Energy dissipation and sticking/rebound behaviors of nanoparticle aggregates to the wall at oblique impact | Advanced Powder Technology | Vol. 35, No. 7, 104466 | 2024.7 | Sci | Combustion of an ammonia bubble with an oxygen bubble in a fluidized bed | Applied Thermal Engineering | Vol. 244, 122591 | 2024.5 | Sci | Comparative study of different sewage sludge incineration treatments based on environmental and economic life cycle assessment | Waste Management & Research | Vol. 42, No. 5, P418-429 | 2024.5 | Sci | Numerical investigation on heat transfer and vapour layer geometry of a droplet impacting on a spherical particle in Leidenfrost regime | Chemical Engineering Journal | Vol. 479, 147521 | 2024.1 | Sci | Diffusion combustion of NH3 in a single bubble of fluidized bed | Fuel | Vol. 352, 147521 | 2023.11 | Sci | NH3/O2 premixed combustion in a single bubble of fluidized bed | Applied Energy | Vol. 349, 121644 | 2023.11 | Sci | Experimental and Modelling Study on Emission of 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Unraveling the disparity of CO2 sorption on alkali carbonates under high humidity | Journal of CO2 Utilization | Vol. 53, 101737 | 2021.11 | Sci | Mechanism of kaolinite's influence on sodium release characteristics of high-sodium coal under oxy-steam combustion conditions | Fuel | Vol. 290, 119812 | 2021.4 | Sci | Comparative study of two fluid model and dense discrete phase model for simulations of gas–solid hydrodynamics in circulating fluidized beds | Particuology | Vol. 55, P108-117 | 2021.4 | Sci | A method for measuring the residence time distribution of particles in a fluidized bed based on digital image analysis | International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering | Vol. 19, No. 1, P63-73 | 2021.1 | Sci | System integration for coal-fired power plant with post combustion CO2 capture: Comparative study for different solid dry sorbents | Fuel | Vol. 280, 118561 | 2020.11 | Sci | System integration optimization for coal-fired power plant with CO2 capture by Na2CO3 dry sorbents 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1、Changsheng Bu, Bo Leckner, Xiaoping Chen*, David Pallarès, Daoyin Liu, Alberto Gómez-Barea, Devolatilization of a single fuel particle in a fluidized bed under oxy-combustion conditions. Part A: Experimental results, Combustion and Flame, 2015, 162:PP797–808, (SCI) 2、Changsheng Bu, Bo Leckner, Xiaoping Chen*, Alberto G mez-Barea, Daoyin Liu, David Pallarès, Devolatilization of a single fuel particle in a fluidized bed under oxy-combustion conditions. Part B: modeling and comparison with measurements, Combustion and Flame, 2015, 162:pp.809-818(SCI) 3、Jiliang Ma, Daoyin Liu, Zhendong Chen, Xiaoping Chen*, Agglomeration characteristics during fluidized bed combustion of salty wastewater, Powder Technology, 2014,253, P 537-547(SCI: AC3OH) 4、Zhonglin Zhang, Daoyin Liu, Yaming Zhuang, Xiaoping Chen* , CFD-DEM Modeling of CO2 Capture using Alkali Metal-Based Sorbents in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 2014, 