




课题组在 暖通、低温、工热、热动方向招收优秀硕博士、







钱华,男,1978年生,博士,东南大学能源与环境学院教授,博士生导师。上海交大制冷与低温工程学士,硕士;香港大学机械工程系博士。兼任世卫组织呼吸道病原体空气传播主题专家(中国大陆3人),中国环境学会室内环境与健康分会副主任委员,航天推进剂技术国家重点实验室客座研究员等,主持或主持完成国家级项目7项,省部级等纵向项目9项及波音公司等企业横向20余项。已发表论文200余篇,其中SCI索引136篇,论文被SCI期刊引用9000余次,ESI高被引(前1%)论文6篇,包括热点(前0.1%)2篇,2篇为美国国家环保局推荐的“室内空气与新冠”关键文献(2/54),论文被世卫组织标准6篇次引用以及美英德等多国官方政策文件10多次引用。四篇论文分别获得了SCI期刊Indoor Air, Building and Environment 以及科学通报,最佳期刊论文奖。两次获邀参与香山科学会,生态环境领域2022年“最美科技工作者”。最近两次都全球前 2%顶尖科学家(前1%), 2017年获江苏省科技奖一等奖(排名10),2022年度江苏省科技奖二等奖(排1)


研究生课程: Indoor Air quality
本科生课程: 建筑环境学

科研 教改项目
  1.          国家自然科学基金面上项目:生物气溶胶呼吸道吸入特性及沉积规律研究 主持 61万 2020-2023 

  2.        科技部重点研发计划子课题:人体微环境对个体暴露的影响机理 主持 2018-2021 40万

  3.        科技部重点研发计划课题:室内微生物群落特征、健康评估及污染水平预测 主持 522万(其中国拨222万)2017-2020

  4.         国家自然科学基金面上项目:室内温度分层环境下人呼出热射流规律及飞沫散布机理 主持 60万 2018-2021

  5.         波音公司:机场感染风险快速预测模型  主持  15万美金,2021-2022

  6.        国家自然科学基金面上项目:自然通风房间内呼吸道传染病传播机理及工程控制 主持80万 2014-2017.

  7.        国家十二五科技支撑计划:自然通风与围护结构蓄热耦合技术研究 主持 38.5万 2011-2015.

  8.        国家自然科学基金:雾化治疗呼吸道疾病中飞沫的产生和运动机理研究 主持 21万 2009-2011 .

  9.        江苏省自然科学基金:空气途径传染病通风控制研究 主持 10万 2009-2012 .

  10.        国家人事部留学归国人员科技活动择优类:自然通风控制空媒传染病的若干重要关键问题研究 4万 主持 2010-2013 .

  11.        中船工业系统研究院,一系列项目,150万,主持 2016-现在

  12.        航天低温推进剂技术国家重点实验室:一系列项目, 75万, 主持 2015-现在

  13.        南山研究院:院感防控技术模拟与咨询 20万主持 2017-2019

论文 专著

1. Shu, Z.Y., Lei, G., Liu, Z.Q., Liang, W.Q., Zheng, X.H., Ma, J.C., Lu, F.M., and Qian, H.*, Motion trajectory prediction model of hydrogen leak and diffusion in a stable thermally-stratified environment. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022. 47(3): p. 2040-2049.

2. Ma, L., Zheng, X., Guo, Y., Zhong, W., Zhang, Y., and Qian, H.*, A multi-zone spatial flow impact factor model for evaluating and layout optimization of infection risk in a Fangcang shelter hospital. Building and Environment, 2022: p. 108931.

3. Ye, J., Qian, H.*, Zhang, J., Sun, F., Zhuge, Y., Zheng, X., and Cao, G., Concentrations and size-resolved I/O ratios of household airborne bacteria and fungi in Nanjing, southeast China. Science of The Total Environment, 2021. 774: p. 145559.

4. Ye, J., Qian, H.*, Zhang, J., Sun, F., Zhuge, Y., and Zheng, X., Combining culturing and 16S rDNA sequencing to reveal seasonal and room variations of household airborne bacteria and correlative environmental factors in nanjing, southeast china. Indoor air, 2021.

5. Ye, J., Qian, H.*, Ma, J., Zhou, R., and Zheng, X., Using air curtains to reduce short-range infection risk in consulting ward: A numerical investigation. Building Simulation, 2021. 14(2): p. 325-335.

