Selected papers
1. Lifu Yan, Lingling Zhao*, Guiting Yang, Shichao Liu, Yang Liu, Shangchao Lin. High performance solid-state thermoelectric energy conversion via inorganic metal halide perovskites under tailored mechanical deformation[J]. Frontiers in Energy, 2022.
2. Rui Guo , Yuming Yin , Teng Gao , Shangchao Lin , and Lingling Zhao*. Non-Newtonian shear viscosity of confined water in forsterite nanoslits: insights from molecular dynamics simulations[J]. Molecular Simulation, 2022: 1-11.
3. Shangchao Lin, Lifu Yan, Lingling Zhao, Zhuangli Cai, Zuolin Liu, Bin Yang, Min Yang, and Changying Zhao*. Strain Engineering for Tailored Carrier Transport and Thermoelectric Performance in Mixed Halide Perovskites CsPb (I1–x Br x) 3[J]. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2021, 4(12): 14508-14519.
4. Shangchao Lin, Chao Chen, Lingling Zhao, Mingchao Wang, Jinfan Wang, Huanhuan Zhou and Changying Zhao. Molecular Insights into Water Vapor Adsorption and Interfacial Moisture Stability of Hybrid Perovskites for Robust Optoelectronics[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 175: 121334.
5. Lifu Yan, Mingchao Wang, Chenxi Zhai, Lingling Zhao, and Shangchao Lin. Symmetry-Breaking Induced Anisotropic Carrier Transport and Remarkable Thermoelectric Performance in Mixed Halide Perovskites CsPb (I1-xBrx)3[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020.
6. Zongliang Qiao, Yue Cao, Yuming Yin, Lingling Zhao, and Fengqi Si*. Solvation structure of supercritical CO2 and brine mixture for CO2 plume geothermal applications: A molecular dynamics study. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 159 (2020): 104783.
7. Rui Zhang, Xiaodong Si, Lingling Zhao, Linjun Yang* and Hao Wu. Investigation of the emission control of sulfur trioxide aerosols based on heterogeneous condensation and the deflectors tray of the desulfurization tower[J]. RSC advances, 2020, 10(63): 38515-38523.
8. Rui Zhang, Xiaodong Si, Lingling Zhao, Linjun Yang* and Hao Wu. Heterogeneous Condensation for Abatement of Sulfuric Acid Aerosol and Water Saving[J]. Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 2020.
9. Chao Chen, Lingling Zhao*, Xuan Wu, Shangchao Lin. Theoretical understanding of coal char oxidation and gasification using reactive molecular dynamics simulation. Fuel. 2020, 260, 116300. (SCI)
10. Lifu Yan, Mingchao Wang, Chenxi Zhai, Lingling Zhao*, Shangchao Lin. Symmetry Breaking Induced Anisotropic Carrier Transport and Remarkable Thermoelectric Performance in Mixed Halide Perovskites CsPb(I1-xBrx)3. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2020, 12 (36), 40453-40464. (SCI)
11. Zongliang Qiao, Yue Cao, Yuming Yin, Lingling Zhao, Fengqi Si. Solvation structure of supercritical CO2 and brine mixture for CO2 plume geothermal applications: A molecular dynamics study. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids. 2020, 159, 104783. (SCI)
12. Shangchao Lin, Zhuangli Cai, Yang Wang, Lingling Zhao*, Chenxi Zhai. Tailored morphology and highly enhanced phonon transport in polymer fibers: a multiscale computational framework. npj Computational Materials. 2019, 5 (1), 1-12. (SCI)
13. Aliza Khurram, Yuming Yin, Lifu Yan, Lingling Zhao, Betar M. Gallant. Governing Role of Solvent on Discharge Activity in Lithium–CO2 Batteries. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 2019, 10 (21), 6679-6687. (SCI)
14. Khurram A, Lifu Yan, Yuming Yin, Lingling Zhao, Betar Gallant. Promoting Amine Activated Electrochemical CO2 Conversion with Alkali Salts. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123(30): 18222-18231. (SCI)
15. Chen Chao, Lingling Zhao*, Xuan Wu, and Jingfan Wang. Numerical and Experimental Study on Oxy-fuel Coal and Biomass Co-firing in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed. Energy & Fuels, 2019, 33 5829-5839. (SCI)
