
环境科学与工程系 教授 博导



1. 生物质及有机固废热化学转化 (Thermochemical valorization of biomass and organic waste)

2. 生物炭基吸附、催化、储能应用 (Functionalized biochar (and/or porous carbon) for energy and environmental sustainability)

3. CO2捕集与转化(CO2 capture and utilization)

4. 绿氢制备及工艺评价 (Green hydrogen production and process evaluation)

5. AI赋能生物质热-炭联产 (AI-empowered biomass upcycling for heat and biochar)

办公地点:九龙湖校区 能环大楼733室




袁湘洲,东南大学青年首席教授,博导,国家高层次人才入选者。主持国家自然科学基金委面上项目、国家重点研发计划课题、江苏省科技计划专项项目等。研究成果Nat Rev Earth EnvMatterEnviron Sci Technol等权威期刊发表SCI论文90余篇,8篇封面/封底文章,5ESI高被引文章(1%),参与撰写2部英文专著,授权发明专利8件,含技术转让2(KR10-2197821 & KR10-1650191)30余次受邀在国际能源与环境核心会议上做主旨与特邀报告。另外,担任Carbon Res期刊副主编,Chem Eng JBiocharAppl Energy等期刊客座主编,BiocharResour Chem Mater、新能源科技等期刊青年编委,兼任APRU Sustainable Waste Management Program联合负责人、国际碳捕集协会核心成员、江苏省能源研究会理事、江苏省能源行业协会专家、中国超低能耗碳捕集国际合作中心(天津市)学术委员、海南省农林环境过程与生态调控重点实验室学术委员等。

Prof. Xiangzhou Yuan is a Youth Chair Professor at the School of Energy and Environment in Southeast University, Nanjing, China. He has published over 90 refereed journal articles including Nat. Rev. Earth Environ., Matter, Environ. Sci. Technol, 8 out of them are highlighted as Covers (i.e., Front, Back) and 4 are recognized as HCPs. Dr. Yuan registered 8 patents and achieved 2 technology transfer (KR10-2197821 & KR10-1650191). He is active in serving as a key member of the Association of Pacific Rim Universities Sustainable Waste Management (APRU SWM) Program, Council Member of Jiangsu Energy Research Society and Jiangsu Energy Industry Association, Senior Membership of the International Association for Carbon Capture, and Academic Committee Member of the International Cooperation Research Centre of Carbon Capture in Ultra-low Energy-consumption, etc. Moreover, He has been invited to deliver keynote and invited speeches for over 30 international conferences in energy, engineering, and environmental fields. He also serves as Associate Editors of Carbon Research, Guest Editors (Chem. Eng. J., Appl. Energy, Adv. Appl. Energy, etc.), and Editorial Board Members (Biochar, Resour. Chem. Mater., etc.).




科研 教改项目

1. (基金委)国家高层次人才青年项目,生物质基碳材料,2023.04-2026.03,主持、在研

Biomass-derived carbon materials, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2023.04-2026.03

2. (科技部)国家重点研发计划课题,木质素绿色转化制备大比表面积窄介孔分布超级电容活性炭关键技术与示范,2023.12-2027.11,主持、在研

Key technologies and demonstration of sustainably transforming lignin into advanced porous carbon materials for supercapacitor application, supported by Ministry of Science and Technology of China, 2023.12-2027.11

3. (江苏省)科技计划专项项目,生物质化学链制氢与同步碳捕集关键技术联合研发,2024.04-2027.03,主持、在研

Joint research and system development of key technologies for biomass chemical looping to hydrogen with inherent carbon capture, supported by Natural Science and Technology Programme of Jiangsu Province, 2024.04-2027.03

4. (基金委)面上项目,酶电耦联生物炭基电极原位CO2催化转化协同N2氧化机理与调控机制,2025.01-2028.12,主持、在研

Investigation on mechanism and directional regulation of enzyme-electric coupling in-situ biochar-based catalytic CO2 reduction and N2 oxidation, supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2025.01-2028.12

论文 专著



[1]       Jia, W., Li, S., Wang, J., Lee, J.T.E., Lin, C.S., Masek, O., Zhang, H., Yuan, X.* Sustainable valorization of food waste into engineered biochars for CO2 capture towards a circular economy. Green Chem. 26, 1790-1805 (2024).

