

通讯方式:duanlunbo@seu.edu.cn 025-83790147










段伦博,男,19824月生,山东莱芜人。国家领军人才,优青、青拔。主持5项国家自然科学基金,国家重点研发计划课题1项,任务2项,973子课题1项,并获多项包括美国能源部、韩国科技部在内的外资项目资助,总资助经费超5000万元。2018年和2014年分别荣获教育部自然科学奖二等奖(排1和排4)。在包括NCPECSC&FPCIES&TCEJ等国际权威刊物上发表论文190余篇,其中SCI论文120余篇。截至20233月,论文引用超过4700次,个人H因子41。第1发明人申报发明专利30项,目前授权20项。是科技部国家重点研发计划专项专家、中国煤炭学会煤粉锅炉专业委员会委员、中国多相流检测专委会委员、中电联CFB协作网专委会委员、江苏省动力工程学会副理事长等。是Cleaner Chemical Engineering副主编、《洁净煤技术》副主编、《燃烧科学与技术》编委、《动力工程学报》青年编委、《煤炭学报》青年编委、中国工程院院刊《Engineering》青年通讯专家。是国际燃烧学会会刊Proceedings of the Combustion Institute11个期刊的杰出审稿人。



研究生全英文课:《Advanced Fuel Conversion Technology;


科研 教改项目

[1]     国家自然科学基金联合基金项目(重点支持项目)(U22A20435),“太阳能辅助固体材料捕集、转化CO2基础研究”,2023.01-2026.12,主持、在研。

[2]     国家自然科学基金面上项目(52276106),“钛铁矿添加对流化床生物质富氧燃烧的影响机理”,2023.01-2026.12,主持、在研。

[3]     江苏省碳达峰碳中和科技创新专项(前沿基础)(BK20220001),基于固体吸收剂/催化剂的多源CO2低能耗捕集与高效转化利用基础研究2022.01-2024.12,主持、在研。

[4]     江苏省碳达峰碳中和科技创新专项资金(重大科技成果转化)BA2022202),“一般可燃固废协同集约处置减污降碳关键装备的研发及产业化”,2021.04-2024.12,参与(东南大学负责人)、在研。

[5]     国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目(51922027煤富氧燃烧2020.1-2022.12,主持、在研。

[6]     国家重点研发计划子课题(2019YFE0100100-08),流化床增压O2/H2O燃烧基础研究及加压化学链燃烧过程中煤与载氧体的协同反应特性2020.01~2022.12,主持、在研。

[7]     国家重点研发计划课题(2018YFB0605301常压/加压煤富氧分级燃烧、传热及污染物协调控制机理2018.05-2021.04,主持、结题。

[8]     国家自然科学基金面上项目(51776039高压、高H2O浓度对流化床内煤/生物质燃烧特性的影响2018.1-2021.12,主持、结题。

[9]     国家重点研发计划中美清洁能源联合研究中心项目课题(2016YFE0102500-06增压流化床富氧燃烧机理及污染物排放规律2016.12-2019.11,主持、结题。

[10]  国家自然科学基金中美合作基金子课题(51661125011生物质及生物质-煤富氧燃烧过程中灰的沉积及其对传热的影响2016.1-2019.12,主持、结题。

[11]  国家自然科学基金国际会议项目(51410305075第四届国际流化床富氧燃烧会议2014.7-2015.12,主持、结题。

[12]  国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(51206023循环流化床O2/CO2燃烧S迁移规律研究2013.1-2015.12,主持、结题。

[13]  国家973项目专题(2011CB707301-3低碳捕集成本的循环流化床富氧燃烧的理论与技术研究2011.01-2015.12,主持、结题。

[14]  美国能源部(DOE)项目(DE-FE0029162干煤粉增压富氧燃烧特性研究2016.10-2019.09,主持、结题。

[15]  韩国科技部项目(KIER-20160046超临界流化床富氧燃烧电站可行性研究2016.08-2017.08,主持、结题。

[16]  外资单位出资的国际合作项目(8603000012“2.5MWth床内换热器(IBHX)中试装置-3”2013.12-2017.12,主持、结题。

[17]  外资单位出资的国际合作项目(8603000015“2.5MWth床内换热器(IBHX)中试装置-4”2015.12-2017.12,主持、结题。


[1]   2016年教育部高等学校能源动力类专业教育教学改革项目(重点),主持;


