
能源工程系教授 博导








李文明,男,19865月生,博士,东南大学能源与环境学院青年首席教授,2022年获得国家级青年人才和东南大学紫金青年学者称号,长期从事微尺度流动与传热领域的前沿基础研究,致力于解决微通道流动沸腾传热的瓶颈问题,主要研究领域包括微尺度流动与传热、热电转换、高功率密度电子元器件热管理以及先进两相冷却技术等。2012年硕士毕业于华中科技大学,2018年博士毕业于美国南卡罗莱纳大学,师从工程热物理领域学者Chen Li (李琛) 教授,于2017年获得南卡罗莱纳大学突破性研究生奖和中国国家优秀自费留学生奖学金。毕业后在美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学从事博士后研究一年。201905月至202106月在美国佐治亚理工学院从事博士后研究,师从工程热物理领域国际著名学者Yogendra Joshi教授。目前在国际知名期刊发表SCI文章40余篇,其中以第一作者分别在Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Applied Physics Letters, LangmuirInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer上发表文章12篇,Web of Science他引1500余次,H-指数25,是国际知名SCI期刊Nature communicationsAdvanced Materials以及Small等的审稿人。基于特斯拉微通道流动沸腾的散热技术入选2023年度江苏省行业领域(基础研究领域)十大科技进展十大科技进展(排名第二)




研究生全英文课程:微纳尺度传热-Micro/nano heat transfer

科研 教改项目

2025/01-2028/12 国自然面上项目:硅基特斯拉微通道流动沸腾传热机理与强化方法研究,48万,负责人




论文 专著


1.  Tianhua Chen, Zhaoxuan Liu, Qun Han and Wenming Li*, Parametric study of water spray cooling on relatively large enhanced surfaces, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 107 (2024) 109355

2.   Zhengshuai Cao, Tianhua Chen, Juan Shi and Wenming Li*, Enhanced performance of thermoelectric generation system by increasing temperature difference using spray cooling, Applied Thermal Engineering, 252(2024)123679

3.  Jingwei Han, Zhaoxuan Liu, Qun Han, Tianhua Chen and Wenming Li*Thermal performance of a two-pass microchannel evaporatorInternational Journal of Thermal Sciences, 205 (2024) 109291

4.   Qun Han, Zhaoxuan Liu, Siyan Yang, Jingwei Han, Zuankai Wang and Wenming Li*, The role of Tesla valves in microchannel flow boiling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 234(2024) ,126148

5.  Zhaoxuan Liu, Qun Han, Jingwei Han, Yuanle Zhang, Xuemei Chen and Wenming Li*, Flow boiling in a relatively large copper heat sink comprised of Tesla microchannels, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 236 (2025) 126366

6. Tianhua Chen and Wenming Li*, Highly efficient spray cooling enabled by acoustic microdroplet atomizer, Droplet, 接收, 2024

7. Congcong Ren, Jingwei Han, Wei Chang, Chen Li and Wenming Li*, Transient thermal characteristics of microchannel flow boiling, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2025(211) 109679

8. Congcong Ren, Zhaoxuan Liu, Li Shan and Wenming Li*, Optimization of thermal performance in a mini-tube with jet chamber insert, J. Thermal Sci. Eng. Appl. Under review, 2024

9. Zhaoxuan Liu, Congcong Ren, Wenming Li, and Li Shan*, Experimental study of enhanced convection in mini-tube with jet chamber insert using infrared thermometry, Applied Thermal Engineering, 261 (2025) 125115

10. Zhaoxuan Liu, Congcong Ren, Wenming Li and Li Shan*, Numerical investigation of enhanced thermal performance in a mini-tube inserted with winged jet chambers, Heat Transfer Engineering, in revision, 2024

11. Zhaoxuan Liu, Li Shan and Wenming Li*, Enhanced thermal performance of mini-tube with chained-jet-chamber insert, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2025(211) 109701

12. Jingwei Han, Zhaoxuan Liu, Wenming Li and Li Shan*, Enhanced flow boiling by manipulating two-phase flow in Tesla channel heat sink using HFE-7100, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 210(2025), 109571


1.   Zhengshuai Cao and Wenming Li*, A day-night solar thermoelectric generator enabled by phase change material phase change material and forced water cooling, Solar Energy 268(2024)112315

2.   Qun Han, Jiaxuan Ma, Wei Chang, Chen Li, Yan Tong and Wenming Li*, Bubble dynamics and their effects on interfacial heat transfer in one single microchannel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 221 (2024) 125060

3.   Qun Han, Wenhao Lai, Zhaoxuan Liu, Lirong Li and Wenming Li*, A comparative study of enhanced thermal performance in Tesla-type microchannels, Applied Thermal Engineering, 239 (2024) 122157

4.   Qun Han, Zhaoxuan Liu, Chengbin Zhang, Wenming Li*, Enhanced single-phase and flow boiling heat transfer performance in saw-tooth copper microchannels with high L/Dh ratio, Applied Thermal Engineering, 236(2024) 121478

5.   Wenming Li, Siyan Yang, Yongping Chen*, Chen Li and Zuankai Wang*, Tesla valves and capillary structures-activated thermal regulator, Nature Communications, 14, 3996 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-39289-5

6.   Zhaoxuan Liu, Qun Han, Chengbin Zhang and Wenming Li*, Experimental investigation of two-phase heat transfer in saw-tooth copper microchannels, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 196 (2024) 108740

7.   Qun Han, Zhaoxuan Liu, Yongping Chen, Wenming Li*, Enhance flow boiling in Tesla-type microchannels by inhibiting two-phase backflow, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 214 (2023), 124471

8.   陈天华,刘兆轩,韩群,张程宾,李文明*. 喷雾冷却换热强化研究进展及影响因素[J]. 化工学报,  2023DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20230151

9.  刘兆轩,张程宾,韩群,姜海涛, 李文明*, 锯齿型微通道流动与传热特性数值模拟, 化工进展2022-2321

10.  Qun Han, Zhaoxuan Liu, Wenming Li*, Enhanced thermal performance by spatial chaotic mixing in a saw-like microchannel, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Volume 186, April 2023, 108148


1.  Wenming Li*, Kai Luo, Chen Li, and Yogendra Joshi*, A remarkable CHF of 345W/cm2 is achieved in a wicked-microchannel using HFE-7100”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer187 (2022), 122527

2.  Wenming Li, Chen Li, Zuankai Wang, and Yongping Chen*,Enhanced Flow Boiling in Microchannels integrated with supercapillary pinfin fences”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer183 (2022), 122185



1.Wenming Li  and  Yogendra Joshi, “Wick-assisted evaporation for EV internal  permanent  magnet (IPM) motor drive cooling”, provisional patent filing  by the  Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GTRC) on May 1, 2020

2. 陈永平,李文明,韩群,一种特斯拉型微通道流动沸腾换热器及其制备方法,发明专利-202211209815.1,2023

荣誉 奖励
  • 二极管微流道有序沸腾突破800W/cm2极端热流散热入选2023年度江苏省行业领域(基础研究领域)十大科技进展十大科技进展(排名第二)

  • 2022年入选国家级青年人才称号

  • 2022年入选东南大学紫金学者(华为支持) 

  • 2017年获得南卡罗莱纳大学研究生突破奖(全校每年仅13名)

  • 2017年获得中国国家优秀自费留学生奖学金(全球每年仅500名)



博士研究生:曹政帅, 刘兆轩,陈天华,韩京玮