[2]       Yuan, X., Suvarna, M., Lim, J.Y., Pérez-Ramírez, J., Wang, X., Ok, Y.S. Active Learning-Based Guided Synthesis of Engineered Biochar for CO2 Capture.Environ. Sci. Technol. 2024, 10.1021/acs.est.3c10922. (封面论文)

[3]       Li, S., Zhou, H., Fan, M., Zhang, H., Yuan, X.* Solar thermal energy-assisted direct capture of CO2 from ambient for methanol synthesis. npj Mater. Sustain. 2, 11 (2024).

[4]       Fan, R., Xue, B., Tian, P., Zhang, X., Yuan, X.*, Zhang, H. Sustainably transforming biomass into advanced carbon materials for solid-state supercapacitors: a review. Chem. Commun. 60, 14303-14317 (2024).



[1]        Yuan, X.*, Li, J., Lim, J.Y., Zolfaghari, A., Alessi, D.S., Wang, Y., Wang, X., Ok, Y.S. Machine learning for heavy metal removal from water: Recent advances and challenges. ACS EST Water 4 (3) 820-836 (2024). (封面论文)

[2]        Yuan, X., Cao, Y., Li, J., Patel, A.K., Dong, C.-D., Jin, X., Gu, C., Yip, A.C.K., Tsang, D.C.W., Ok, Y.S. Recent advancements and challenges in emerging applications of biochar-based catalysts. Biotechnol. Adv.67, 108181 (2023).

[3]        Yuan, X., Shen, Y., Withana, P.A., Mašek, O., Lin, C.S.K., You, S., Tack, F.M.G., Ok, Y.S.  Thermochemical upcycling of food waste into engineered biochar for energy and environmental applications: A critical review.Chem. Eng. J. 469, 143783 (2023).

[4]        Wang, J., Li, S., Deng, S., Cheng, Z., Hu, X., Mahari, W.A.W., Lam, S.S., Yuan, X*. Upcycling medical plastic waste into activated carbons toward environmental safety and sustainability. Curr. Opin. Environ. Sci. Health33, 100470 (2023).

[5]        Xie, W., Su, J., Zhang, X., Li, T., Wang, C., Yuan, X.*, Wang, K. Investigating kinetic behavior and reaction mechanism on autothermal pyrolysis of polyethylene plastic. Energy 269, 126817 (2023).

[6]        Singh, G., Ramadass, K., DasiReddy, V.D.B.C., Yuan, X., Ok, Y.S., Bolan, N., Xiao, X., et al. Material-based generation, storage, and utilisation of hydrogen. Prog. Mater. Sci.135, 101104 (2023).

[7]        Shen, Y., Yuan, X. Research advancement in molten salt-mediated thermochemical upcycling of biomass waste. Green Chem.25, 2087-2108 (2023).


[1]      Yuan, X., Kumar, N.M., Brigljevic, B., Li, S., Deng, S., et al. Sustainability-inspired upcycling of waste polyethylene terephthalate plastic into porous carbon for CO2 capture. Green Chem. 24, 1494-1504 (2022). (封面论文,高被引论文)

[2]      Li, C., Yuan, X., Sun, Z., Suvarna, M., Hu, X., Wang, X., Ok, Y.S. Pyrolysis of waste surgical masks into liquid fuel and its life-cycle assessment. Bioresource Technol. 346, 126582 (2022). (共同一作,高被引论文)

[3]      Yuan, X., Wang, J., Deng, S., Suvarna, M., et al. Recent advancements in sustainable upcycling of solid waste into porous carbons for carbon dioxide capture. Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev. 162, 112413 (2022).

[4]      Yuan, X., Wang, J., Deng, S., Dissanayake, P.D., Wang, S., You, S., Yip, A.C.K., Tsang, D.C.W., Ok, Y.S. Sustainable Food Waste Management: Synthesizing Engineered Biochar for CO2 Capture. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 10 (39), 13026–13036 (2022).

[5]      Zhou, X., Shi, L., Moghaddam, T.B., Chen, M., Wu, S., Yuan, X*. Adsorption mechanism of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using wood waste-derived biochar. J. Hazard. Mater. 425 (5), 128003 (2022).

[6]      Li, Q., Yuan, X., X. Hu*, E. Meers, H.C. Ong, W.-H. Chen, P. Duan, S. Zhang, K.B. Lee*, Y.S. Ok*, Co-liquefaction of mixed biomass feedstocks for bio-oil production: A critical reviewRenew. Sust. Energ. Rev. 154, 111814 (2022). (共同一作)

[7]      Yuan, X., Wang, X., Sarkar, B. et al. The COVID-19 pandemic necessitates a shift to a plastic circular economy. Nat. Rev. Earth Environ. 2, 659–660 (2021)

[8]      Yuan, X., Bank, M.S., Sonne, C., Ok, Y.S. Dual closed-loop chemical recycling support sustainable mitigation of plastic pollution, Matter 4, 1095-1097 (2021).