论文 专著

[1]     J Chen*, L Duan*, Y Ma, Y Jiang, A Huang, H Zhu, H Jiao, M Li, Y Hu, H Zhou, Y Xu, F Donat. Recent progress in calcium looping integrated with chemical looping combustion (CaL-CLC) using bifunctional CaO/CuO composites for CO2 capture: A state-of-the-art review. Fuel, 2023, 224, 126630. (IF=8.035)

[2]     H Xu, L Li, W Tang, Z Sun, Y Chen, G Sun, Q Gu, L Duan*. Experimental study on the combustion behavior and NOx emission during the co-combustion of combustible industrial solid wastes. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2023, 106, 101150. (IF=6.470)

[3]     C Huang, Y Wang, R Zhong, Z Sun*, Y Deng*, L Duan*. Induction heating enables efficient heterogeneous catalytic reactions over superparamagnetic nanocatalysts. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2023, 108101 (Online) (IF=8.455)

[4]     J Chen, H Tang, Z Sun, L Duan*. Recent progress and challenges in heterogeneous CO2 catalytic activation. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 2023, 39, 100720. (IF=8.843)

[5]     Y Huang, X Bao, Y Duan, L Li, D Fang, Y Wang, L Duan*. Heat transfer behavior of an immersed tube with sCO2 working fluid in a hot fluidized bed at high pressure. Fuel. 2023, 333: 126457. (IF=8.035)

[6]     Z Sun*, X Wang, L Duan*, Z Sun*. Deoxygenation-based CO2 mitigation: State-of-the-art, challenges, and prospects. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 2023, 40, 100758. (IF=8.843)

[7]     X Liu, L Duan*, Y Duan, L Li, Z Sun, G Sun. Improved fuel conversion through oxygen carrier aided combustion during the incineration of biomass-based solid waste in a rotary kiln. Fuel, 2023, 331(1): 125714. (IF=8.035)

[8]     Z Zhou, Z Sun*, L Duan*. Chemical looping: A flexible platform technology for CH4 conversion coupled with CO2 utilization. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 2023, 39, 100721. (IF=8.843)

[9]     Y Wang, X Qiu, X Niu, Z Zhou, Y Duan, L Duan*. Particulate matter formation mechanism in pressurized fluidized bed combustion of various solid fuels. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2022, 105, 167-175. (IF=6.470)

[10]  Y Huang, X Bao, L Duan*. Experimental and numerical investigation on heat transfer of supercritical CO2 in a horizontal U-tube under thermal boundary of immersed tube. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2022, 138: 106364. (IF= 6.782)

[11]  Y Huang, L Duan*, D Liu, Y Wang. Computational investigation on heat transfer of supercritical CO2 in horizontal U-tubes. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids. 2022, 188: 105690. (IF = 4.514)

[12]  X Liu, L Li, Z Zhou, Z Sun*, L Duan*. Uncoupling behaviour for ilmenite ore oxygen carrier generated from a calcination treatment mixed with natural manganese ore. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2022, 101(2): 805-818. (IF=2.500)

[13]  Z Zhou , L Li, X Liu, Z Zhou, Z Sun*, L Duan*. Accelerated syngas generation from chemical looping CH4 reforming by using reduced ilmenite ore as catalyst. Fuel Processing Technology, 2022, 232: 107270. (IF = 8.129)

[14]  P Hong, L Li, Y Duan, Y Wang, L Duan*. Gasification decoupling during pressurized oxy-coal combustion by isotope tracer method. Energy & Fuel, 2022, 36(6): 3239-3246. (IF = 4.654)

[15]  Z Zhou, G Deng, L Li, X Liu, Z Sun*, L Duan*. Chemical looping co-conversion of CH4 and CO2 using Fe2O3/Al2O3 pellets as both oxygen carrier and catalyst in a fluidized bed reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 428: 132133. (IF = 16.744)

[16]  X Qiu, Y Wang, Z Zhou, Y Duan, L Duan*. Particulate matter formation mechanism during pressurized air-and oxy-coal combustion in a 10kWth fluidized bed. Fuel Processing Technology, 2022, 225: 107064. (IF = 8.129)