16.Chen, Chao, Xuan Wu, and Lingling Zhao*. Simulation of Coal and Biomass Cofiring with Different Particle Density and Diameter in Bubbling Fluidized Bed under O2/CO2 Atmospheres. Journal of Combustion 2018 (2018). (ESCI)
17. Jingfan Wang, Lingling Zhao*, Mingchao Wang, Shangchao Lin.Molecular insights into early nuclei and interfacial mismatch during vapor deposition of hybrid perovskites on titanium dioxide substrate. Crystal Growth & Design, 2017, 17(12), 6201-6211. (SCI)
18. Tian Tian, Shangchao Lin, Siyu Li, Lingling Zhao, Elton J. G. Santos, Chih-Jen Shih. Doping-driven wettability of two-dimensional materials: a multiscale theory. Langmuir. 2017, 33(44): 12827-12837. (SCI)
19.Chao Chen, Lingling Zhao*, Jingfan Wang, Shangchao Lin. Reactive molecular dynamics simulations of biomass pyrolysis and combustion under various oxidative and humidity environments. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2017, 56(43): 12276-12288. (SCI)
20. Jiayuan Ji,Lingling Zhao*,Lu Tao, Shangchao Lin. Molecular Gibbs surface excess and CO2-hydrate density determine the strong temperature- and pressure-dependent supercritical CO2−brine interfacial tension. J. Phys. Chem. B. 2017, 121 (25), 6200–6207. (SCI)
21. Lingling Zhao*, Shang Xu, Mingchao Wang, Shangchao Lin. Probing the thermodynamic stability and phonon transport in two-dimensional hexagonal aluminum nitride monolayer. J. Phys. Chem. C. 2016, 120(48), 27675-27681. (SCI)
22.Lingling Zhao*, Jiayuan Ji, Lu Tao, Shangchao Lin. Ionic effects on supercritical CO2−brine interfacial tensions: molecular dynamics simulations and a universal correlation with ionic strength, temperature and pressure. Langmuir. 2016, 32(36), 9188-9196. (SCI)
23. Lingling Zhao*, Lu Tao, and Shangchao Lin. Molecular dynamics characterizations of the supercritical CO2-mediated hexane-brine interface. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54(9), 2489-2496. (SCI)
24. Lingling Zhao*, Shangchao Lin, Jonathan D. Mendenhall, Pak K. Yuet and Daniel Blankschtein, Molecular dynamics investigation of the various atomic force contributions to the interfacial tension at the supercritical CO2–water interface, J. Phys. Chem. B. 2011,115(19),6076-6087. (SCI)
25. Lingling Zhao*, Jos Derksen, Rajender Gupta. Simulations of axial mixing of liquids in a long horizontal pipe for industrial applications. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24 (11), 5844-5850. (SCI)
26. Wang, HY; Bi, XL; Zhao, LL; Zhou, QT; Kim, HT. A study on thermal stress deformation using analytical methods based on the temperature distribution of storage material in a rotary air-preheater. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2009, 29(11-12), 2350-2357. (SCI)
27. Hongyue Wang, Lingling Zhao, Zhigao Xu. Analysis on thermal stress deformation of rotary air-preheater in a thermal power plant. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2009, 26(3), 833-839. (SCI)
28. Lingling Zhao*, Qiangtai Zhou, Changsui Zhao. Flame characteristics in a novel petal swirl burner. Combustion and flame. 2008,155, 277-288. (SCI)
29. Hongyue Wang, Lingling Zhao, Zhigao Xu, Wongee Chun, Hyung Taek Kim. The study on heat transfer model of tri-sectional rotary air preheater based on the semi-analytical method. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2008, 28, 1882-1888. (SCI)
30. Hongyue Wang, Lingling Zhao, Qiangtai Zhou, Zhigao Xu, Hyung Taek Kim. Exergy analysis on the irreversibility of rotary air preheater in thermal power plant. Energy.2008, 33, 647-656. (SCI)
31. 阎立夫, 赵伶玲*. 无机钙钛矿材料力学及电子输运性质调控研究[J]. 东南大学学报 (自然科学版), 2022.
32. 孟华宁, 赵伶玲*, 邓博誉, 疏学明. 站台火灾侧向排烟挡板机械排烟数值分析[J]. 建筑热能通风空调, 2022, 41(3):5.
33. 陈小强, 俞卫新, 单鑫晨, 赵伶玲*. 火电厂机组负荷调整对 SCR 反应器运行影响研究[J]. 电力设备管理, 2021.
34. 单鑫晨, 雷健康, 赵伶玲*. 空气预热器硫酸氢氨积灰特性实验研究[J]. 发电设备, 2021.
35. 尚碧沉, 赵伶玲*, 疏学明. 消火栓布置与开关状态对流量和压降的影响[J]. 消防科学与技术, 2021, 40(7): 1052.
36. 孟华宁, 赵伶玲*. 不同排烟模式下地铁车站火灾危险性研究[J]. 工业控制计算机, 2021.