6. Song, J.W., Qian, H.*, Zhao, D.L., Jiang, W.X., and Zheng, X.H., Particulate matter emission by an isolated rotating wheel. Building Simulation, 2021. 14(4): p. 1163-1173.

7. Shu, Z.Y., Liang, W.Q., Zheng, X.H., Lei, G., Cao, P., Dai, W.X., and Qian, H.*, Dispersion characteristics of hydrogen leakage: Comparing the prediction model with the experiment. Energy, 2021. 236.

8. Qian, H., Miao, T., Liu, L., Zheng, X., Luo, D., and Li, Y.*, Indoor transmission of SARS‐CoV‐2. Indoor air, 2021. 31(3): p. 639-645.

9. Ma, J., Qian, H.*, Nielsen, P.V., Liu, L., Li, Y., and Zheng, X., What dominates personal exposure? Ambient airflow pattern or local human thermal plume. Building and Environment, 2021. 196: p. 107790.

10. Liu, F., Qian, H.*, Luo, Z., and Zheng, X., The impact of indoor thermal stratification on the dispersion of human speech droplets. Indoor air, 2021. 31(2): p. 369-382.

11. Liu, F., Luo, Z.W., Li, Y.G., Zheng, X.H., Zhang, C.Y., and Qian, H.*, Revisiting physical distancing threshold in indoor environment using infection-risk-based modeling. Environment International, 2021. 153.

12. Liang, W.Q., Xun, Q.N., Shu, Z.Y., Lu, F.M., and Qian, H.*, Numerical Simulation of Erosion Characteristics for Solid-Air Particles in Liquid Hydrogen Elbow Pipe. Sustainability, 2021. 13(23).

13. Li, Y., Qian, H., Hang, J., Chen, X., Cheng, P., Ling, H., Wang, S., Liang, P., Li, J., Xiao, S., Wei, J., Liu, L., Cowling, B.J., and Kang, M., Probable airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in a poorly ventilated restaurant. Building and Environment, 2021. 196: p. 107788.

14. Guo, Y., Qian, H.*, Sun, Z.W., Cao, J.P., Liu, F., Luo, X.B., Ling, R.J., Weschler, L.B., Mo, J.H., and Zhang, Y.P.*, Assessing and controlling infection risk with Wells-Riley model and spatial flow impact factor (SFIF). Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021. 67.

15. Guo, K.Q., Qian, H.*, Ye, J., Sun, F., Zhuge, Y., Wang, S.Q., Liu, C., Cao, G.Q., and Zheng, X.H., Assessment of airborne bacteria and fungi in different-type buildings in Nanjing, a hot summer and cold winter moist Chinese city. Building and Environment, 2021. 205.

16. Guo, K.Q., Qian, H.*, Liu, F., Ye, J., Liu, L., and Zheng, X.H., The impact of using portable humidifiers on airborne particles dispersion in indoor environment. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021. 43.

17. Ding, Z.#, Qian, H.#, Xu, B., Huang, Y., Miao, T., Yen, H.L., Xiao, S.L., Cui, L.B., Wu, X.S., Shao, W., Song, Y., Sha, L., Zhou, L., Xu, Y., Zhu, B.L., and Li, Y.G.*, Toilets dominate environmental detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in a hospital. Science of the Total Environment, 2021. 753.

18. Zhuge, Y., Qian, H.*, Zheng, X., Huang, C., Zhang, Y., Li, B., Zhao, Z., Deng, Q., Yang, X., and Sun, Y., Effects of parental smoking and indoor tobacco smoke exposure on respiratory outcomes in children. Scientific reports, 2020. 10(1): p. 1-9.

19. Zhao, R., Qian, H.*, Liu, L., and Zheng, X., Comprehensive performance evaluation of a novel Aaberg exhaust system reinforced by a swirling jet. Building and Environment, 2020. 167: p. 106451.

20. Wang, H., Qian, H.*, Zhou, R., and Zheng, X., A novel circulated air curtain system to confine the transmission of exhaled contaminants: A numerical and experimental investigation. Building Simulation, 2020. 13(6): p. 1425-1437.

21. Song, J., Qian, H.*, and Zheng, X., Particle detachment due to wheel rotation. Indoor and Built Environment, 2020: p. 1420326X20935162.