[17]  Y Wang, X Qiu, Z Zhou, Y Duan, L Li, J Dai, H Lin, Y Luo, Z Sun, L Duan*.Ash deposition mechanism of shoe manufacturing waste combustion in a full-scale CFB boiler. Fuel Processing Technology, 2021, 221: 106948. (IF = 8.129)

[18]  Z Zhou, X Qiu, Y Wang, Y Duan, L Li, H Lin, Y Luo, Z Sun, L Duan*. Particulate matter formation during shoe manufacturing waste combustion in a full-scale CFB boiler. Fuel Processing Technology, 2021, 221: 106914. (IF = 8.129)

[19]  Z Bao, Y Huang, L Duan*, Y Duan. Heat transfer characteristics of horizontal tubes in the dilute phase of the pressurized fluidized bed; International Communications in Heatand Mass Transfer,2021,126: 105370.(IF = 6.782)

[20]  Z Yang, L Duan*, L Li, EJ Anthony. Movement and combustion characteristics of densified rice hull pellets in a fluidized bed combustor at elevated pressures. Fuel, 2021, 294: 120421. (IF = 8.035)

[21]  L Li, L Duan*, Z Yang, Y Wang, W Xiang. Experimental study on in-situ denitration using catalyst in fluidized bed reactor. Fuel Processing Technology, 2021, 216: 106742. (IF = 8.129)

[22]  H Jin, Z An, Q Li, Y Duan, Z Zhou, Z Sun*, L Duan*. Catalysts of ordered mesoporous alumina with a large pore size for low-temperature hydrolysis of carbonyl sulfide. Energy & Fuels, 2021, 35(10): 8895–8908.(IF = 4.654)

[23]  J Chen, L Duan*, F Donat, CR Müller*. Assessment of the effect of process conditions and material characteristics of alkali metal salt promoted MgO-Based sorbents on their CO2 capture performance. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9(19), 6659-6672. (IF = 9.224)

[24]  Y Huang, Z Bao, L Duan*, Y Duan. Bed-to-tube heat transfer characteristics with an immersed horizontal tube in the pressurized fluidized bed at high temperature. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 124: 105270.(IF = 6.782)

[25]  W Wu, L Duan*, L Li, Z Yang, D Liu, EJ Anthony. The gas interchange between bubble and emulsion phases in a pressurized fluidized bed by computational fluid dynamics simulations. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021, 60(10): 4142-4152. (IF = 4.326)

[26]  Y Lu, L Duan*, Z Sun, J Chen. Flame spray pyrolysis synthesized CuO-CeO2 composite for catalytic combustion of C3H6. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2021, 38(4): 6513-6520.(IF = 6.535)

[27]  L Li, S Tong, L Duan*, C Zhao, Z Shi. Effect of CO2 and H2O on lignite char structure and reactivity in a fluidized bed reactor. Fuel Processing Technology, 2021, 211: 106564. (IF = 8.129)

[28]  L Li, L Duan*, Z Yang, Z Sun, C Zhao. Pressurized oxy-fuel combustion of a char particle in the fluidized bed combustor. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2021, 38(4): 5485-5492. (IF = 6.535)

[29]  J Chen, F Donat, L Duan*, AM Kierzkowska, SM Kim, Y Xu, EJ Anthony, CR Müller*. Metal-oxide stabilized CaO/CuO composites for the integrated Ca/Cu looping process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 403: 126330. (IF = 16.744)

[30]  J Chen, T Shi, L Duan*, Z Sun, EJ Anthony. Microemulsion-derived, nanostructured CaO/CuO composites with controllable particle grain size to enhance cyclic CO2 capture performance for combined Ca/Cu looping process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 393: 124716. (IF = 16.744)

[31]  X Qiu, L Duan*, Y Duan, B Li, D Lu, C Zhao. Ash deposition during pressurized oxy-fuel combustion of Zhundong coal in a lab-scale fluidized bed. Fuel Processing Technology, 2020, 204: 106411. (IF = 8.129)

[32]  Z Yang, L Duan*, L Li, D Liu, C Zhao. Movement and mixing behavior of a single biomass particle during combustion in a hot fluidized bed combustor. Powder Technology, 2020, 370: 88-95. (IF = 5.64)