12(1), P1-9. (SCI: AT3SG;EI:201442101366) 5、Chuan-wen Zhao, Xiao-ping Chen*, Chang-sui Zhao, K2CO3/Al2O3 for Capturing CO2 in Flue Gas from Power Plants. Part 1:Carbonation Behaviors of K2CO3/Al2O3, Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26(2), P1401~1405. (SCI收录号: 892GQ,EI收录号:) 6、Chuan-wen Zhao, Xiao-ping Chen*, Chang-sui Zhao, K2CO3/Al2O3 for Capturing CO2 in Flue Gas from Power Plants. Part 2: Regeneration Behaviors of K2CO3/Al2O3, Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26(2), P1406~14011.(SCI收录号: 892GQ,EI收录号:) 7、Chuan-wen Zhao, Xiao-ping Chen*, Chang-sui Zhao, et al., K2CO3/Al2O3 for capturing CO2 in flue gas from power plant Part 3: CO2 capture behaviors of K2CO3/Al2O3 in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor, 2012, 26(5), P3062~3068.(SCI收录号: 942TQ,EI收录号:) 8、Chuan-wen Zhao, Xiao-ping Chen*, Chang-sui Zhao, K2CO3/Al2O3 for Capturing CO2 in Flue Gas from Power Plants. Part 4: Abrasion Characteristics of the K2CO3 Al2O3 Sorbent, Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26(2), P1395–1400. (SCI收录号: 892GQ,EI收录号:) 9、Xu Gui-ling, Chen Xiao-ping *, Liang Cai, Zhao Chang-sui, Xu Pan, Cai Jia-ying, Effect of Operating Conditions and Powdwe Properties on Pneumatic Conveying Characteristics of a Top Discharge Blow Tank, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 2012, vol.35, No.11, P1998-2006.( SCI收录号:,EI收录号:) 10、Dong, Wei; Chen, Xiaoping*; Wu, Ye; Zhao, Chuanwen, Cai Liang and Daoying Liu, Carbonation Characteristics of Dry Sodium-Based Sorbents for CO2 Capture, Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26(9), P6040-6046. ( SCI收录号:,EI收录号:) 11、Daoyin Liu, Shuangquan Xiao, Xiaoping Chen*,Changsheng Bu, Investigation of solid mixing mechanisms in a bubbling fluidized bed using a DEM-CFD approach, ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 2012, 7 (Suppl. 2), P237-244. ( SCI收录号:,EI收录号:) 12、Qingmin Meng, Xiaoping Chen*, Changsheng Bu and Jiliang Ma, Experimental study on the controlled air oxidation of sawdust in a packed-bed reactor, Korean J. Chem. Eng., 2012, 534-539. ( SCI收录号:919BV) 13、孟庆敏,陈晓平*,刘道银,单个球形木材颗粒热解过程数值模拟,中国电机工程学报,2012,Vol.32,No.2,P61~66. (EI收录号:20120714767241) 14、孟庆敏,叶明华,陈晓平*等,医疗废物固定床控制空气氧化试验研究,中国电机工程学报,2012,32(17),P57~62. (EI收录号:20123115297074) 15、陈汝超,陈晓平*,蔡佳莹等,粒煤在补气料仓中下料稳定性研究,中国电机工程学报,2012,32(5),P33~38. (EI收录号: 20121114863226) 16、卜昌盛,陈晓平*,刘道银等,基于颗粒尺度的离散颗粒传热模型,化工学报,2012, 63(3),P698~704. (EI收录号:20121314899700) 17、马吉亮,陈晓平*,刘道银,李晓军,油页岩干馏废水流化床焚烧过程中NOx和SO2的排放特性,热能动力工程,2012,Vol.27,No.2,P222-226. 18、徐贵玲,陈晓平*,梁财,赵长遂,许盼,卜昌盛,张铁男,煤粉上出料式发送罐气力输送特性,化工学报,2012,63(6),P1709~1716.(Ei收录号:20122815240294) 19、许盼,陈晓平*,梁财,赵长遂,徐贵玲,蔡佳莹,生物质高压密相输送特性试验研究,工程热物理学报,2012,33(5) ,P801~804.(Ei收录号:20122215069650) 20、陈汝超,陈晓平*,蔡佳莹,刘道银,梁财,粒煤螺旋输送特性实验研究,煤炭学报,2012,vol.37, No.1,P(Ei收录号:20121114853325) 21、Dao-yin Liu, Xiao-ping Chen*, Simulation of char and propane combustion in a fluidized bed by extending DEM-CFD approach,Proceedings of the Combustion Insitute, 2011, 33, P2701~2708. ( SCI收录号: 698XR,EI收录号:) 22、Dao-yin Liu, Xiao-ping Chen*, Experimental Profiles of Lateral Mixing of Feed Particles in a Three-Dimensional Fluidized Bed, AIChe Journal, 2011,57(6),P1459~1469. ( SCI收录号: 764GB,EI收录号:) 23、Ye Wu, Xiao-ping Chen*, Chuanwen Zhao, Study on the failure mechanism of potassium-based sorbent for CO2 capture and the improving measure, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2011, 5, P1184~1189.