22. Liu, F., Qian, H.*, Luo, Z., Wang, S., and Zheng, X., A laboratory study of the expiratory airflow and particle dispersion in the stratified indoor environment. Building and environment, 2020. 180: p. 106988.

23. Guo, K., Qian, H.*, Zhao, D., Ye, J., Zhang, Y., Kan, H., Zhao, Z., Deng, F., Huang, C., and Zhao, B., Indoor exposure levels of bacteria and fungi in residences, schools, and offices in China: A systematic review. Indoor air, 2020. 30(6): p. 1147-1165.

24. Ye, J., Qian, H.*, Zheng, X., and Cao, G., Plum Rain-Season-Oriented Modelling and Intervention of Indoor Humidity with and without Human Occupancy. Atmosphere, 2019. 10(2): p. 97.

25. Liu, F., Zhang, C., Qian, H.*, Zheng, X., and Nielsen, P.V., Direct or indirect exposure of exhaled contaminants in stratified environments using an integral model of an expiratory jet. Indoor air, 2019. 29(4): p. 591-603.

26. Zhuge, Y., Qian, H.*, Zheng, X., Huang, C., Zhang, Y., Zhang, M., Li, B., Zhao, Z., Deng, Q., and Yang, X., Residential risk factors for childhood pneumonia: a cross-sectional study in eight cities of China. Environment international, 2018. 116: p. 83-91.

27. Zhou, Q., Qian, H.*, and Liu, L., Numerical investigation of airborne infection in naturally ventilated hospital wards with central-corridor type. Indoor and Built Environment, 2018. 27(1): p. 59-69.

28. Shi, Z., Qian, H.*, Zheng, X., Lv, Z., Li, Y., Liu, L., and Nielsen, P.V., Seasonal variation of window opening behaviors in two naturally ventilated hospital wards. Building and environment, 2018. 130: p. 85-93.

29. Qian, H.* and Zheng, X., Ventilation control for airborne transmission of human exhaled bio-aerosols in buildings. Journal of thoracic disease, 2018. 10(Suppl 19): p. S2295.

30. Liu, F., Zheng, X.*, and Qian, H., Comparison of particle concentration vertical profiles between downtown and urban forest park in Nanjing (China). Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2018. 9(5): p. 829-839.

31. Ji, Y., Qian, H.*, Ye, J., and Zheng, X., The impact of ambient humidity on the evaporation and dispersion of exhaled breathing droplets: A numerical investigation. Journal of aerosol science, 2018. 115: p. 164-172.

32. Zhou, Q., Qian, H.*, Ren, H., Li, Y., and Nielsen, P.V., The lock-up phenomenon of exhaled flow in a stable thermally-stratified indoor environment. Building and Environment, 2017. 116: p. 246-256.

33. Liu, F., Qian, H.*, Zheng, X., Zhang, L., and Liang, W., Numerical study on the urban ventilation in regulating microclimate and pollutant dispersion in urban street canyon: A case study of Nanjing New Region, China. Atmosphere, 2017. 8(9): p. 164.

34. Ji, Y., Qian, H*, and Zheng, X., Development and validation of a three-dimensional numerical model for predicting the ground temperature distribution. Energy and Buildings, 2017. 140: p. 261-267.

35. Qian, H.*, Zheng, X., Zhang, M., Weschler, L., and Sundell, J., Associations between parents’ perceived air quality in homes and health among children in Nanjing, China. PloS one, 2016. 11(5): p. e0155742.

36. Qian, H.*, Zheng, X., Zhou, L., Chen, X., and Yu, C.W., A survey investigation of the associated effect of using air conditioning equipment on children’s health in Nanjing. Indoor and Built Environment, 2014. 23(2): p. 284-292.

37. Qian, H.* and Wang, Y., Modeling the interactions between the performance of ground source heat pumps and soil temperature variations. Energy for Sustainable Development, 2014. 23: p. 115-121.

38. Zheng, X., Zhang, L., Ren, Q., and Qian, H.*, A thermal response method of calculating a soil's thermal properties when backfill material information is unavailable. Energy and buildings, 2013. 56: p. 146-149.

39. Zheng, X., Qian, H.*, Zhao, Y., Shen, H., Zhao, Z., Sun, Y., and Sundell, J., Home risk factors for childhood pneumonia in Nanjing, China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2013. 58(34): p. 4230-4236.

