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Selected  papers

  1. Shiyi Chen, Zhipeng Xue, Dong Wang, Wenguo Xiang*. An integrated system combining chemical looping hydrogen generation process and solid oxide fuel cell/gas turbine cycle for power production with CO2 capture. Journal of Power Sources. 2012; 215: 89-98.
  2. Shiyi Chen, Wenguo Xiang*, Dong Wang, et al. Incorporating IGCC and CaO Sorption- enhanced Process for Power Generation with CO2 Capture. Applied Energy 2012; 95: 285-294.
  3. Shiyi Chen, Wenguo Xiang*, Dong Wang, et al. Hydrogen and Electricity Co-production Plant Integrating Steam-iron Process and Chemical Looping Combustion. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2012; 37: 8204-8216.
  4. Zhipeng Xue, Wenguo Xiang*, Shiyi Chen. Design and fluid dynamic analysis of three-fluidized bed reactor system for chemical looping hydrogen generation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2012, 51, 4267−4278.
  5. Shiyi Chen, Wenguo Xiang*, Dong Wang, et al. Calcium looping gasification for high-concentration hydrogen production with CO2 capture in a novel compact fluidized bed: Simulation and operation requirements. International Journal Hydrogen & Energy, 2011(36): 4887-4899
  6. Shiyi Chen, Wenguo Xiang*, Zhipeng Xue, Xiaoyan Sun. Experimental investigation of chemical looping hydrogen generation using iron oxides in a batch fluidized bed. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2011, 33 (2): 2691-2699
  7. Wenguo Xiang*, Shiyi Chen, Xiaoyan Sun, Zhipeng Xue. Investigation of coal gasification hydrogen and electricity co-production plant with three-reactors chemical looping process. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2010, 35(16): 8580- 8591.
  8. Xiaoyan Sun, Wengguo Xiang*, Sha Wang et al.Characteristics of Solid fueled Chemical Looping Combustion Using Fe3O4 as Oxygen Carrier: influence of Variables. Journal of thermal science. 2010,19(3):266~276.
  9. Wenguo Xiang*, Changsui Zhao, and Keliang Pang. Experimental investigation of natural coke steam gasification in a bench- scale fluidized bed: Influences of temperature and oxygen flow rate. Energy & Fuels. 2009, 23 (2), 805-810.
  10. W.G. Xiang*, Y.Y. Chen. Performance improvement of combined cycle power plant based on the optimization of the bottom cycle and heat recuperation. J. of Thermal Science. 2007, V16(1):84-89
  11. 薛志鹏; 陈时熠; 王东; 向文国. 化学链燃烧制氢三联流化床冷态实验研究    工程热物理学报. 2012, 33(5):887-890
  12. 董湛波, 向文国, 王新. 基于多模型的循环流化床锅炉床温预测控制. 动力工程学报, 2011, 31(3): 181-186
  13. 孙小燕, 向文国, 田文栋. 基于Fe3O4的化学链制氢动力学特性. 燃烧科学与技术. 2011(06): 534-540
  14. 史奇良, 陈时熠, 向文国. 铁基载氧体化学链制氢特性实验研究. 中国电机工程学报. 2011(S1): 168-174
  15. 陈时熠, 向文国, 薛志鹏. 固定床上Fe2O3载氧燃烧特性实验研究. 中国电机工程学报. 2010, 30(20) :44-50