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Selected papers

Xu, LG (Xu, Ligang); Huang, YJ (Huang, Yaji); Zou, L (Zou, Lei); Experimental research of mitigation strategy for high-temperature corrosion of waterwall fireside in a 630 MWe tangentially fired utility boiler based on combustion adjustments.Fuel Processing Technology.2019.6(188),1-15(SCI收录号:HS2JV

Jianrui Zha, Yaji Huang, Wenqing XiaEffect of mineral reaction between calcium and aluminosilicate on heavy metal behavior during sludge incineration.Fuel.2018.10,241-247


Changqi Liu , Yaji Huang , Miaomiao NiuInfluences of equivalence ratio, oxygen concentration and fluidization velocity on the characteristics of oxygen-enriched gasification products from biomass in a pilot-scale fluidized bed.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.2018.831),14214-14225SCI收录号:GQ2OH

Changqi Liu,yz Yaji Huang,Xinye Wang;Total environmental impacts of biofuels from corn stover using a hybrid life cycle assessment model combining process life cycle assessment and economic input-output life cycle assessment.Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management.2018.1(1),139-149(SCI收录号:FR0AE

Changqi Liu, b, Yaji Huang, Xinye Wang;Emergy analysis for transportation fuels produced from corn stover in China.Journal of Cleaner Production.2018.2213-225(收录号:FV6YD

Lingqin Liu, Yaji Huang, Jianhua Cao;Experimental study of biomass gasification with oxygen-enriched air in fluidized bed gasifier.Science of the Total Environment.2018.6423-433(收录号:GA2YS)

Qiao Zhenghui a, Huang Yaji a, Vincenzo NASO;Aerosol manipulation through modulated multiple acoustic wavepackets with a pair of resonators.Powder Technology.2017.11,24-31(收录号:FL0CY

Lu Dong, Jiangkun Xie, Guangping Fan, Yaji Huang;Experimental and theoretical analysis of element mercury adsorption on Fe3O4 Ag composites.Korean journal of chemical engineering.2017.1111),2861-2869(收录号:FM4QU

Feng Duan,Lihui Zhang,Xiaoru Sun,Yaji Huang;Comparison of thermal behavior for modified calcium magnesium acetate blended separately with peanut shell and sewage sludge at different atmospheres.Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry.2017.53),2417-2425(收录号:EM1MS)

Xinye Wang, Yaji Huang b, Changqi Liu;Dynamic volatilization behavior of Pb and Cd during fixed bed waste incineration Effect of chlorine and calcium oxide.Fuel.2017.5,1-9(收录号:EI8RA)

Changqi Liu,Yaji Huang, Xinye Wa;Dynamic Experimental Investigation on the Volatilization Behavior of Lead and Cadmium in the Simulated Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Influenced by Sulfur Compounds during Incineration.ENERGY & FUELS.2017.1,847-853(收录号:EI5SB)

Zhang, Lihui; Huang, Yaji; Duan, FengPore structure and fractal analysis for char of sludge blended with calcium magnesium acetate during pyrolysis process. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2016,11(5),705-713( SCI收录号: DZ2GB)

Wang, Xinye; Huang, Yaji; Niu, Miaomiao; Effect of multi-factors interaction on trace lead equilibrium during municipal solid waste incineration. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management. 2016,18(2),287-295( SCI收录号:  DI0AI)

Huang, Yaji; Zhang, Lihui; Duan, Feng; Investigation on thermal behavior and sulfur release characteristics from rice husk and bituminous coal co-firing under O2/CO2 atmosphere. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2016,11(1),51-59( SCI收录号:DB0IZ)

Wang, Xinye; Huang, Yaji; Zhong, Zhaoping; Theoretical investigation of cadmium vapor adsorption on kaolinite surfaces with DFT calculations. Fuel 2016,16(6),333-339(SCI收录号:CX3VN)

Song, Min; Huang, Yaji; Jin, Baosheng; The influence of different surface-modification treatments on biomass-based carbons and their effects on adsorption of carbon dioxide. International Journal of Green Energy. 2016,13(11),1084-1089(SCI收录号:DX2LC)

Liu, Lingqin; Huang, Yaji; Liu, Changqi; Prediction of Rice Husk Gasification on Fluidized Bed Gasifier Based on Aspen Plu. Bioresources. 2016,11(1),2744-2755(SCI收录号: DG8GO)

Zhang Lihui; Duan Feng; Huang Yaji;Effect of calcium magnesium acetate on the forming property and fractal dimension of sludge pore structure during combustion. Bioresource Technology. 2015,197,235-243

Wang, Xinye; Huang, Yaji; Pan, Zhigang;Theoretical investigation of lead vapor adsorption on kaolinite surfaces with DFT calculations. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2015,295,43-54(SCI收录号: CK3PG)

Qiao, Zhenghui; Huang, Yaji; Vincenzo, Naso; Aerosol manipulation by acoustic tunable phase-control at resonant frequency.  Powder Technology. 2015,281,76-82(SCI收录号:  CL5JK)