37. 雷健康, 赵伶玲*. 变负荷下空气预热器内硫酸氢铵粘结性积灰特性研究[J]. 热能动力工程, 2021, 36(11):7
38. 尹玉明, 赵伶玲*, 高腾. 基于分子动力学的镁橄榄石表面分子吸附与溶解研究[J]. 东南大学学报:自然科学版, 2021, 51(1): 8. (EI)
39. 尹玉明, 赵伶玲*. 离子浓度及表面结构对岩石孔隙内水流动特性的影响[J]. 物理学报, 2020, 069(005):117-125. (SCI)
40. 虞兮凡, 赵伶玲*. 热电材料β-Cu2-xSe热传导性能模拟研究[J]. 材料工程, 49(2): 6. (EI)
41. 雷健康, 王浩楠, 赵伶玲*. 空气预热器蓄热板硫酸氢铵动态积灰模型[J]. 热力发电, 2020(9).
42. 汪杨, 赵伶玲*. 单原子Lennard-Jones体黏弹性弛豫时间[J]. 物理学报, 2020, 69(12): 221-230. (SCI)
43. 蔡庄立, 赵伶玲*, 虞兮凡,等. 模拟聚乙烯块体相变和导热的粗粒化模型和势场建立[J]. 材料工程, 2020, 48(1): 34-40. (EI)
44. 乔宗良,汤有飞,王兴超,潘春健,司风琪,赵伶玲. CO2羽流地热系统开采特性数值模拟及预测模型[J].东南大学学报(自然科学版),2019,49(4): 764-772.
45. 高腾, 赵伶玲*, 李偲宇. 超临界CO2在岩石孔隙内流动状态的分子模拟[J]. 原子与分子物理学报, 2019, 036(006): 982-987.
46. 吴轩, 赵伶玲*, 陈超. O2/CO2气氛下鼓泡流化床多粒径煤与生物质混燃模拟[J]. 燃烧科学与技术, 2018(6).
47. 季佳圆, 赵伶玲*. 范德华力对Lennard-Jones体黏弹性的影响[J]. 化工学报, 2018, 69(8): 3331-3337. (EI)
48. 陈超, 赵伶玲*, 王镜凡. 甲胺铅碘钙钛矿物性及制备过程的分子模拟[J]. 化工学报, 2018, 69(6). (EI)
49. 陈有福, 徐颂梅, 管诗骈, 丁建良, 姚旭东, 赵伶玲*等. 炉膛火焰中心位置与下水冷壁出口壁温关系研究[J]. 热力发电, 2018, 47(6).
50. 陈有福, 徐颂梅, 管诗骈, 丁建良, 姚旭东, 赵伶玲*等. 基于水冷壁壁温的炉膛火焰中心位置预测方法[J]. 发电设备, 2018, 32(3):163-167.
51. 徐上,赵伶玲*, 蔡庄立,等. 二维氮化铝材料传热性能的模拟研究[J]. 化工学报, 2017, 68(9):3321-3327. (EI)
52. 季佳圆, 赵伶玲*, 李偲宇. 离子对CO2-盐水系统界面特性的影响[J]. 化工学报, 2017, 68(1):223-229. (EI)
53. 季佳圆, 赵伶玲*, 李偲宇. 温度及压强对CO2-盐水系统界面张力的影响[J]. 化工学报, 2017, 68(7):2880-2885. (EI)
54. 罗闽, 赵伶玲*, 李偲宇. 空气预热器硫酸氢铵积灰的数值研究[J]. 动力工程学报, 2016, 36(11):883-888.
55. 赵伶玲*, 方博, 贾青,等. 流化床O2/CO2气氛木屑与煤混燃的数值模拟研究[J]. 太阳能学报, 2016, 37(1):178-184. (EI)
56. 钟磊, 赵伶玲*, 储墨. 鳍片管磨损特性的数值研究[J]. 动力工程学报, 2016, 36(5):389-394.
57. 陶璐, 赵伶玲*, 赵长遂. 余热锅炉入口烟道结构优化设计[J]. 锅炉技术, 2015, 46(4):12-17.
58. 陶璐, 赵伶玲*, 王镜凡. CO2浓度对混溶态(CO2+正己烷)/盐水界面微观特性的影响[J]. 化工学报, 2015, 66(7):2601-2606. (EI)
59. 陈惠超, 王芳, 赵伶玲*. 粉煤灰改性钙基吸收剂循环碳酸化实验研究[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2015, 35(20):5251-5257.
60. 赵伶玲*, 陶璐, 盛洁,等. 原子间作用力对超临界CO2-水界面张力影响的研究[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2014, 35(10):1992-1996. (EI)
周强泰等,《高等教育十一五规划教材 锅炉原理(第三版)》,中国电力出版社,2009年,参编。
赵伶玲、周强泰,《高等教育十二五规划教材 锅炉课程设计》,中国电力出版社,2013年,主编。