



1. CO2生物/电催化转化

2. 可再生合成燃料及化学品

3. 微生物能源转化





        林日琛,山东烟台人,东南大学青年首席教授,入选国家高层次人才计划青年项目、斯坦福大学全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(2022年度) 。2011年本科毕业于东南大学,2016年博士毕业于浙江大学(导师:岑可法院士、程军教授),毕业后在爱尔兰科克大学历任博士后、玛丽居里研究员等(合作导师:Jerry Murphy教授),回国前任科克大学工程学院讲师(助理教授),2022年全职加入东南大学。立足碳中和背景下生物能源转化制取可再生合成燃料及化学品领域,围绕“微生物-非生物界面电子传递”问题,开展(1)CO2生物/电化学合成技术(如制取甲烷、多碳酸、醇等),(2)生物质小分子电催化提质联产绿氢,(3)生物质生化-热化学耦合技术等方面研究

        近年来获欧盟委员会玛丽居里学者荣誉(20182020),主持国家自然科学基金(面上项目)、爱尔兰环保部、可再生能源部、企业署等项目。研究成果在Trends Biotechnol.Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev.Chem. Eng. J.等国际高水平期刊发表SCI论文余篇,引用4000次,H指数40参与撰写英文专著2部。担任中科院旗舰SCI期刊Engineering青年编委





2022 Environmental Engineering, University College Cork, Ireland

2021 Water and Wastewater Treatment, University College Cork, Ireland

科研 教改项目


1. 国家高层次人才青年项目,2021-2024,主持。

2. 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,微生物电还原CO2产多碳脂肪酸跨界面电子传递机理及碳氢迁移定向调控,2023-2026,54万,主持。

3. 欧盟委员会,玛丽居里学者项目,From CO2 to Hydrocarbons in a circular bioelectro- and photochemical system, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands2021-082023-07187,866欧元,主持

4. 爱尔兰企业署,Towards sustainable solar driven CO2 reduction with water as cosubstrate2020-052021-515,998欧元,主持。

5. 爱尔兰可再生能源部SEAIDeveloping Economic solutions for on-farm Anaerobic Digestion technologies under Irish conditions2020-032023-02324,065欧元,共同主持。

6. 爱尔兰环保部EPAProduction of Advanced Gaseous Biomethane transport fuel in an integrated circular bioenergy system2019-032022-03341,596欧元,主持。

7. 欧盟委员会,玛丽居里学者项目,Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer in advanced anaerobic digestion system for gaseous transport biofuel production, University College Cork, Ireland2018-052020-04187,866欧元,主持。

论文 专著





  1. Richen Lin; Chen Deng; Wuyuan Zhang; Frank Hollmann; Jerry D. Murphy*; Production of Bio-alkanes from Biomass and CO2, Trends in Biotechnology, 2021, 39(4): 370-380.

  2. Richen Lin; Richard O'Shea; Chen Deng; Benteng Wu; Jerry D Murphy*; A perspective on the efficacy of green gas production via integration of technologies in novel cascading circular bio-systems, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021, 150: 111427.

  3. Xue Ning; Richen Lin*; Richard O'Shea; David Wall; Chen Deng; Benteng Wu; Jerry D Murphy; Emerging bioelectrochemical technologies for biogas production and upgrading in cascading circular bioenergy systems; iScience, 2021, 24, 102998.

  4. Bing Song; Richen Lin*; Chun Ho Lam; Hao Wu; To-Hung Tsui; Yun Yu; Recent advances and challenges of inter-disciplinary biomass valorization by integrating hydrothermal and biological techniques, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2021, 135. (ESI高被引)

  5. Richen Lin; Chen Deng; Jun Cheng*; Jerry D. Murphy; Low concentrations of furfural facilitate biohydrogen production in dark fermentation using Enterobacter aerogenes, Renewable Energy, 2020, 150: 23-30.

  6. Richen Lin; Chen Deng; Lingkan Ding; Archishman Bose; Jerry D Murphy; Improving gaseous biofuel production from seaweed Saccharina latissima, Energy conversion and management: The effect of hydrothermal pretreatment on energy efficiency, 2019, 196,1385-1394.

  7. Archishman Bose; Richen Lin*; Karthik Rajendran*; Richard O'Shea; Ao Xia; Jerry D. Murphy*; How to optimise photosynthetic biogas upgrading: a perspective on system design and microalgae selection, Biotechnology Advances, 2019, 37.

  8. Richen Lin; Jun Cheng*; Lingkan Ding; Jerry D. Murphy; Improved efficiency of anaerobic digestion through direct interspecies electron transfer at mesophilic and thermophilic temperature ranges, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 350: 681-691. (ESI高被引)

  9. Richen Lin*; Chen Deng; Jun Cheng; Ao Xia; Piet N.L. Lens; Stephen A. Jackson; Alan D.W. Dobson; Jerry D. Murphy; Graphene facilitates biomethane production from protein derived glycine in anaerobic digestion, iScience, 2018, 10: 158-170.

  10. Richen Lin; Jun Cheng*; Jiabei Zhang; Junhu Zhou; Kefa Cen; Jerry D. Murphy; Boosting biomethane yield and production rate with graphene: The potential of direct interspecies electron transfer in anaerobic digestion, Bioresource Technology, 2017, (239): 345-352. (ESI高被引)

荣誉 奖励

2021 国家高层次人才(青年项目

2020 欧盟玛丽居里学者(Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship),荷兰代尔夫特理工大学

2018 欧盟玛丽居里学者(Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship), 爱尔兰科克大学

2016 浙江大学、浙江省优秀毕业生