[33]  J Chen, L Duan*, Z Sun. Review on the development of sorbents for calcium looping. Energy & Fuels, 2020, 34(7): 7806-7836. (IF = 4.654)

[34]  Z Bao, L Duan*, K Wu, C Zhao. An investigation on the heat transfer model for immersed horizontal tube bundles in a pressurized fluidized bed. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 170: 115035. (IF = 6.465)

[35]  P Yang, Z Sun, L Duan*, H Tang. Mechanism of steam‐declined sulfation and steam‐enhanced carbonation by DFT calculations. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 2020, 10(2): 472-483. (IF = 2.518)

[36]  L Li, L Duan*, Z Yang, S Tong, EJ Anthony, C Zhao. Experimental study of a single char particle combustion characteristics in a fluidized bed under O2/H2O condition. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 382: 122942. (IF = 16.744)

[37]  L Li, L Duan*, Z Yang, C Zhao. Pressurized oxy-fuel combustion characteristics of single coal particle in a visualized fluidized bed combustor. Combustion and Flame, 2020, 211: 218-228. (IF = 5.767)

[38]  L Duan*, J Wang, X Qiu, Y Wang, J Wendt, C Zhao. Particulate matter formation and alkali and alkaline earth metal partitioning in a pressurized oxy-fuel fluidized-bed combustor. Energy & Fuels, 2019, 33(11): 10895-10903. (IF = 4.654)

[39]  L Duan*, L Li, D Liu, C Zhao. Fundamental study on fuel-staged oxy-fuel fluidized bed combustion. Combustion and Flame, 2019, 206: 227-238. (IF = 5.767)

[40]  Y Duan, L Duan*, J Wang, EJ Anthony. Observation of simultaneously low CO, NOx and SO2 emission during oxy-coal combustion in a pressurized fluidized bed. Fuel, 2019, 242: 374-381. (IF = 8.035)

[41]  L Li, L Duan*, S Tong, EJ Anthony. Combustion characteristics of lignite char in a fluidized bed under O2/N2, O2/CO2 and O2/H2O atmospheres. Fuel Processing Technology, 2019, 186: 8-17. (IF = 8.129)

[42]  L Zhou, L Duan*, EJ Anthony. A calcium looping process for simultaneous CO2 capture and peak shaving in a coal-fired power plant. Applied Energy, 2019, 235: 480-486. (IF = 11.446)

[43]  S Tong, L Li, L Duan*, C Zhao, EJ Anthony. A kinetic study on lignite char gasification with CO2 and H2O in a fluidized bed reactor. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 147: 602-609. (IF = 6.465)

[44]  J Chen, L Duan*, Z Sun. Accurate control of cage-like CaO hollow microspheres for enhanced CO2 capture in calcium looping via a template-assisted synthesis approach. Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 53(4): 2249-2259. (IF = 11.360)

[45]  J Chen, L Duan*, T Shi, R Bian, Y Lu, F Donat, EJ Anthony. A facile one-pot synthesis of CaO/CuO hollow microspheres featuring highly porous shells for enhanced CO2 capture in a combined Ca–Cu looping process via a template-free synthesis approach. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7(37): 21096-21105.(IF = 14.510)

[46]  L Li, L Duan*, D Zeng, DY Lu, C Bu, C Zhao. Ignition and volatile combustion behaviors of a single lignite particle in a fluidized bed under O2/H2O condition. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2019, 37(4): 4451-4459. (IF = 6.535)

[47]  S Tong, L Li, L Duan*, C Zhao, EJ Anthony. A kinetic study on lignite char gasification with CO2 and H2O in a fluidized bed reactor. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 147: 602-609. (IF = 6.465)

[48]  J Wang, Y Duan, L Duan*, Y Yan, S Tong, C Zhao. Sulfur enrichment in particulate matter generated from a lab-scale pressurized fluidized bed combustor. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 33(1): 603-611. (IF = 4.654)

[49]  C Su, L Duan*, EJ Anthony. CO2 capture and attrition performance of competitive eco-friendly calcium-based pellets in fluidized bed. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 2018, 8(6): 1124-1133. (IF = 2.518)

