
动力工程及自动化系 教授,博士生导师



1. 燃煤机组灵活性控制;

2. 多污染物排放浓度自抗扰控制

3. 长时储能及其柔性控制关键技术;

4. 复杂能源动力系统智能预测、智能诊断与智能优化。





        苏志刚,湖北武穴人,工学博士,九三学社社员,国际期刊《International Journal of Approximate Reasoning》(Elsevier, JCR二区)、《Soft Computing》(Springer, JCR二区)和《Array 》(Elsevier)副主编(Associate Editors),《发电技术》青年编委,《能源研究与利用》编委,中国指挥与控制学会自抗扰控制专委会委员,江苏省电机工程学会编辑工作委员会委员


  1. 本科生专业主干课程:《热工测量原理与仪表》、《热工自动控制系统》。

  2. 硕士/博士研究生课程:《能源动力系统不确定性分析与控制》(全英文,2024-)、《热力发电过程的仿真与控制》(全英文,2019-2023)、《热工测量与控制基础》(部分专题)。

科研 教改项目


  1. 江苏省双碳科技创新专项资金(产业前瞻与关键核心技术攻关重点项目-子课题):LNG冷能发电系统优化及高效控制研究(SBE2023110117),150万,主持,2023.07-2027-06。

  2. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目):宽负荷燃煤机组除尘脱硫灵活协同运行机制与控制方法研究(52076037),58万,主持,2021.01 —2024.12。

  3. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目):超(超)临界燃煤机组非线性压制与抗干扰受限控制方法研究(51676034),60万,主持,2017.01 —2020.12。

  4. 国家自然科学基金(青年项目):热工过程无样本参量认知建模理论方法研究(51106025),25万,主持,2012.01—2014.12。

  5. 东南大学优秀青年教师资助计划(2242014R30002),15万,主持,2014.01—2016.12。


  1. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目):基于证据驱动的超临界W火焰锅炉水冷壁健康状态诊断方法(51876035),60万,参与,2019.01 —2022.12。

  2. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目):燃煤火电机组煤粉浓度超声检测机理与方法研究(51476028),80万,参与,2015.01 —2018.12。

  3. 国家自然科学基金(重点项目):热力发电系统节能与优化控制基础研究(51036002),240万,参与,2011.01 —2015.12。

论文 专著

Selected first-author publications ( * corresponding author)

- Control theory

  1. Zhi-gang Su, Wenchao Xue*, Li Sun*, Kwang Y. Lee, A Review on Active Disturbance Rejection Control of Power Generation Systems: Fundamentals, Tunings and Practices, Control Engineering Practice, 141: 105716, 2023. (SCI, JCR一区)

  2. Zhi-gang Su, Yuge Sun, Xiaojin Zhu, Zhuo Chen, Li Sun*,  Robust Tuning of Active Disturbance Rejection Controller for Time-delay Systems with Application to A Factual Electrostatic Precipitator, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2022, 30(5): 2204-2211. (SCI,JCR一区)

  3. Zhi-gang Su*, Gang Zhao,, Jun Yang, Yi-guo Li, Disturbance Rejection of Nonlinear Boiler-Turbine Unit Using High-Order Sliding Mode Observer, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems,  2020, 50(12): 5432-5443.  (SCI,JCR一区,  ESI高被引)

  4. Zhi-gang Su,  Yong-sheng Hao, Wenting Zha, Chunjiang Qian*, Semiglobal Stabilization of Linearly Uncontrollable and Unobservable Nonlinear Systems via Sampled-Data Control, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2020. 30(13): 5290-5304. (SCI,JCR一区)

  5. Zhi-gang Su*, Chunjiang Qian, Yong-sheng Hao, Ming Zhao, Global Stabilization via Sampled-data Output Feedback for Large-scale Systems Interconnected by Inherent Nonlinearities,  Automatica , 2018, 92: 254-258. (SCI,JCR一区)