[9]      Li, S., Yuan, X., Deng, S., Zhao, L., Lee, K.B. A review on biomass-derived CO2 adsorption capture: Adsorbent, adsorber, adsorption, and advice. Renew. Sust. Energ. Rev. 152, 111708 (2021). (共同一作)

[10]      Li, Q., Zhang, S., Gholizadeh, M., Hu, X., Yuan, X.*, et al. Co-hydrothermal carbonization of swine and chicken manure: Influence of cross-interaction on hydrochar and liquid characteristics. Sci. Total Environ. 786, 147381 (2021).

[11]   Yuan, X., Suvarna, M., Low, S., Dissanayake, P.D., Lee, K. B., Li, J., Wang, X., Ok, Y.S. Applied Machine Learning for Prediction of CO2 Adsorption on Biomass Waste-Derived Porous Carbons. Environ. Sci. Technol. 55(17), 11925–11936 (2021). (封面论文)

[12]   Yuan, X., Cho, M.-K., Lee, J.G., Choi, S.W., Lee, K.B. Upcycling of waste polyethylene terephthalate plastic bottles into porous carbon for CF4 adsorption. Environ. Pollut265, 114868 (2020).

[13]   Yuan, X., Li, S., Jeon, S., Deng, S., Zhao, L., Lee, K.B. Valorization of waste polyethylene terephthalate plastic into N-doped microporous carbon for CO2 capture through a one-pot synthesis. J. Hazard. Mater. 399, 123010 (2020).

[14]   Li, S., Deng, S., Zhao, L., Yuan, X.*, Yun, H. How to express the adsorbed CO2 with the Gibbs’ thermodynamic graphical method: A preliminary study. Energy 193, 116753 (2020).

[15]   Wang, J., Yuan, X.*, Deng, S.*, Zeng, X., Yu, Z., Li, S., Li, K. Waste polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastics-derived activated carbon for CO2 capture: A route to close carbon loop. Green Chem. 22, 6836-6845 (2020). (封面论文)

[16]   Yuan, X., Lee, J.-G., Yun, H., Deng, S., Kim, Y.J., Lee, J.E., Kwak, S.K., Lee, K.B. Solving two environmental issues simultaneously: Waste polyethylene terephthalate plastic bottle-derived microporous carbons for CO2 capture. Chem. Eng. J. 397, 125350 (2020).

[17]   Yuan, X.*, Lee, K.B., Kim, H.-T. Investigation of Indonesian low rank coals gasification in a fixed bed reactor with K2CO3 catalyst loading. J. Energy Inst. 92(4), 904-912 (2019).

[18]   Yuan, X.*, Choi, S.W., Jang, E., Lee, K.B. Chemically activated microporous carbons derived from petroleum coke: Performance evaluation for CF4 adsorption. Chem. Eng. J. 336, 297-305 (2018).

[19]   Yuan, X.*, Fan, S., Choi, S.W., Kim, H.-T., Lee, K.B. Potassium catalyst recovery process and performance evaluation of the recovered catalyst in the K2CO3-catalyzed steam gasification system. Appl. Energy 195, 850-860 (2017).

[20]   Yuan, X.*, Fan, S., Zhao, L., Kim H.-T. Investigations of Both Catalytic Steam Gasification of Indonesian Lanna Coal and Potassium Catalyst Recovery Using K2CO3 as a Catalyst. Energy Fuels 30 (3), 2492-2502 (2016).

[21]   Yuan, X.*, Zhao, L., Namkung, H., Kang, T.-J., Kim, H.-T. Lab-scale investigations on catalyst recovery of gasified residue collected from the potassium-catalyzed steam gasification process. Fuel Process. Technol. 141, 44-53 (2016).


1.      Porous carbon made from plastics and a method for producing the same (KR10-2197821), transferred to WINTEC GLOVIS co ltd, Korea

2.      Catalyst Recovery Method and Recovery Apparatus (KR10-1650191), transferred to ()쉘피아, Korea

荣誉 奖励

1. 国家高层次人才(青年项目)


[1] 陈  亮,博士研究生,202308月--至今

[2] 贾文惠,硕士研究生,202308--至今

[3] 赵  灿,博士研究生,202408月--至今

[4] 谢  焱,博士研究生,202408月--至今

[5] 范瑞博,硕士研究生,202408月--至今

[6] 李  雯,硕士研究生,202408月--至今