[50]  P Yang, L Duan*, H Tang, T Cai, Z Sun. Explaining steam-enhanced carbonation of CaO based on first principles. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 2018, 8(6): 1110-1123. (IF = 2.518)

[51]  J Chen, L Duan*, F Donat, CR Müller, EJ Anthony, M Fan. Self-activated, nanostructured composite for improved CaL-CLC technology. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 351: 1038-1046. (IF = 16.744)

[52]  L Li, Y Duan, L Duan*, C Xu, EJ Anthony. Flow characteristics in pressurized oxy-fuel fluidized bed under hot condition. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2018, 108: 1-10. (IF = 4.044)

[53]  J Cui, L Duan*, Y Jiang, C Zhao, EJ Anthony. Migration and emission of mercury from circulating fluidized bed boilers co-firing petroleum coke and coal. Fuel, 2018, 215: 638-646. (IF = 8.035)

[54]  C Su, L Duan*, F Donat, EJ Anthony. From waste to high value utilization of spent bleaching clay in synthesizing high-performance calcium-based sorbent for CO2 capture. Applied Energy, 2018, 210: 117-126. (IF = 11.446)

[55]  J Cui, L Duan*, L Zhou, C Zhao. Effects of air pollution control devices on the chlorine emission from 410 t/h circulating fluidized bed boilers co-firing petroleum coke and coal. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32(4): 4410-4416. (IF = 4.654)

[56]  L Duan*, J Cui, Y Jiang, C Zhao, EJ Anthony. Partitioning behavior of arsenic in circulating fluidized bed boilers co-firing petroleum coke and coal. Fuel Processing Technology, 2017, 166: 107-114. (IF = 8.129)

[57]  Z Yu, L Duan*, C Su, Y Li, EJ Anthony. Effect of steam hydration on reactivity and strength of cement-supported calcium sorbents for CO2 capture. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 2017, 7(5): 915-926. (IF = 2.518)

[58]  L Duan*, J Chen, Y Jiang, X Li, P Longhurst, M Lei. Experimental and kinetic study of thermal decomposition behaviour of phytoremediation derived pteris vittata. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2017, 128(2): 1207-1216. (IF = 4.755)

[59]  L Duan*, X Li, Y Jiang, M Lei, Z Dong, P Longhurst. Arsenic transformation behaviour during thermal decomposition of P. vittata, an arsenic hyperaccumulator. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2017, 124: 584-591. (IF = 6.437)

[60]  Y Duan, L Duan*, EJ Anthony, C Zhao. Nitrogen and sulfur conversion during pressurized pyrolysis under CO2 atmosphere in fluidized bed. Fuel, 2017, 189: 98-106. (IF = 8.035)

[61]  L Duan*, C Su, M Erans, Y Li, EJ Anthony, H Chen. CO2 capture performance using biomass-templated cement-supported limestone pellets. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55(39): 10294-10300. (IF = 4.326)

[62]  L Duan, D Godino, V Manovic, F Montagnaro, EJ Anthony*. Cyclic oxygen release characteristics of bifunctional copper oxide/calcium oxide composites. Energy Technology, 2016, 4(10): 1171-1178. (IF = 4.149)

[63]  L Duan*, Z Yu, M Erans, Y Li, V Manovic, EJ Anthony. Attrition study of cement-supported biomass-activated calcium sorbents for CO2 capture. 2016, 55(35): 9476-9484. (IF = 4.326)

[64]  L Duan*, H Sun, Y Jiang, EJ Anthony, C Zhao. Partitioning of trace elements, As, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn and Pb, in a 2.5MWth pilot-scale circulating fluidized bed combustor burning an anthracite and a bituminous coal. Fuel Processing Technology, 2016, 146: 1-8. (IF = 8.129)

[65]  L Duan*, Y Duan, Y Sarbassov, Y Li, EJ Anthony. SO3 formation under oxy-CFB combustion conditions. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2015, 43: 172-178. (IF = 4.400)

[66]  L Duan*, Y Duan, C Zhao, EJ Anthony. NO emission during co-firing coal and biomass in an oxy-fuel circulating fluidized bed combustor. Fuel, 2015, 150: 8-13. (IF = 8.035)

