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积极向SCI源刊《Chemical Engineering Research and Design》的专辑投稿







Green Processes and Eco-Technologies

Green Processes and Eco-Technologies
Special topic issue of Chemical Engineering Research and Design

Paper proposal deadline: 1 March 2013
Guest editors:
Catherine Xuereb (University of Toulouse, France), Cedric Briens (University of Western Ontario, Canada) and Martine Poux (University of Toulouse, France)

Historically, chemical engineering has focused on the development of efficient processes and technologies, able to address the demands of an expanding industry. Community awareness has rapidly led engineers to modify existing processes to address risks, waste treatment, and energy consumption. Industry and the chemical engineering community are moving on to the next stage, ‘Green Process Engineering’, with the creation, characterization, optimization, modelling and implementation of processes that are inherently sustainable, flexible, clean and secure.

This issue of Chemical Engineering Research and Design will, focus on Green Process Engineering. Papers dealing with conversion technologies or intensified processes to make effective use of raw materials and energy are invited. For example, papers covering the use of biomass for the production of chemicals, food additives, materials and other high value products will be considered. Papers dealing with processes developed to address solar energy needs will be welcomed, for example silicon refining or the manufacture of quantum dots.

The issue will feature papers covering both the study of process engineering tools and their application to modify existing processes as well as to design new processes. Special attention will be paid to innovative technologies for intensification, including miniaturized systems and multifunctional reactors. Authors are also encouraged to propose contributions pointing out the advantages and limitations of using microwaves or ultrasounds for activation, or supercritical fluids  for  cleaner separations. Papers that address the chemical engineering aspects of green chemistry routes (free-solvent chemistry, chemistry in water, new solvents and new media etc) are  welcome. New biocatalysis attempts at photocatalytic engineering are also of interest. This list of relevant topics should be considered as suggested examples and is not exhaustive.   

Authors should initially submit a proposal of no more than 200 words by 1 March 2013 to Managing Editor Catherine Cliffe at ccliffe@icheme.org.
The editors will select the most suitable submissions and invite authors to prepare a full paper, which will be submitted and peer reviewed in accordance with standard journal practice.