2017, 9(51), 44911 - 44921. [link]

15. Dongliang Zhao, Christine Elizabeth Martini, Siyu Jiang, Yaoguang Ma, Yao Zhai, Gang Tan, Xiaobo Yin, Ronggui Yang, Development of a single-phase thermosiphon for cold collection and storage of radiative cooling, Applied Energy, 205 (2017) 1260 - 1269. [link]

14. Hong Fang, Dongliang Zhao*, Gang Tan*, Anthony Denzer, Study of underfloor air distribution using zonal model-based simulation and experimental measurements, Energy and Buildings, 152 (2017) 96-107. [link]

13. Kai Zhang, Dongliang Zhao, Xiaobo Yin, Ronggui Yang, Gang Tan, Modelling study of the low-pump-power demand constructal T-shaped pipe network for a large scale radiative cooled-cold storage system, Applied Thermal Engineering, 127 (2017) 1564 - 1573. [link]

12. Yao Zhai, Yaoguang Ma, Sabrina N. David, Dongliang Zhao, Runnan Lou, Gang Tan, Ronggui Yang, Xiaobo Yin, Scalable-manufactured randomized glass-polymer hybrid metamaterial for daytime radiative cooling, Science, 355 (2017) 1062 - 1066. (IF: 41.8,ESI高被引论文,Web of Science被引696). [link]. 部分媒体报道:Forbes [link], ScienceDaily [link], Science [link], Nature [link], PhysicsWorld [link]

11. Rongfu Wen, Qian Li, Jiafeng Wu, Gengsheng Wu, Wei Wang, Yunfei Chen, Xuehu Ma, Dongliang Zhao, Ronggui Yang, Hydrophobic copper nanowires for enhancing condensation heat transfer, Nano Energy 33 (2017) 177-183. (IF: 16.6,ESI高被引论文,Web of Science被引127). [link]

10. Dongliang Zhao, Xin Qian, Xiaokun Gu, Saad Jajja, and Ronggui Yang, Measurement techniques for thermal conductivity and conductance of bulk and thin film materials, Journal of Electronic Packaging, 138 (4), 040802, 2016. (ESI高被引论文,Web of Science被引191). [link]

9. Dongliang Zhao, Gang Tan, Numerical analysis of a shell-and-tube latent heat storage unit with fins for air-conditioning application, Applied Energy, 138 (2015) 381-392. [link]

8. Gang Tan, Dongliang Zhao*, Study of a thermoelectric space cooling system integrated with phase change material, Applied Thermal Engineering, 86 (2015) 187-198. [link]

7. Dongliang Zhao, Gang Tan, Experimental evaluation of a prototype thermoelectric system integrated with PCM (phase change material) for space cooling, Energy, 68 (2014) 658-666. [link]

6. Dongliang Zhao, Gang Tan, A review of thermoelectric cooling: materials, modeling and applications, Applied Thermal Engineering, 66 (2014) 15-24. (ESI高被引论文,Web of Science被引417). [link]

5. D.L. Zhao, Y. Li, Y.J. Dai, R.Z. Wang, Optimal study of a solar air heating system with pebble bed energy storage, Energy Conversion and Management, 52 (2011) 2392 – 2400. [link]

4. 夏佰林,赵东亮,代彦军,李勇,蛇形流道太阳能平板空气集热器集热性能研究,太阳能学报,2012, 09: 1560-1564.

3. 赵东亮,代彦军,李勇,空气-水复合平板型太阳能集热器,可再生能源,2011, 03: 108-111.

2. 夏佰林,赵东亮,代彦军,李勇,扰流板型太阳能平板空气集热器集热性能,上海交通大学学报,2011, 06: 870-874.

1. 赵东亮,李勇,代彦军,季节性蓄热太阳能集中供热系统,太阳能,2011, 03: 26-31.