  6. Zhi-gang Su, Chunjiang Qian, Jiong Shen, Interval Homogeneity-Based Control for A Class of Nonlinear Systems with Unknown Power Drifts, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 2017, 62(3): 1445-1450. (SCI,JCR一区)

- Artificial intelligence

  1. Zhi-gang Su*, Hong-yu Zhou, Yong-sheng Hao, Evidential Evolving C-Means Clustering Method based on Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm with Variable Strings and Interactive Evaluation Mode, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making,  2021, 20: 293-313.  (SCI, JCR一区)

  2. Zhi-gang Su*, Qinghua Hu,  Thierry Denoeux,  A Distributed Rough Evidential K-NN Classifier: Integrating Feature Reduction and Classification, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,  2021, 29(8): 2322-2335. (SCI,JCR一区)

  3. Zhi-gang Su*, Thierry Denoeux,  BPEC: Belief-Peaks Evidential Clustering, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2019, 27(1): 111-123. (SCI,JCR一区)

  4. Zhi-gang Su*, Thierry Denoeux, Yong-sheng Hao, Ming Zhao, Evidential K-NN Classification with Enhanced Performance via Optimizing A Class of Parametric t-Rules, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2018, 142: 7-16. (SCI,JCR一区)

  5. Zhi-gang Su*, Pei-hong Wang, Yi-guo, Li, Ze-kun Zhou, Parameter Estimation from Interval-valued Data Using the EM Algorithm, Journal of statistical computation and simulation, 2015, 85(2): 320-338.(SCI)

  6. Zhi-gang Su*, Shu-rong Zheng, Pei-hong Wang, Likelihood-based multivariate fuzzy model with linear inequality constraints, Journal of intelligent & fuzzy systems, 2014, 27(5): 2191-2209.  (SCI)

  7. Zhi-gang Su*, Pei-hong Wang, Regression analysis of belief functions on interval-valued variables: Comparative studies, Soft computing, 2014, 18(1):51-70.(SCI,JCR二区)

  8. Zhi-gang Su*, Yi-fan Wang, Pei-hong Wang, Parametric regression analysis of imprecise and uncertain data in the fuzzy belief function framework, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2013, 54(8):1217-1242.(SCI,JCR二区)

  9. Zhi-gang Su*, Pei-hong Wang, Zhao-long Song, Kernel based nonlinear fuzzy regression model, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2013, 26(2):724-738.(SCI,JCR一区)

  10. Zhi-gang Su*,Pei-hong Wang, Minimizing neighborhood evidential decision error for feature evaluation and selection based on evidence theory, Expert Systems With Applications, 2012, 39(1): 527-540. (SCI,JCR一区)

  11. Zhi-gang Su*, Pei-hong Wang, Jiong Shen, et al., Convenient T-S fuzzy model with enhanced performance using a novel swarm intelligent fuzzy clustering technique, Journal of Process Control, 2012, 22(1): 108-124. (SCI,JCR二区)

  12. Zhi-gang Su*, Pei-hong Wang, Jiong Shen, et al., Automatic fuzzy partitioning approach using variable string length artificial bee colony (VABC) algorithm, Applied Soft Computing,2012,12(11): 3421-3441. (SCI,JCR一区)

  13. Zhi-gang Su*, Pei-hong Wang, Maximal confidence interval of interval-valued belief structure and its applications, Information Sciences2011,181(9): 1700-1721. (SCI,JCR一区)

  14. Zhi-gang Su*, Pei-hong Wang, Xiang-jun Yu, et al., Multi-model strategy based evidential soft sensor model for predicting evaluation of variables with uncertainty, Applied Soft Computing, 2011, 11(2): 2595-2610. (SCI,JCR一区)

  15. Zhi-gang Su*, Pei-hong Wang, Xiang-jun Yu, Immune genetic algorithm-based adaptive evidential model for estimating unmeasured parameter: Estimating levels of coal powder filling in ball mill, Expert Systems With Applications, 2010, 37(7): 5246-5258. (SCI,JCR一区)