(SCI收录号:825RV ,EI收录号: ) 24、Yun Zhou, Xiao-ping Chen*, Cai Liang, et al., Resistance Properties of a Bend in Dense-Phase Pneumatic Conveying of Pulverized Coal under High Pressure, Chemical Engineering and Technology, 2011, 34(1), P75~80.(SCI收录号:702JF,EI收录号:) 25、陈汝超,陈晓平*,蔡佳莹等,补气料仓中宽筛分粒煤的下料特性,化工学报,2011,62(6),P1682~1687. (EI收录号: 20112614103146) 26、孟庆敏,陈晓平*,张亮,空气气氛下医疗废物热分解特性,东南大学学报(自然科学版),2011,41(6),P1236~1240. (EI收录号:20115214650535) 27、Xu Pan, Chen Xiaoping*, Liang Cai, Xu Guiling, Liu Daoyin, and Zhao Changsui, Effect of moisture content on dense-phase conveying of pulverized coal at high pressure, Korean J. Chem. Eng., 2011, 28(10), P2086-2093.(SCI收录号:826NN) 28、Dao-yin Liu, Xiao-ping Chen*, Lateral solids dispersion coefficient in large-scale fluidized beds, Combustion and Flame, 2010, 157(11),P2116~2124.( SCI收录号: 661HR,EI收录号:) 29、Chuan-wen Zhao, Xiao-ping Chen*, Chang-sui Zhao, Multiple-Cycles Behavior of K2CO3/Al2O3 for CO2 Capture in a Fluidized-Bed Reactor, Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24(2), P1009~1012.(SCI收录号: 555MH ,EI收录号: 20100912745183) 30、吴烨,陈晓平*,赵传文等,SO2对钾基吸收剂干法脱除CO2反应的影响机制,中国电机工程学报,2010, 30(20),P39~43. (EI收录号:20103113111565) 31、陈振东,陈晓平*,吴烨等,热态临界流化速度研究,中国电机工程学报,2010, 30(14),P21~25. (EI收录号:20102513030698) 32、周云,陈晓平*,梁财等,高压煤粉密相气力输送实验研究,工程热物理学报,2010,31(1),P76~79. (EI收录号: 20100512677900) 33、陈振东,陈晓平*,小流量气泡雾化喷嘴试验研究,热能动力工程,2010,25(6),P593~598. 34、孟庆敏,陈晓平*,医疗废物热解焚烧处理研究,热能动力工程,2010,25(4),P369~373. 35、Chuan-wen Zhao, Xiao-ping Chen*, Chang-sui Zhao, et al., Effect of crystal structure on CO2 capture characteristics of dry potassium-based sorbents, Chemosphere, 2009, 75(10), P1401–1404.(SCI收录号: 453PF ,EI收录号: 20091912072220) 36、赵传文,陈晓平*,赵长遂,负载型钾基CO2吸收剂的结构表征和碳酸化反应特性,化工学报,2009, 60(7),P1800~1805. (EI收录号:20093112227900) 37、Chuan-wen Zhao, Xiao-ping Chen*, Chang-sui Zhao,Carbonation and Hydration Characteristics of Dry Potassium-Based Sorbents for CO2 Capture, Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23(3),P1766~1769.(SCI收录号: 436TM ,EI收录号: 20091612039839) 38、Chuan-wen Zhao, Xiao-ping Chen*, Chang-sui Zhao,CO2 Absorption Using Dry Potassium-Based Sorbents with Different Supports, Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23(9), P4683~4687. (SCI收录号: 505EG,EI收录号: 20094112365048) 39、赵传文,陈晓平*,赵长遂等,钾基CO2吸收剂再生反应特性,工程热物理学报,2009, 30(12),P2145~2148. (EI收录号:20095312588727) 40、刘道银,陈晓平*,唐智等,侧面进料在循环流化床密相区混合特性的试验研究,工程热物理学报,2009, 30(3),P529~532. (EI收录号:20091311983123) 41、刘道银,陈晓平*,陆利烨等,流化床密相区颗粒扩散系数的CFD数值预测,化工学报,2009, 60(9),P2183~2190. (EI收录号:20093912342897) 42、卢骏营,陈晓平*,段伦博等, O2/CO2气氛下痕量元素生成及迁移特性试验研究,中国电机工程学报,2009, 29(23),P40~44. (EI收录号:20093612289767) 43、周云,陈晓平*,梁财等,高压密相气力输送弯管压降研究,中国电机工程学报,2009,29(2),P8~12. (EI收录号: 20090811917702) 44、周云,陈晓平*,梁财等,煤粉平均粒径对高压密相气力输送的影响,中国电机工程学报,2009,29(26),P25~29. (EI收录号: 20094012356996) 45、卢骏营,陈晓平,段伦博,周鹜, O2/CO2气氛下痕量元素迁移特性试验研究, 热能动力工程, 2009, Vol.24,No.5, P648~651. 