40. Qian, H., Li, Y.*, Zhang, X., and Liu, J., Surface temperature distribution of Chinese kangs. International journal of green energy, 2010. 7(3): p. 347-360.

41. Qian, H.*, Li, Y., Sun, H., Nielsen, P.V., Huang, X., and Zheng, X., Particle removal efficiency of the portable HEPA air cleaner in a simulated hospital ward. Building Simulation, 2010. 3(3): p. 215-224.

42. Qian, H.*, Li, Y., Seto, W., Ching, P., Ching, W., and Sun, H., Natural ventilation for reducing airborne infection in hospitals. Building and Environment, 2010. 45(3): p. 559-565.

43.  Qian, H. and Li, Y., Removal of exhaled particles by ventilation and deposition in a multibed airborne infection isolation room. Indoor air, 2010. 20(4): p. 284-297.

44.  Qian, H.*, Li, Y., Nielsen, P.V., and Huang, X., Spatial distribution of infection risk of SARS transmission in a hospital ward. Building and Environment, 2009. 44(8): p. 1651-1658.

45.  Qian, H., Li, Y.*, Nielsen, P.V., and Hyldgaard, C.E., Dispersion of exhalation pollutants in a two-bed hospital ward with a downward ventilation system. Building and Environment, 2008. 43(3): p. 344-354.

46.  Qian, H., Li, Y.*, Nielsen, P.V., Hyldgård, C.-E., Wong, T.W., and Chwang, A., Dispersion of exhaled droplet nuclei in a two-bed hospital ward with three different ventilation systems. Indoor air, 2006. 16(2): p. 111-128.

47.  郑晓红, 钱华, 赵宜丽, 沈红萍, 赵卓慧, and 孙越霞, 南京地区儿童肺炎的家居环境危险因素分析. 科学通报, 2013. 53(25): p. 7.

48.  钱华, 章重洋, and 郑晓红, 呼吸道传染病气溶胶传染致病机理及预测方法. 科学通报, 2018. 63(10): p. 931-939.

49.  钱华 and 刘荔, 新型冠状病毒室内传播规律及控制方法. 科学通报, 2021. 66(Z1): p. 415-416.

50.  罗丹婷, 钱华, 刘聪, and 黄顺祥, 不同国家和时段 COVID-19 控制策略效果评价: 基于自适应 PSO-SEIR 模型. 科学通报, 2021. 66(4-5): p. 453-464.

51.  李玉国, 程盼, and 钱华, 新型冠状病毒的主要传播途径及其对室内环境设计的影响. 科学通报, 2021. 66(Z1): p. 417-423.



       2.钱华,张小松,任倩,闻才,郑晓红,地源热泵用岩土体的热扩散率的确定方法(发明专利) ,201110106799.9;


       4.钱华,梁文清,郑晓红,南旭,基于斯特林发动机的计算机散热及测温装置(发明专利), 201210088607.0;



       7.梁文清,郑晓红,钱华,石露露,叶雨森, 一种煤层气的低温高速离心分离脱氧的方法(发明专利),201210006620.7;


荣誉 奖励
  1.       世界卫生组织“呼吸道传染病空气传播”主题专家委员会专家

  2.        江苏省科技奖二等奖(排1)   江苏省人民政府 2022  

  3.        Building and environment最佳论文奖   BAE 编辑部 2022

  4.        科学通报  最佳专辑编辑    最佳论文奖     科学通报编辑部 2022

  5.       常州政府校友奖东南大学 2016

  6.       优秀环境科技工作者中国环境科学学会   2016

  7.       优秀环境科普工作者中国环境科学学会   2016

  8.       江苏科学技术奖一等奖(排第10)江苏省人民政府     2016

  9.       香港大学知识交流奖(第四获奖人)   香港大学 2012

  10.       博士研究课题为香港大学工学院百年展览七个展现项目之一香港大学 2011

  11.       Indoor Air 期刊(SCI)2008-2010最佳论文奖Best Paper Award,第一完成人,国际室内空气品质学会(ISIAQ) 2011 (共4篇,亚洲唯一一篇)

  12.       中国环境科学学会 青年科技奖 中国环境科学学会 2012年

  13.       吴健雄-袁家骝奖教金 东南大学 2009年

  14.       Indoor Air 期刊(SCI)2005-2007最佳论文奖Best Paper Award,第五完成人,国际室内空气品质学会(ISIAQ) 2008 (共3篇,亚洲唯一一篇)

  15.       ACRA亚洲暖通空调会议 最佳学术报告奖(Best Presentation) ACRA 组委会(韩国)

  16.       Indoor Air 期刊(SCI)2008-2010最佳论文奖Best Paper Award,第一完成人,国际室内空气品质学会(ISIAQ) 2011 (三年共4篇,亚洲唯一一篇)

  17.      科学通报2019年度优秀审稿人

  18.     生态环境领域“最美科技工作者”(中国环境科学学会,2022)

