Building Environment and Equipment Engineering


The major mainly trains senior engineering and technical personnel who has basic theoretical knowledge and capability of design, installation and commissioning, operation management on indoor environmental system and equipment & the system of structural public facilities and  research and development of every department of national economy requiring special building, and who can be engaged in the design research, manufacture and installation, property management and other departments on building environment and equipment and related scientific research, production, teaching and other units.


The major pays attention to overlapping and fusion of architecture, mechanical, electrical, thermal, environmental protection and other multi-disciplinary. Its main research direction includes the heating of building, ventilation and air conditioning, building water supply and drainage engineering and the control of building environment. Through the study of the theory of mechanics, heat engineering, electronics in electrical engineering,automatic control, and architectural environment engineering, students can master the basic theory and knowledge in physical environment of architecture and the system of environmental control; Through the basic skills training in heat and mass transfer equipment, water supply and drainage engineering, the system of air conditioning in high-rise buildings, architecture electrics, the technology of gas transmission and distribution, energy conservationin building, equipment automation in building , industrial ventilation, energy science, equipment engineering budget, the control of air pollution and other courses,  students are able to have the basic ability for the design, operation, experimental study in the system of building heating, ventilation and air conditioning and equipment.Students are also able to develop thestrong self-learning ability, the ability to work independently, and good sense of creation and innovation and strong comprehensive quality.


The graduates can engage in the area of designing, research, production, management and teaching of the systems instructural public facilities, in the institute of architectural design, construction companies, property management departments and the relevant scientific research units, universities and enterprises.