Zhang Lihui; Duan Feng; Huang Yaji; Effect of organic calcium compounds on combustion characteristics of rice husk, sewage sludge, and bituminous coal: Thermogravimetric investigation. Bioresource Technology. 2015,181,62-71(SCI收录号:CB6ES)

Huang, YJ; Jin, BS*; Zhong, ZP; Zhong, WQ; Xiao, R; Characteristic and Mercury Adsorption Activated Carbon Produced by CO2 of Chicken Waste.Journal of Enviromental Sciences. 2008, 20( 3 ), 291-296. (SCI收录号: 275SC)

Huang, YJ; Jin, BS*; Zhong, ZP; Xiao, R; Zhou, HC; Effect of Operating Conditions on Gas Components in the Partial Coal Gasification with Air/Steam. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2007, 24(4), 698-705. (SCI收录号: 197PH )

Huang, YJ; Jin, BS; Zhong, ZP; Xiao, R; Zhou, HC; Effects of Solid Additives on the Control of Trace Elements during Coal Gasification. Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. 2005, 544-551. (SCI收录号:BDZ46)

Huang, YJ; Jin, BS; Zhong, ZP; Xiao, R; Tang, ZY; Ren, HF; Trace Elements (Mn, Cr, Pb, Se, Zn, Cd and Hg) in Emissions From a Pulverized Coal Boiler. Fuel Processing Technology. 2004, 86(1), 23-32. (SCI收录号:855QD)

Duan, F; Jin, BS*; Huang, YJ; Li, B; Wu, YM; Zhang, MY; Results of Bituminous Coal Gasification upon Exposure to a Pressurized Pilot-Plant Circulating Fluidized-Bed (CFB) Reactor. Energy & Fuels. 2010, 24, 3150-3158.(SCI收录号: 611VE)

Duan, F; Jin, BS*; Huang, YJ; Li, B; Wu, YM; Zhang, MY; Reasearch on the Main Factors for Changes in Pressure Based on Turbulent Circulating Fluidized Bed Coal Gasification Technology. Korean Journal of Chemical Eengineering. 2010, 7(6), 1707-1714. (SCI收录号: 675NJ)

Zhong, ZP; Jin, BS; Huang, YJ; Zhou, HC; Zhang, MY; Experimental Study on Flue Gas Purifying of MSW Incineration Using in-pipe Jet Adsorption Techniques. Waste Management. 2007, 28(10), 19231932. (SCI收录号:344ER)

Niu, Miaomiao;Huang, Yaji;Jin, Baosheng;Simulation of Syngas Production from Municipal Solid Waste Gasification in a Bubbling Fluidized Bed Using Aspen Plus; Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research;2013,52(42):14768-14775.(SCI收录号: 242BQ)

Fu, Qirang; Huang, Yaji; Niu, Miaomiao; Experimental and predicted approaches for biomass gasification with enriched air-steam in a fluidised bed;Waste Management & Research;2014,32(10):988-996. (SCI收录号: AS0NO)

Niu, Miaomiao; Huang, Yaji; Jin, Baosheng; Enriched-Air Gasification of Refuse-Derived Fuel in a Fluidized Bed: Effect of Gasifying Conditions and Bed Materials;Chemical Engineering & Technology; 2014,37(10):1787-1796. (SCI收录号: AQ5HC)

Niu, Miaomiao; Huang, Yaji; Jin, Baosheng; Oxygen Gasification of Municipal Solid Waste in a Fixed-bed Gasifier;Chinese Journal Of Chemical Engineering; 2014,22(9):1021-1026. (SCI收录号: AS8AA)

Wang, Xinye; Huang, Yaji; Zhong, Zhaoping; Control of inhalable particulate lead emission from incinerator using kaolin in two addition modes;Fuel Processing Technology; 2014,119:228-235. (SCI收录号: 295VR)

Lihui Zhang, Feng Duan, Yaji Huang; Thermogravimetric investigation on characteristic of biomass combustion under the effect of organic calcium compounds; Bioresource Technology; 2015,175:174-181.(SCI收录号: AU6CJ)

Zuo, Wu; Jin, Baosheng; Huang, Yaji; Characterization of top phase oil obtained from co-pyrolysis of sewage sludge and poplar sawdust;Environmental Science And Pollution Research; 2014,21(16):9717-9726. (SCI收录号: AN5EO)




杨钊,黄亚继,黄学希;0.3 MW 循环流化床燃煤锅炉SO3 脱除试验研究;热力发电;2018.3(3),62-67

王健,黄亚继,邹磊;气固相硫协同作用下水冷壁的高温腐蚀特性;化工进展;2018.2(2),452-458(EI收录号: 20183705799564)

徐力刚,黄亚继,王健;基于炉膛结渣监测模型的吹灰优化;东南大学学报( 自然科学版);2018.1(1),63-70(EI EI收录号: 20181605015833)

夏文青,黄亚继,王昕晔;非碳基吸附剂高温捕集氯化铅蒸气;化工进展;2017.6(9),3508-3513(EI EI收录号: 20174704431143)