  19.     美国环保部EPA“新冠与室内空气”推荐关键出版物

  1. 王晋,《人员呼出飞沫蒸发散布过程的仿真研究》,硕士研究生,2008.9-2011.3

  2. 任倩,《夏热冬冷地区建筑动态负荷下地埋管周围土壤温度变化及热泵系统适用性研究》,硕士研究生,2009.9-2012.6

  3. 沈红萍,《南京市住宅空气环境对儿童患过敏性疾病的影响研究》,硕士研究生,2009.9-2012.6

  4. 张磊,《地源热泵系统大规模管群换热研究及地温场影响》,硕士研究生,2010.9-2012.6

  5. 赵宜丽,《南京市室内环境因素对儿童哮喘及过敏性疾病的影响研究》,2010.9-2013.6

  6. 徐腾飞,《建筑材料中VOC的热湿迁移机理对室内空气品质的影响》,硕士研究生,2010.9-2013.6

  7. 南旭,《夏热冬冷地区建筑蓄热与自然通风耦合研究》,硕士研究生,2011.9-2013.6

  8. 张宏升,《针灸室可吸入颗粒物扩散模拟及控制策略研究》,硕士研究生,2011.9-2013.6

  9. 张华娣,《南京地区幼儿园室内空气污染物与儿童健康的相关性研》,硕士研究生,2012.9-2015.6

  10. 张晓蒙,《基于LBM方法的低温介质相变模拟研究》,硕士研究生,2012.9-2015.6

  11. 董真真,《二硼化镁超导电机低温冷却系统的设计与研究》,硕士研究生,2012.9-2015.6

  12. 高迎梅,《贵阳市自然通风建筑通风测量及模拟优化研究》,硕士研究生,2013.9-2016.6

  13. 小亮, 《室外颗粒物对室内环境的影响及其控制方法——以静电除尘技术为例》,硕士研究生,2013.9-2016.6

  14. 周琦,《自然通风病房内通风对呼吸道传染病传播影响的研究》,硕士研究生,2013.9-2016.6

  15. 张敏,《南京地区幼儿园室内外颗粒物浓度相关性及对儿童健康的影响硕士研究生,2014.9-2017.6

  16. 王永,《低温流体输送过程中基于铂电阻温度传感器测温误差建模与分析》,硕士研究生,2014.9-2017.6

  17. 邹阳,《流体中杂质低温凝固过程的介观数值方法研究》,硕士研究生,2014.9-2017.6

  18. 史珍妮,《自然通风病房内通风对呼吸道传染病传播影响的研究》,2015.9-2018.6

  19. 沈成成,《室内环境量化评价方法的研究》,硕士研究生,2016.9-2019.6

  20. 诸葛阳,《典型建筑室内微生物污染现状及影响因素分析》,硕士研究生,2016.9-2019.6

  21. 周伟煜,《液氢中固空沉积形式和冲蚀规律研究》,硕士研究生,2016.9-2019.6

  22. 孙帆,《南京地区校园室内空气微生物群落特征及影响因素分析》,硕士研究生,2017.9-2020.6

  23. 曹鹏,《基于射流模型的氢在空气中的扩散特性研究》,硕士研究生,2017.9-2020.6

  24. 赵润民,《旋转射流加强的新型局部排风罩性能评估及参数优化方法》,硕士研究生,2017.9-2020.6

  25. 曹丽丹,《住宅建筑纱窗对自然通风性能的影响研究》,硕士研究生,2017.9-2020.6

  26. 王海鑫,《高污染环境颗粒物呼吸道吸入和沉积规律研究》,硕士研究生,2018.9-2021.6

  27. 朱亚著,《天空辐射制冷性能影响因素及在我国资源分布规律研究》,硕士研究生,2018.9-2021.6

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