46、陈晓平*,顾利锋,韩晓强等,污泥及其与煤混合物的热解特性和灰熔融特性,东南大学学报(自然科学版),2008, 38(6),P1038~1043. (EI收录号: 20090111830169) 47、Chen Xiaoping*, Fan Chunlei, Liang Cai, Pu Wenhao, Lu Peng, Zhao Changsui, Investigation on Characteristics of Pulverized Coal Dense-phase Pneumatic Conveying under High Pressure, The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2007, Vol.24,No.3, P499-502. (SCI收录号:179BB) 48、韩晓强,陈晓平*,分布活化能模型在污泥热解特性研究中的应用,燃烧科学与技术,2006,12(2),P147~150. (EI收录号:) 49、陈晓平,谷小兵,段钰锋,赵长遂,气化半焦加压着火特性及燃烧稳定性研究,热能动力工程,2005,Vol.20,No.2,P153~157.(EI收录号:05179070144) 50、陈晓平*,顾利锋,赵长遂等,城市污泥与煤混烧过程中NOx和N2O的排放特性,东南大学学报(自然科学版),2005, 35(1),P122~125. (EI收录号: 05149025267) 51、陈晓平*,谷小兵,段钰锋等,半焦加压燃烧特性研究,工程热物理学报,2004,25(2),P345~347. (EI收录号: 04198157187) 52、陈晓平*,赵长遂,段钰锋等,15MWePFBC-CC中试机组增压流化床锅炉的设计及试运行结果,动力工程,2002,22(6),P2072~2077. 53、陈晓平*,赵长遂,兰计香,造纸污泥流化床焚烧技术试验研究,燃烧科学与技术,2000, 6(1),P15~18. (EI收录号: 00095311515) 会议论文: 1、Xiao-ping Chen*, Dao-yin Liu, Zhen-dong Chen, et al, Experimental Study on Particle Feeding and Mixing in the Bottom Zone of a Circulating Fluidized Bed, The Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, Xi’an, China, May 18-21, 2009.(EI收录号:20100512674097) 2、Xiao-ping Chen*,Yun Zhou, Cai Liang, et. Al., Effect of properties of pulverized coal on dense phase pneumatic conveying at high pressure,The 6th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flows, Naha, Okinawa, JAPAN,Dec. 15-18, 2008. 3、CHEN Xiaoping*,WU Ye, DONG Wei, ZHAO Chuanwen, CO2 capture characteristics of K2CO3/Al2O3 with continuous solid circulation mode, The Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, NAPLES, ITALY, JUNE 3-6, 2012. 4、Bu Changsheng, Chen Xiaoping*, Liu Daoyin, Xiang Wenguo, Shen Laihong,Duan Yufeng, Duan Lunbo, Investigation of coal particle combustion in a two-dimensional fluidized bed under O2/CO2 atmosphere, The Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, NAPLES, ITALY, JUNE 3-6, 2012. 5、Xiao-ping Chen, Li-feng Gu, Chang-sui Zhao, Ai-qiang Zhu,Xin Sun, NOx and N2O Emission Characteristics from Circulation Fluidized Bed Combustion of Blends of Paper Mill Sludge and Coal,18TH International Fluidized Bed Combustion Conference, Toronto, Canada, May 22-25, 2005.(EI收录号: 05479488904) 6、Xiao-ping Chen,Li-feng Gu,Chang-sui Zhao,Xin Wu,A Research on Pyrolysis Characteristics of Municipal Sewage Sludge and Blended Fuel of Sludge and Coal,The 7th Asia-Pacific Int. Symp. on Combustion and Energy Utilization,Hong Kong, Dec. 15-17, 2004. 7、C.W.Zhao, X.P.Chen*, C.S.Zhao, CO2 CAPTURE USING DRY POTASSIUM-BASED SORBENTS IN A BUBBLING FLUIDIZED-BED REACTOR, The Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, Xi’an China, May 18-21, 2009.(Ei收录号:20100512674135) 8、D.Y.Liu, X.P.Chen*, C.Liang, C.S.Zhao, SOLIDS MIXING IN THE BOTTOM ZONE OF FLUIDIZED BEDS, The Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion, Xi’an China, May 18-21, 2009.(Ei收录号:20100512674120)