Selected journal publications: [36] Y. Chen, Q. Cao*, et al, Trace detection of benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX) by chemiresistive metal oxide-based gas sensors: Recent advances in heterojunction materials design, Chin. Chem. Lett., 2025. [35] 柏吉兴, 曹祺*, et al, 锆基复合高温吸波材料的研究进展, 航空科学技术, 2024, vol. 35 (9), 1−18. [34] Q. Cao, H. Zhang*, et al, Mild formation of Ni(OH)2 dense nanosheets array for ultra-efficient electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution, Int. J. Hydrogen Energ., 2024, vol. 77, 15−22. [33] Y. Pan, Q. Cao*, et al, (111) Facet-dominant peracetic acid activation by octahedral CoO anchored hollow carbon microspheres for tetracycline degradation, Chem. Eng. J., 2024, vol. 493, 152446. [32] Y. Pan, Q. Cao*, et al, Highly efficient peroxymonosulfate activation by CoFe2O4@attapulgite–biochar composites: Degradation properties and mechanism insights, J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 2024, vol. 12, 112579. [31] B. Song, Q. Cao*, et al, A mini-review regarding the control techniques available for arsenic contamination from flue gas and water, J. Environ. Chem. Eng., 2024, vol. 12, 112249. [30] Q. Liu, Q. Cao*, et al, Upcycling waste plastics into FeNi@CNTs chainmail catalysts for effective degradation of norfloxacin: The synergy between metal core and CNTs shell, Sep. Purif. Technol., 2023, vol. 326, 124735. [29] F. Meng, Q. Cao*, et al, Synergistic enhancement of redox pairs and functional groups for the removal of phenolic organic pollutants by activated PMS using silica-composited biochar: Mechanism and environmental toxicity assessment, Chemosphere, 2023, vol. 337, 139441. [28] H. Wei, Q. Cao*, et al, Metal–Organic Framework (MOF) Derivatives as Promising Chemiresistive Gas Sensing Materials: A Review, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2023, vol. 20, 4388. [27] Y. Bian*, C. Zhang, H. Wang, Q. Cao*, Degradable nanofiber for eco-friendly air filtration: Progress and perspectives, Sep. Purif. Technol., 2023, vol. 306, 122642. (* corresponding author) (Impact factor = 9.14)
[26] Y. Cao*, J. Zhan, Q. Cao*, F. Si, Techno-economic analysis of cascaded supercritical carbon dioxide combined cycles for exhaust heat recovery of typical gas turbines, Energy Convers. Manag., 2022, vol. 258, 115536. (* corresponding author) (Impact factor = 11.53) [25] Q. Cao*, Q. Li, Z. Pi, J. Zhang, L.-W. Sun, J. Xu, Y. Cao, J. Cheng, Y. Bian, Metal-organic framework derived ball-flower-like porous Co3O4/Fe2O3 heterostructure with enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity, Nanomaterials, 2022, vol. 12, 904. (* corresponding author) (Impact factor = 5.72) [24] J. Cheng, C. Li, Y. Xiong, H. Zhang, H. Raza, S. Ullah, J. Wu, G. Zheng, Q. Cao*, D. Zhang, Q. Zheng, R. Che, Recent advances in design strategies and multifunctionality of flexible electromagnetic interference shielding materials, Nano-Micro Lett., 2022, vol. 14, 80. (* corresponding author) (ESI热点论文, Cited > 300 times, 获期刊2023、2024年度ESI Top Article Award) (Impact factor = 23.66) [23] Q. Cao, J. Zhang, H. Zhang, J. Xu, R. Che, Dual-surfactant templated hydrothermal synthesis of CoSe2 hierarchical microclews for dielectric microwave absorption, J. Adv. Ceram., 2022, vol. 11, 504−514. (Impact factor = 18.6, Ceramics领域期刊IF排名1/31) [22] Q. Cao, S. Hao, Y. Wu, K. Pei, W. You, R. Che, Interfacial charge redistribution in interconnected network of Ni2P–Co2P boosting electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution in both acidic and alkaline conditions, Chem. Eng. J., 2021, vol. 424, 130444. (Impact factor = 16.74) [21] Q. Cao*, J. Yu, Y. Cao, J.