  16. Zhi-gang Su*, Pei-hong Wang, Improved adaptive evidential K-NN rule and its application for monitoring level of coal powder filling in ball mill, Journal of Process Control, 2009, 19(10): 1751-1762. (SCI,JCR二区)

  17. Zhi-gang Su*, Pei-hong Wang, Xiang-jun Yu, et al., Experimental investigation of vibration signal of an industrial tubular ball mill: monitoring and diagnosing, Minerals Engineering, 2008, 21(10): 699-710.  (SCI,JCR一区)

Selected students' publications


  1. Chao Liu, Zhi-gang Su*Xinyi Zhang, A Data-driven Evidential Rgression Model for Building Hourly Energy Consumption Prediction with Feature Selection and Parameters Learning, Journal of Building Engineering, Accept to appear, 2023.  (SCI, JCR一区)

  2. Hang Yi, Zhi-gang Su*Pei-hong Wang*, Closed-Loop Shaping-Based Active Disturbance Rejection Control with Delay Robustness and Application to Wet Desulfurization Process, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, In press, 2023. (SCI, JCR一区)

  3. Chaoyu Gong, Zhi-gang Su, Xinyi Zhang, Yang You, Adaptive evidential K-NN classification: Integrating neighborhood search and feature weighting, Information Sciences, In press, 2023. (SCI, JCR一区)

  4. Yuge Sun,  Zhi-gang Su*, Li Sun, Gang Zhao, Time-delay Active Disturbance Rejection Control of Wet Electrostatic Precipitator in Power Plants, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 20(4): 2748-2760, 2023. (SCI, JCR一区)

  5. Xian-hua Gao, Shangshang Wei, Zhi-gang Su*, Optimal Disturbance Predictive and Rejection Control of A Parabolic Trough Solar Field, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, In press, 2022, (SCI, JCR一区)

  6. Hang Yi, Zhi-gang Su*Pei-hong Wang*, Zhuo Chen, Delay Robustness-Constrained Control of Integrating Processes with Optimal Tracking and Quantified Disturbance Rejection, ISA Transactions, 135:524-536, 2023.  (SCI, JCR一区)

  7. Chaoyu Gong, Zhi-gang Su*, Pei-hong Wang, Qian Wang, Yang You, A Sparse Reconstructive Evidential K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier for High-dimensional Data, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 35(6): 5563-5576, 2023.  (SCI, JCR一区)


  8. Chaoyu Gong, Zhi-gang Su*, Pei-hong Wang, Yang You, Distributed Evidential Clustering toward Time Series with Big Data Issue, Expert Systems With Applications, 2022, 191: 116279. (SCI, JCR一区)

  9. Chaoyu Gong, Zhi-gang Su*, Pei-hong Wang, Qian Wang, An Evidential Clustering Algorithm by Finding Belief-peaks and Disjoint Neighborhoods, Pattern Recognition, 2021, 113: 107751. (SCI, JCR一区)

  10. Chaoyu Gong, Zhi-gang Su*, Pei-hong Wang, Qian Wang, Yang You, Evidential Instance Selection for K-Nearest Neighbor Classification of Big Data, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2021, 138: 123-144. (SCI, JCR二区)

  11. He Fan, Zhi-gang Su*, Pei-hong Wang, Kwang Y. Lee., A dynamic nonlinear model for a wide-load range operation of ultra-supercritical once-through boiler-turbine units. Energy. 2021. 226: 120425. (SCI, JCR一区)

  12. Xian-hua Gao, Shangshang Wei, Zhi-gang Su*, Optimal Model Predictive Rejection Control for Nonlinear Parabotic Trough Collector with Lumped Disturbances, Transactions of The Institute of Measurement and Control, 2021,43(9):1903-1914. (SCI)


  13. Yuge Sun, Chuanlin Zhang, Zhi-gang Su*Disturbance Observer-Based Composite Voltage Synchronisation Control of Three-phase Four-leg Inverter Under Load Variation, International Journal of Control, 2020, 95(6): 1645-1657. (SCI)

