1. Tianhua Chen, Zhaoxuan Liu, Qun Han and Wenming Li*, Parametric study of water spray cooling on relatively large enhanced surfaces, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 107 (2024) 109355 2. Zhengshuai Cao, Tianhua Chen, Juan Shi and Wenming Li*, Enhanced performance of thermoelectric generation system by increasing temperature difference using spray cooling, Applied Thermal Engineering, 252(2024)123679
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1. Wenming Li*, Kai Luo, Chen Li, and Yogendra Joshi*, “A remarkable CHF of 345W/cm2 is achieved in a wicked-microchannel using HFE-7100”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,187 (2022), 122527 2. Wenming Li, Chen Li, Zuankai Wang, and Yongping Chen*,“Enhanced Flow Boiling in Microchannels integrated with supercapillary pinfin fences”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,183 (2022), 122185