-J. Delaunay, R. Che, Unusual effects of vacuum annealing on large-area Ag3PO4 microcrystalline film photoanode boosting cocatalyst- and scavenger-free water splitting, J. Materiomics, 2021, vol. 7, 929−939. (* corresponding author) (Impact factor = 8.59)
[20] J. Yu, Q. Cao*, C. Qiu, L. Chen, J.-J. Delaunay, Modulating Ni/Ce Ratio in NiyCe100-yOx Electrocatalysts for Enhanced Water Oxidation, Nanomaterials, 2021, vol. 11, 437. (* corresponding author) (Impact factor = 5.72) [19] S. Hao, Q. Cao*, L. Yang, R. Che, Morphology-optimized interconnected Ni3S2 nanosheets coupled with Ni(OH)2 nanoparticles for enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction, J. Alloys Compd., 2020, vol. 827, 154163. (* corresponding author) (Impact factor = 6.37) [18] S. Hao†, J. Liu†, Q. Cao†, Y. Zhao, X. Zhao, K. Pei, J. Zhang, G. Chen, R. Che, In-situ electrochemical pretreatment of hierarchical Ni3S2-based electrocatalyst towards promoted hydrogen evolution reaction with low overpotential, J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 2020, vol. 559, 282−290. († co-first author) (Impact factor = 9.97) [17] J. Yu, Q. Cao, Y. Li, X. Long, S. Yang, J. K. Clark, M. Nakabayashi, N. Shibata, J.-J. Delaunay, Defect-rich NiCeOx electrocatalyst with ultrahigh stability and low overpotential for water oxidation, ACS Catal., 2019, vol. 9, 1605−1611. (Impact factor = 13.7) [16] C. Li†, Q. Cao†, F. Wang†, Y. Xiao, Y. Li, J.-J. Delaunay, H. Zhu, Engineering graphene and TMDs based van der Waals heterostructures for photovoltaic and photoelectrochemical solar energy conversion, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2018, vol. 47, 4981−5037. († co-first author) (ESI高被引) (Impact factor = 60.62, Cited > 400 times) [15] Q. Cao, X. Liu, K. Yuan, J. Yu, Q. Liu, J.-J. Delaunay, R. Che, Gold nanoparticles decorated Ag(Cl,Br) micro-necklaces for efficient and stable SERS detection and visible-light photocatalytic degradation of Sudan I, Appl. Catal. B – Environ., 2017, vol. 201, 607−616. (Impact factor = 24.32) [14] Q. Cao, J. Yu, K. Yuan, M. Zhong, J.-J. Delaunay, Facile and large-area preparation of porous Ag3PO4 photoanodes for enhanced photoelectrochemical water oxidation, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, vol. 9, 19507−19512. (Impact factor = 10.38) [13] Q. Cao, K. Yuan, J. Yu, J.-J. Delaunay, R. Che, Ultrafast self-assembly of silver nanostructures on carbon-coated copper grids for surface-enhanced Raman scattering detection of trace melamine, J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 2017, vol. 490, 23−28. (Impact factor = 9.97) [12] K. Yuan†, Q. Cao†, H.-L. Lu, M. Zhong, X. Zheng, H.-Y. Chen, T. Wang, J.-J. Delaunay, W. Luo, L. Zhang, Y.-Y. Zhang, Y. Deng, S.-J. Ding, D. W. Zhang, Oxygen-deficient WO3−x@TiO2−x core-shell nanosheets for efficient photoelectrochemical oxidation of neutral water solutions, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017, vol. 5, 14697−14706. († co-first author) (Impact factor = 14.51)
