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2014年国际传热会议(International Heat Transfer Symposium)




The International Heat Transfer Symposium conference (IHTS2014) which will be held on May 6-9th, 2014 at Loong Palace Hotel & Resort, Beijing, China, which is close to the North China Electric Power University. 

The conference website:  http://www.cuhts.orgPlease note that the abstract submission deadline is Jan 20th, 2014, which is coming soon. Abstracts and papers should be submitted by email of  ihts@vip.163.com.  The abstract template is available from:  http://www.cuhts.org/call-for-papers/ 


The conference topics (but not limited) include:
(1)    Micro/nanoscale heat transfer (including nature-induced or bio-related heat transfer);
(2)    Heat transfer in energy and power systems (including heat transfer related to nuclear reactor engineering);
(3)    Heat transfer in renewable energy utilization systems.


Paper publication

All conference papers presented at this conference will be included in a CD-ROM provided for all participants.Selected papers will be recommended to following refereed journals (indexed by SCI) for publication in either a special issueor normal issues: Applied Thermal Engineering, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Journal of Bionic Engineering, and Chinese Science Bulletin.

Plenary Speakers

Plenary speakers
Prof. Amir Faghri (USA)
Advances of Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage for Concentrating  Solar  Power
Prof. Dongqing Li (Canada)
Microfluidics and Lab-on-Chip Technology
Prof. Jinliang Xu (China)
To be determined.
Prof. Khellil Sefiane (UK)
Fundamental investigation of droplets evaporation: experiments and theory
Prof. Satish Kandlikar (USA)
Pool Boiling on Multiscale Surface Features
Prof.Wenquan Tao (China)
To be determined.
Prof. Xing Zhang (China)
To be determined.
Prof. Yuying Yan (UK)
Natural solutions help improve heat transfer

More information can be found at the conference website: http://www.cuhts.org