



1. CO2生物/电催化转化

2. 可再生合成燃料及化学品

3. 微生物能源转化





        林日琛,山东烟台人,东南大学青年首席教授,入选国家高层次人才计划青年项目、斯坦福大学全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(2022年度) 。2011年本科毕业于东南大学,2016年博士毕业于浙江大学(导师:岑可法院士、程军教授),毕业后在爱尔兰科克大学历任博士后、玛丽居里研究员等(合作导师:Jerry Murphy教授),回国前任科克大学工程学院讲师(助理教授),2022年全职加入东南大学。立足碳中和背景下生物能源转化制取可再生合成燃料及化学品领域,围绕“微生物-非生物界面电子传递”问题,开展(1)CO2生物/电化学合成技术(如制取甲烷、多碳酸、醇等),(2)生物质小分子电催化提质联产绿氢,(3)生物质生化-热化学耦合技术等方面研究

        近年来获欧盟委员会玛丽居里学者荣誉(20182020),主持国家自然科学基金(面上项目)、爱尔兰环保部、可再生能源部、企业署等项目。研究成果在Trends Biotechnol.Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev.Chem. Eng. J.等国际高水平期刊发表SCI论文余篇,引用4000次,H指数40参与撰写英文专著2部。担任中科院旗舰SCI期刊Engineering青年编委





2022 Environmental Engineering, University College Cork, Ireland

2021 Water and Wastewater Treatment, University College Cork, Ireland

科研 教改项目


1. 国家高层次人才青年项目,2021-2024,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,微生物电还原CO2产多碳脂肪酸跨界面电子传递机理及碳氢迁移定向调控,2023-2026,主持。

3. 江苏省科技计划国际合作,绿电驱动生物基呋喃二甲酸连续流制备技术,2024-2027,主持。

4. 南京市留学人员科技创新项目择优资助,2024,主持。

5. 浙江大学能源清洁高效利用国家重点实验室开放基金,生物质羧酸电解偶联定向制取高值烷烃和绿氢,2024-2025,主持。

6. 欧盟委员会,玛丽居里学者项目,From CO2 to Hydrocarbons in a circular bioelectro- and photochemical system, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands2021-082023-07187,866欧元,主持

7. 爱尔兰企业署,Towards sustainable solar driven CO2 reduction with water as cosubstrate2020-052021-515,998欧元,主持。

8. 爱尔兰可再生能源部SEAIDeveloping Economic solutions for on-farm Anaerobic Digestion technologies under Irish conditions2020-032023-02324,065欧元,共同主持。

9. 爱尔兰环保部EPAProduction of Advanced Gaseous Biomethane transport fuel in an integrated circular bioenergy system2019-032022-03341,596欧元,主持。

10. 欧盟委员会,玛丽居里学者项目,Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer in advanced anaerobic digestion system for gaseous transport biofuel production, University College Cork, Ireland2018-052020-04187,866欧元,主持。

论文 专著





1.       Ning, X., L. Liu, R. Lin, R. O’Shea, C. Deng, X. Xuan, R. Xia, D.M. Wall, and J.D. Murphy, Microbe-electrode interactions on biocathodes are facilitated through tip-enhanced electric fields during CO2-fed microbial electrosynthesis. Cell Reports Physical Science, 2024. 5(11).

2.       Xu, S.Y., Y.J. Jiang, J. Liu, J.C.H. Lam, R.C. Lin, L. Shuai, F. Shen, W.L. Zhu, and B. Song, Hydrothermal Valorization of Biosugars with Heterogeneous Catalysts: Advances, Catalyst Deactivation, Mitigation Strategies and Perspectives. ChemSusChem, 2024.

3.       Wu, B.T., R.C. Lin, J. Gu, H.R. Yuan, and J.D. Murphy, Biochar confers significant microbial resistance to ammonia toxicity in n-caproic acid production. Water Research, 2024. 266.

4.       Ning, X., R.C. Lin, J. Mao, C. Deng, L.K. Ding, R. O'Shea, D.M. Wall, and J.D. Murphy, Improving the efficiency of anaerobic digestion and optimising CO2 bioconversion through the enhanced local electric field at the microbe-electrode interface. Energy Conversion and Management, 2024. 304.

5.       Liu, J., R. Burciaga, S. Tang, S. Ding, H. Ran, W. Zhao, G. Wang, Z. Zhuang, L. Xie, Z. Lyu, Y. Lin, A. Du, A. Yuan, J. Fu, B. Song, et al., Heterogeneous catalysis for the environment. The Innovation Materials, 2024. 2(3): p. 100090.

6.       Li, Y.F., R.C. Lin, R. O'Shea, V. Thaore, D. Wall, and J.D. Murphy, A perspective on three sustainable hydrogen production technologies with a focus on technology readiness level, cost of production and life cycle environmental impacts. Heliyon, 2024. 10(5).