[11] K. Yuan, Q. Cao, X. Li, H.-Y. Chen, Y. Deng, Y.-Y. Wang, W. Luo, H.-L. Lu, D. W. Zhang, Synthesis of WO3@ZnWO4@ZnO-ZnO hierarchical nanocactus arrays for efficient photoelectrochemical water splitting, Nano Energy, 2017, vol. 41, 543−551. (Impact factor = 19.07) [10] Y.-F. Cheng, Q. Cao, J. Zhang, T. Wu, R. Che, Efficient photodegradation of dye pollutants usinga novel plasmonic AgCl microrods array and photo-optimized surface-enhanced Raman scattering, Appl. Catal. B – Environ., 2017, vol. 217, 37−47. (Impact factor = 24.32) [9] Q. Liu†, Q. Cao†, H. Bi, C. Liang, K. Yuan, W. She, Y. Yang, R. Che, CoNi@SiO2@TiO2 and CoNi@Air@TiO2 microspheres with strong wideband microwave absorption, Adv. Mater., 2016, vol. 28, 480−496. († co-first author) (ESI高被引) (Impact factor = 32.09, Cited > 1700 times)
[8] Q. Cao, R. Che, N. Chen, Scalable synthesis of Cu2S double-superlattice nanoparticle systems with enhanced UV/visible-light-driven photocatalytic activity, Appl. Catal. B – Environ., 2015, vol. 162, 187−195. (Impact factor = 24.32) [7] Q. Cao, Y.-F. Cheng, H. Bi, X. Zhao, K. Yuan, Q. Liu, Q. Li, M. Wang, R. Che, Crystal defect-mediated band-gap engineering: A new strategy for tuning optical properties of Ag2Se quantum dots toward enhanced hydrogen-evolution performance, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, vol. 3, 20051−20055. (2015 JMCA Hot Paper) (Impact factor = 14.51) [6] Q. Cao, K. Yuan, Q. Liu, C. Liang, X. Wang, Y.-F. Cheng, Q. Li, M. Wang, R. Che, Porous Au−Ag alloy particles inlaid AgCl membranes as versatile plasmonic catalytic interfaces with simultaneous, in-situ SERS monitoring, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, vol. 7, 18491−18500. (Impact factor = 10.38) [5] Q. Liu†, Q. Cao†, X. Zhao, H. Bi, C. Wang, D. S. Wu, R. Che, Insights into size-dominant magnetic microwave absorption properties of CoNi microflowers via off-axis electron holography, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, vol. 7, 4233−4240. († co-first author) (Impact factor = 10.38, Cited > 200 times) [4] Q. Cao, R. Che, Tailoring Au−Ag−S composite microstructures in one-pot for both SERS detection and photocatalytic degradation of plasticizers DEHA and DEHP, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2014, vol. 6, 7020−7027. (Impact factor = 10.38) [3] Q. Cao, R. Che, N. Chen, Facile and rapid growth of Ag2S microrod arrays as efficient substrates for both SERS detection and photocatalytic degradation of organic dyes, Chem. Commun., 2014, vol. 50, 4931−4933. (Impact factor = 6.07) [2] Q. Cao, R. Che, Z. Liu, Ordered mesoporous CoFe2O4 nanoparticles: Molten-salt-assisted rapid nanocasting synthesis and the effects of calcining heating rate, New J. Chem., 2014, vol. 38, 3193−3198. (Impact factor = 3.93) [1] Q. Cao, R. Che, Synthesis of near-infrared fluorescent, elongated ring-like Ag2Se colloidal nanoassemblies, RSC Adv., 2014, vol. 4, 16641−16646. (Impact factor = 4.04) Chapters: [1] K. Zheng, Y. Gao, X. Bai, R. Che, Z. Zhang, X. Han, Y. Bando, S. Yang, E. Wang, Q. Cao, In Situ TEM: Theory and Applications, Chapter 7 in book “Progress in Nanoscale Characterization and Manipulation”, Page 381−477, ©Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., October 2018.