3.  Ronggui Yang, Xiaobo Yin, Gang Tan, Dongliang Zhao, Yaoguang Ma and Yao Zhai, Radiative Cooling Structures and Systems, Publication No. US20170248381 A1, Publication date: Aug 31, 2017

2.  李勇,吕光召,赵东亮,徐静,王如竹。一种用于温室供暖的太阳能蓄热供暖装置,专利类型:发明专利,专利号:ZL 2012 1 0004044.2,申请日期:2012年01年06日,授权公告日:2014年05月21日

1.  代彦军,李勇,王如竹,赵东亮,基于太阳能空气集热器的建筑供热采暖系统,专利类型:发明专利,专利号:ZL 2010 1 0129566.6,申请日期:2010年3月23日,授权公告日:2012年09月19日

荣誉 奖励







12.入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(World's Top 2% Scientists,斯坦福大学),2023



9. 入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(World's Top 2% Scientists,斯坦福大学),2022

8. 荣获2021年度东南大学青年五四奖章(集体,东南大学建筑环境与碳中和技术团队),2022

7. 荣获2021年度东南大学青年五四奖章(个人),2022

6. 指导研究生获得丹佛斯杯第六届中国制冷学会创新大赛特等奖,2022

5. 入选2020年度东南大学优秀研究生导师团队,2020

4. 国家青年高层次人才,2020

3. 首届Energy and Built Environment优秀青年学者学术新人奖(全球45华人青年学者中仅3位获奖),2019

2. 第一作者论文“A review of thermoelectric cooling: materials, modeling and applications”获Applied Thermal Engineering杂志最高被引论文奖mosted cited papers in 2014-2016),2017

1. 美国机械工程师学会杰出审稿人奖Outstanding reviewer award),2016



冯双将,2024.12 -,博士毕业于东南大学

倪沈阳,2024.01 -,博士毕业于天津大学

洪远达(企业),2023.11 -,博士毕业于诺丁汉大学

段梦凡,2023.07 -,博士毕业于清华大学

李臻,2022.11 -,博士毕业于浙江大学


郭昊,2025.3 -

孔德成,2024.9 -

吴鑫,2024.9 -,对口招生

丁仁浩,2024.3 - 

陈启祥,2023.9 -

郭晨玥,2023.3 -

Sami Alasri(萨米),2022.9 -

赵鑫钰,2022.9 -

顾斌,2022.3 -获博士生新生奖学金

汤华杰,2022.3 -

樊帆,2021.9 -,获博士生新生奖学金

戴照峰,《压卡制冷》,2019.9 - 2024.6,《基于新戊二醇的压卡制冷材料、器件及系统研究》,合作指导


巩淑怡,2024.9 -,

夏侯桂芳,2024.9 -,

苏尚智,2023.9 -,合作指导

陆瑞峰,2023.9 -

黄思颖,2023.9 -

李雪莹,2022.9 -,东蒙

王宏奎,2022.9 -

李果,2022.9 -

张强,2022.9 -

许逸,2021.9 - 2024.6,《基于新戊二醇的复合压卡制冷材料性能优化研究》

徐琪皓,2021.9 - 2024.6,《纤维-凝胶复合材料热质传递机理及其热湿协同管理应用研究》,犹他大学全额奖学金攻读博士学位

盛茗峰,2021.9 - 2024.6,《非水平表面辐射制冷特性分析与性能强化方法研究》

潘浩丹,2021.9 - 2024.6,《基于分级结构的可穿戴热电器件输出性能与柔性的协同优化研究》

郭晨玥,2021.9 - 2023.2,硕博贯通培养

王佳云,2020.9 - 2023.6,《基于VO2的可见/近红外/长波红外分波段光谱调控智能窗设计及性能研究》

徐第开,2019.9 - 2022.6,《基于天空辐射制冷的建筑新风处理技术研究》,合作指导,获普渡大学全额奖学金攻读博士学位

朱亚著,2018.9 - 2021.6,《天空辐射制冷性能影响因素及在我国资源分布规律研究》,合作指导