[67]  L Duan*, H Sun, C Zhao, W Zhou, X Chen. Coal combustion characteristics on an oxy-fuel circulating fluidized bed combustor with warm flue gas recycle. Fuel, 2014, 127: 47-51. (IF = 8.035)

[68]  C Zhao, X Chen, EJ Anthony, X Jiang, L Duan, Y Wu, W Dong, C Zhao*. Capturing CO2 in flue gas from fossil fuel-fired power plants using dry regenerable alkali metal-based sorbent. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2013, 39(6): 515-534. (IF = 35.340)

[69]  L Duan*, Z Jiang, X Chen, C Zhao. Investigation on water vapor effect on direct sulfation during wet-recycle oxy-coal combustion. Applied Energy, 2013, 108: 121-127. (IF = 11.446)

[70]  L Duan*, Z Jiang, X Chen, C Zhao. Investigation on water vapor effect on direct sulfation during wet-recycle oxy-coal combustion. Applied Energy, 2013, 108: 121-127. (IF = 11.446)

[71]  Z Jiang, L Duan*, X Chen, C Zhao. Effect of water vapor on indirect sulfation during Oxy-fuel combustion. Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27(3): 1505-1512. (IF = 4.654)

[72]  L Duan*, D Liu, X Chen, C Zhao. Fly ash recirculation by bottom feeding on a circulating fluidized bed boiler co-burning coal sludge and coal. Applied Energy, 2012, 95: 295-299. (IF = 11.446)

[73]  L Duan*, W Zhou, H Li, X Chen, C Zhao. Sulfur fate during bituminous coal combustion in an oxy-fired circulating fluidized bed combustor. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2011, 28 (9): 1952-1955. (IF = 3.146)

[74]  L Duan*, G Xu, D Liu, X Chen, C Zhao. Experimental on fly ash recirculation with bottom feeding to improve the performance of a circulating fluidized bed boiler co-burning coal sludge. International Symposium on Coal Combustion, 2011, 553-558

[75]  L Duan*, C Zhao, W Zhou, C Qu, X Chen. O2/CO2 coal combustion characteristics in a 50 kWth circulating fluidized bed. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 2011, 5(4): 770-776. (IF = 4.400)

[76]  L Duan*, C Zhao, Q Ren, Wu Zhou, X Chen. NOx precursors evolution during coal heating process in CO2 atmosphere. Fuel, 2011, 90(4): 1668-1673. (IF = 8.035)

[77]  L Duan*, C Zhao, W Zhou, C Qu, X Chen. Effects of operation parameters on NO emission in an oxy-fired CFB combustor. Fuel Processing Technology, 2011, 92 (3): 379-384.(IF = 8.129)

[78]  L Duan, X Chen, Y Li, C Liang, C Zhao*. Investigation on SO2 emission from 410t/h circulating fluidized bed boiler burning petroleum coke and coal. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2010, 5(2): 274-280. (IF = 1.777)

[79]  L Duan, C Zhao*, W Zhou, C Liang, X Chen. Sulfur evolution from coal combustion in O2/CO2 mixture. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2009, 86(2): 269-273. (IF = 6.437)

[80]  L Duan, C Zhao*, W Zhou, C Qu, X Chen. Investigation on Coal Pyrolysis in CO2 Atmosphere. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23(7): 3826-3830.(IF = 4.654)


[1]     段伦博,崔健, 陈健, 苏成林, 一种利用废白土制备脱砷吸附剂的方法,国家发明专利,201810467634.6.

[2]     段伦博,苏成林,陈健,崔健,一种耦合水泥生产和废白土再利用的碳减排系统,国家发明专利,201711083562.7.

[3]     段伦博,石田,陈健,一种带水合反应器的复合吸收剂循环捕捉CO2的装置及方法,国家发明专利,201810014716.5.

[4]     段伦博,陈健,苏成林,石田,周琳绯,杨朋,一种面向燃气机组热电冷三联产系统的CO2捕捉方法,国家发明专利,201610638507.9.

[5]     段伦博,余志健,陈健,苏成林,石田,周琳绯,一种利用Ca/Cu基复合颗粒捕集烟气中CO2的装置及方法,国家发明专利,201610320123.2.