7.       He, X.M., C. Deng, P.F. Li, W.B. Yu, H.C. Chen, R.C. Lin, D.K. Shen, and S. Baroutian, The impact of salinity on biomethane production and microbial community in the anaerobic digestion of food waste components. Energy, 2024. 294.

8.       Deng, C., K. Rajendran, R. Varshini, and R.C. Lin, Economic viability of two-stage biohydrogen and biomethane production from cassava stillage residue focusing on solids content and pretreatment. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024. 52: p. 110-121.

9.       Wu, B.T., R.C. Lin, A. Bose, J.D. Huerta, X.H. Kang, C. Deng, and J.D. Murphy, Economic and environmental viability of biofuel production from organic wastes: A pathway towards competitive carbon neutrality. Energy, 2023. 285.

10.     Rusmanis, D., Y. Yang, A.I.F. Long, N. Gray, K.C. Martins, S.O.O. Loideain, R.C. Lin, X.H. Kang, D.O. Cusack, J.G. Carton, R. Monaghan, J.D. Murphy, and D.M. Wall, Electrofuels in a circular economy: A systems approach towards net zero. Energy Conversion and Management, 2023. 292.

11.     Ning, X., C. Deng, X.H. Kang, R. O'Shea, D.M. Wall, R.C. Lin, and J.D. Murphy, Biochar facilitates biofuel production through batch single-stage and two-stage digestion of grass silage and cattle slurry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023. 426.

12.     Ning, X., C. Deng, D.T. Hickey, A. Hackula, R. O'Shea, D.M. Wall, R.C. Lin, and J.D. Murphy, Improving biomethane production from biochar-supplemented two-stage anaerobic digestion of on-farm feedstocks. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023. 423.

13.     Kang, X.H., C. Deng, R. Shinde, R.C. Lin, and J.D. Murphy, Renewable deep eutectic solvents pretreatment improved the efficiency of anaerobic digestion by lignin extraction from willow. Energy Conversion and Management, 2023. 288.

14.     Deng, C., X.H. Kang, R.C. Lin, B.T. Wu, X. Ning, D. Wall, and J.D. Murphy, Boosting biogas production from recalcitrant lignin-based feedstock by adding lignin-derived carbonaceous materials within the anaerobic digestion process. Energy, 2023. 278.

15.     Song, B., X.W. Cao, W.R. Gao, S. Aziz, S. Gao, C.H. Lam, and R.C. Lin, Preparation of nano-biochar from conventional biorefineries for high-value applications. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2022. 157.

16.     Rusmanis, D., Y. Yang, R. Lin, D.M. Wall, and J.D. Murphy, Operation of a circular economy, energy, environmental system at a wastewater treatment plant. Advances in Applied Energy, 2022. 8.

17.     O'Shea, R., R.C. Lin, D.M. Wall, and J.D. Murphy, Assessing decarbonisation pathways in the food and beverage sector: A multi-criteria decision analysis approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022. 371.

18.     O'Shea, R., R.C. Lin, D.M. Wall, J.D. Browne, and J.D. Murphy, A comparison of digestate management options at a large anaerobic digestion plant. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022. 317.

19.     Deng, C., R.C. Lin, X.H. Kang, B.T. Wu, X. Ning, D. Wall, and J.D. Murphy, Co-production of hydrochar, levulinic acid and value-added chemicals by microwave-assisted hydrothermal carbonization of seaweed. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022. 441.

20.     Bose, A., R. O'Shea, R.C. Lin, A. Long, K. Rajendran, D. Wall, S. De, and J.D. Murphy, The marginal abatement cost of co-producing biomethane, food and biofertiliser in a circular economy system. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2022. 169.

21.     Bose, A., R. O'Shea, R. Lin, A. Long, K. Rajendran, D. Wall, S. De, and J.D. Murphy, Evaluation of a biomethane, food and biofertiliser polygeneration system in a circular economy system. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2022. 170.

22.     Lin, R.C., C. Deng, W.Y. Zhang, F. Hollmann, and J.D. Murphy, Production of Bio-alkanes from Biomass and CO2. Trends in Biotechnology, 2021. 39(4): p. 370-380.

23.     Feng, D., X.B. Guo, R.C. Lin, A. Xia, Y. Huang, Q. Liao, X.Q. Zhu, X. Zhu, and J.D. Murphy, How can ethanol enhance direct interspecies electron transfer in anaerobic digestion? Biotechnology Advances, 2021. 52.

荣誉 奖励

2021 国家高层次人才(青年项目

2020 欧盟玛丽居里学者(Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship),荷兰代尔夫特理工大学

2018 欧盟玛丽居里学者(Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship), 爱尔兰科克大学

2016 浙江大学、浙江省优秀毕业生