张弘,黄亚继,盛帮明;火电厂汽轮机房局部机械通风数值模拟及优化;2017.6(6),1659-1666(EI EI收录号: 20173204030761)

孙青柯,黄亚继,王靓;磁性Fe3O4-Ag复合纳米颗粒吸附剂脱汞性能实验研究;化工进展;2017.3(3)1101-1106(EI EI收录号: 20172203719646)

邰扬,黄亚继等樟子松热解生物油提质工艺系统能值分析农业工程学报. 2016,22,244-250EI收录号:20164903093310


张丽徽,黄亚继等添加醋酸钙镁对污泥热解过程中焦孔隙结构的影响东南大学学报(自然科学版).2016,46(4),788-793 (EI收录号:20163202699804)

严玉朋,黄亚继等.  城市生活垃圾焚烧中铅形态转化的热力学平衡中南大学学报(自然科学版).2016,47(6),2166-2173 (EI收录号:20162802580796)

张帅毅,黄亚继等模拟垃圾焚烧过程中氯对铅动态挥发特性的影响浙江大学学报(工学版).2016,50(3),485-498 (EI收录号:20161802316805)


杨高强,黄亚继等无电晕式阴极放电对SNCR脱除NO影响.中南大学学报(自然科学版).2015,46(3),1147-1152 (EI收录号:20152000840979)

黄亚继金保升仲兆平肖睿任慧峰痕量元素在煤粉炉中排放特性的研究中国电机工程学报. 2003, 23(11),  (EI收录号:2004128075282)

黄亚继金保升仲兆平肖睿痕量元素在气化产物中分布规律的研究中国电机工程学报. 2004, 24(11), (EI收录号:2005028785745

黄亚继金保升仲兆平肖睿周宏仓煤气化过程中痕量元素迁移规律与气化温度的关系中国电机工程学报. 2006, 26(4), (EI收录号:2006189856904)

黄亚继金保升仲兆平周宏仓煤燃烧过程中痕量元素的分类研究东南大学学报 (自然科学版). 2003, 33(2), 148-152. (EI收录号:2003307568520)

黄亚继金保升仲兆平肖睿气化压力对煤气化过程中痕量元素迁移规律的影响东南大学学报(自然科学版). 2008, 38(1), 92-96. (EI收录号:20081111146590)

黄亚继仲兆平金保升张瑞霞段峰李勤李斌生物原油燃烧及气态污染物排放特性太阳能学报. 2010,31(10), 1240-1245. (EI收录号:20105113511744)

黄亚继仲兆平金保昇李斌孙宇生物质油 /柴油乳化油的稳定性与燃烧试验研究东南大学学报(自然科学版). 2010, 40(4), 794-799. (EI收录号:20103613222208)

段锋黄亚继李斌孙宇基于小波模极大值的湍动流态化流型转变特性研究中国电机工程学报. 2011,31(26), 71-75. (EI收录号:20114214431858)

李斌黄亚继金保昇段锋章名耀加压湍动循环流化床气化炉煤气成分与热值试验浙江大学学报工学版. 2011, 45(11), 2076-2030. (EI收录号:20120114663559)

牛淼淼黄亚继金保昇王昕晔贾纪强生物油/柴油乳化油制备及其在柴油机上的燃烧试验研究中国电机工程学报. 2012, 32(20), 96-101. (EI收录号:20123615406359)

仲兆平金保升黄亚继周宏仓章名耀管道喷射吸附法净化垃圾焚烧尾气试验研究东南大学学报 (自然科学版). 2005, 35(1), 1923-1932. (EI收录号:20083111424029)

段锋金保升黄亚继李斌李勤章名耀基于小波模极大的循环流化床气化炉冷态试验研究中国电机工程学报. 2009,29(14),24-29.  (EI收录号:20092212102335)

段锋金保昇黄亚继李斌章名耀气化剂预热温度对加压湍动循环流化床煤气化的影响化工学报. 2009, 60(12), 3112-3116. (EI收录号:20095312588488)

李勤金保升黄亚继仲兆平李斌孙宇水蒸气活化制备生物质活性炭的实验研究东南大学学报 (自然科学版). 2009,39(5), 1008-1011. (EI收录号:20094512438075)

Wang, XY; Huang, YJ; Zhong, ZP; Wang, YX; Xu, LL; In Furnace Capture of Heavy Metals by Sorbents during Simulated MSW Incineration. Advanced Materials Research. 2011, 356-360. (EI收录号:20114514502129)

Duan, F; Huang, YJ; Jin, BS; Li, B; Zhang, MY; Flow Regime Distinguish in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Gasifier Based on Wavelet Modulus Maxima. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. 2011,680-685:1590-1596. (EI收录号:20100512674155)

Duan, F; Zhang, LH; Huang, YJ; Dependence of Bituminous Coal Gasification on Pressure in a Turbulent Circulating Fluidized Bed. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2011. (EI收录号:IP51667709).