[6]     段伦博,黄恩和,王善普,曹玉,孙世超,一种烟气酸露点在线测量装置和方法,国家发明专利,201610824443.1.

[7]     段伦博,苏成林,陈健,段元强,余志健,一种协同实现火电机组储能调峰和碳捕捉的装置及方法,国家发明专利,201610323102.6.

[8]     段伦博,段元强,赵长遂,一种纯氧燃烧实现CO2捕集和水循环利用的方法及系统,国家发明专利,201610027301.2.

[9]     段伦博,余志健,段元强,赵长遂,一种颗粒机械强度的测量装置及方法,国家发明专利,201510154252.4.

[10]  段伦博,段元强,陈惠超,赵长遂,一种Cu/Ca基化合物联合循环捕捉CO2的方法及装置,国家发明专利,201410295360.9.

[11]  段伦博,陈健,石田,周琳绯,赵长遂,一种低能耗实现燃气机组热电冷三联产零碳排放的方法,国家发明专利,201610825258.4.

[12]  段伦博,段元强,陈惠超,赵长遂,带水合反应器的钙基吸收剂循环捕捉CO2的装置及方法,国家发明专利,201410409410.1.

[13]  段伦博,段元强,陈晓平,吴新,赵长遂,一种可双向控制返料的密封反料阀,国家发明专利,201310393754.3.

[14]  段伦博,韩冬,段钰锋,向文国,一种富氧燃烧热量利用的方法及装置,国家发明专利,201310154024.8.

[15]  段伦博,韩冬,段钰锋,向文国,一种富氧燃烧热量梯级利用的方法及装置,国家发明专利,201310154154.1.

[16]  段伦博,韩冬,段钰锋,向文国,一种富氧燃烧机组热量梯级利用的方法及装置,国家发明专利,201310154346.2.

[17]  段伦博,段钰锋,赵长遂,陈晓平,桑圣欢,王卉,一种燃烟气中SOx测试方法和装置,国家发明专利,201210248424.0.

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[1]     姜中孝,《水蒸气对O2/CO2燃煤特性的影响机理》,硕士研究生,2010.090-2013.05,协助指导