  14. Chaoyu Gong, Zhi-gang Su, Pei-hong Wang*, Qian Wang, Cumulative Belief Peaks Evidential K-Nearest Neighbor Clustering, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2020, 200: 105982. (SCI, JCR一区)

  15. He Fan, Zhi-gang Su*, Pei-hong Wang, Kwang Y. Lee,  A dynamic mathematical model for once-through boiler-turbine units with superheated steam temperature. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2020. 170: 114912. (SCI, JCR一区)

  16. He Fan, Yu-fei Zhang, Zhi-gang Su*, et al., A dynamic mathematical model of an ultra-supercritical coal fired once-through boiler-turbine unit. Applied Energy. 2017. 189: 654-666. (SCI, JCR一区)

Selected cooperative publications 

  1. Li Sun, Wenchao Xue*, Donghai Li, Hongxia Zhu, Zhi-gang Su, Quantitative Tuning of Active Disturbance Rejection controller for FOPTD Model with Application to Power Plant Control, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electrics, 2022, 69(1): 805-815. (SCI, JCR一区)

  2. 郝勇生,王忠维,朱晓瑾,苏志刚*,等,1000MW燃煤机组干式电除尘器浓度闭环控制,华南理工大学学报,2021,49(2):17-24。

  3. Qian Wang, Zhi-gang Su*, Babak Rezaee, Pei-hong Wang, Constructing T-S Fuzzy Model From Imprecise and Uncertain Knowledge Represented As Fuzzy Belief Functions, Neurocomputing, 2015, 166: 319-336.  (SCI, JCR一区)


  1. 王培红,苏志刚.《热工过程特殊参量的认知建模方法——证据理论的拓展与应用》.东南大学出版社,2012年8月.
    Pei-hong Wang, Zhi-gang Su, Modeling approach on cognizing specific parameters in thermal process: extensions and applications of evidence theory. Southeast University Press, Aug., 2012.

荣誉 奖励
  1. 江苏省教学成果二等奖(8/11)、东南大学教学成果一等奖(8/11),2021年。

  2. 东南大学线上教学优秀案例,2020年。

  3. 东南大学2018-2019年度教书育人、管理育人、服务育人(三育人)积极分子,2020年。

  4. Outstanding reviewer for the journal Automatica, 2016-2017. Z_Su.pdf

  5. 南大学2012年优秀博士学位论文,东南大学,2012年。

  6. 东南大学第二十届青年教师授课竞赛二等奖,东南大学,2013年 (2013年4月27日校长办公室文)。

  7. 东南大学第十九届青年教师首开课优秀奖,东南大学,2012年 。



4.    孙雨歌,博士研究生,《大型燃煤机组电除尘器烟尘浓度自抗扰控制方法研究》,2020.09——2024.06。

3.    高宪花,博士研究生,《槽式太阳能集热场最优模型预测抗干扰控制方法研究》,2018.04——2022.07。

2.    巩超宇,博士研究生,《大数据证据驱动型状态监测方法研究及其在锅炉水冷壁上的应用》,2019.03——2022.05。

1.    赵刚,   博士研究生,《非线性压制与抗干扰受限控制方法研究及其在热工过程中的应用》,2015.03——2020.05。


6.    詹卓轩,硕士研究生,,《基于不确定性补偿的湿法脱硫系统高斯回归过程预测控制》,2020.09-2023.05

5.    傅尧,   硕士研究生,《燃煤机组干式电除尘器出口烟尘浓度预测与能耗优化》,2019.09-2022.05。

4.    周宏宇,硕士研究生,《基于证据进化C均值算法的热工设备状态挖掘方法研究》,2017.09——2020.05。

3.    王忠维,硕士研究生,《燃煤电厂干式电除尘器PID控制方法研究及应用》,2017.06——2020.05。

2.    高宪花,硕士研究生,《电站锅炉NOx排放与再热汽温混合建模及多目标优化》,2015.09——2018.03。

1.    詹俊,   硕士研究生,《典型非线性热工过程Galerkin最优控制方法研究》,2015.09——2018.03。