[2]     胡海华,《增压流化床O2/CO2燃煤特性及SO2/NO排放特性试验研究》,硕士研究生,2011.09-2014.05,协助指导

[3]     韩冬,《O2/CO2燃烧全流程建模及系统优化》,硕士研究生,2011.09 -2014.05,协助指导

[4]     潘玄,《生物质混煤O2/CO2燃烧与污染物排放特性实验研究》,硕士研究生,2011.09 -2014.06,协助指导。

[5]     孙海程,《循环流化床煤燃烧痕量元素迁移特性实验研究》,硕士研究生,2012.09-2015.06,指导

[6]     段元强,《流化床增压富氧煤燃烧污染物排放特性研究》,博士研究生(硕博连续),2013.09-2020.07,指导

[7]     李小乐,《蜈蚣草热处理过程中砷迁移规律研究》,硕士研究生,2014.09-2017.05,指导

[8]     余志健,《成型钙基吸收剂钙循环反应活性及强度研究》,硕士研究生,2014.09-2017.05,指导

[9]     陈健,《面向新型钙循环耦合CO2甲烷干重整技术的材料研制及其反应性能研究》,博士研究生(硕博连续),2015.09-2021.07,指导

[10]  苏成林,《耦合水泥生产成型钙基吸收剂循环吸收CO2的性能研究》,硕士研究生,2015.09-2018.06,指导

[11]  崔健,《煤与石油焦混燃的循环流化床锅炉重金属、SOxCl排放特性》,硕士研究生,2015.09-2018.06,指导

[12]  李林,《煤颗粒流化床增压富氧燃烧机理研究》,博士研究生,2016.03-2021.05,指导

[13]  石田,《纳米钙铜复合吸收剂捕捉CO2的循环反应特性及其数值模拟》,硕士研究生,2016.09-2019.06,指导

[14]  薛现恒,《不同炉型 CFB 锅炉 SNCR 脱硝的现场试验与数值模拟研究》,硕士研究生,2016.09-2019.06,指导

[15]  童帅,《CO2H2O对褐煤流化床富氧燃烧的影响研究及动力学分析》,硕士研究生,2016.09-2019.06,指导

[16]  王佳,《流化床增压富氧条件下AAEMS元素在燃煤细颗粒物中的赋存特性研究》,硕士研究生,2016.09-2019.06,指导

[17]  颜勇,《Oxy-CFB锅炉宽氧浓度运行策略及350MWe超临界Oxy-CFB锅炉概念设计研究》,硕士研究生,2016.09-2019.06,指导

[18]  杨朋,《钙基吸收剂表面竞争吸附机理的第一性原理研究》,硕士研究生,2016.09-2019.06,指导

[19]  周琳绯,《CCS技术耦合燃煤电站深度储能调峰的系统构建和性能研究》,硕士研究生,2016.09-2019.06,指导

[20]  鲍中凯,《增压流化床炉内水平管传热特性研究》,硕士研究生,2017.09-2020.06,指导

[21]  张奇月,《CFB机组变煤质最大出力预测研究》,硕士研究生,2017.09-2020.06,指导

[22]  杨志豪,《增压富氧流化床内生物质颗粒运动及燃烧特性》,硕士研究生,2017.09-2020.06,指导

[23]  卢欲晓,《铜、铈复合氧化物催化剂的火焰喷雾热解合成及催化燃烧丙烯研究》,硕士研究生,2017.09-2020.06,指导

[24]  吴柯,《煤基超临界二氧化碳动力循环发电系统构建及性能研究》,硕士研究生,2017.09-2020.06,指导

[25]  金弘琨,《介孔羰基硫水解催化剂的制备与性能研究》,硕士研究生,2018.09-2021.06,指导

[26]  孙世超,《新型气动式旋风分离器冷态实验及数值模拟研究》,硕士研究生,2018.09-2021.06,指导

[27]  石志鹏,《超低排放燃煤电厂非常规污染物迁移和排放特性研究》,硕士研究生,2018.09-2021.06,指导

[28]  仇兴雷,《流化床增压富氧燃烧细颗粒物排放与沉积特性实验研究》,硕士研究生,2018.09-2021.06,指导

[29]  卞若愚,《O3-NH3协同作用下活性焦低温脱硫脱硝实验研究》,硕士研究生,2018.09-2021.06,指导

[30]  武万强,《待定》,博士研究生,2019.03至今,指导

[31]  黄宇,《待定》,博士研究生,2019.09至今,指导

[32]  刘雪,《待定》,博士研究生(定向),2019.09至今,指导

[33]  洪溥,《CO2对煤流化床增压富氧燃烧的影响及同位素示踪解耦气化反应研究》,硕士研究生,2019.09-2022.06,指导

[34]  吴建雯,《循环流化床富氧燃烧储能调峰系统构建与分析》,硕士研究生,2019.09-2022.06,指导

[35]  周镇港,《压力对煤燃烧过程中亚微米颗粒物生成影响的数值模拟研究》,硕士研究生,2019.09-2022.06,指导

[36]  高贺同,《待定》,博士研究生(硕博连续),2019.09至今,指导

[37]  周智浩,《待定》,博士研究生(硕博连续),2019.09至今,指导

[38]  包旭,《待定》,硕士研究生,2020.09至今,指导

[39]  黄超,《待定》,硕士研究生,2020.09至今,指导

[40]  徐昊,《待定》,硕士研究生,2020.09至今,指导

[41]  李天新,《待定》,博士研究生(硕博连续),2020.09至今,指导

[42]  厉志鹏,《待定》,博士研究生,2021.09至今,指导

[43]  王煜兴,《待定》,博士研究生(硕博连续),2021.09,指导

[44]  牛晓雪,《待定》,硕士研究生,2021.09至今,指导

[45]  陆佳慧,《待定》,硕士研究生,2021.09至今,指导

[46]  张雨琪,《待定》,硕士研究生,2021.09至今,指导

[47]  徐禛,《待定》,博士研究生(硕博连续),2021.09至今,指导

[48]  刘恒,《待定》,硕士研究生,2022.09至今,指导

[49]  刘崇,《待定》,硕士研究生,2022.09至今,指导

[50]  范圣玮,《待定》,硕士研究生,2022.09至今,指导