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  1. 杨林军,金一中,谭天恩.钙基物料在砖坯烧制过程中固氟特性的研究.环境科学学报,200222(3)294-299

  2. 杨林军,漆嘉惠,张允湘.石膏两步法制硫酸钾中K2SO4结晶工艺条件研究.高校化学工程学报,200418(1)89-93 (EI收录号:2004248214332)

  3. 杨林军,张志炳,张允湘,等.湿法磷酸过滤管道系统氟硅酸钾()结垢沉积模型.化工学报,200354(10)1407-141

  4. 周磊,杨树莹,吴新,等.表面活性剂增强喷雾对褐煤细颗粒物的抑制[J].东南大学学报(自然科学版)201949(02)280-287

  5. 侯大伟,潘丹萍,周心澄,等.石灰石-石膏法脱硫过程中浆液雾化夹带与细颗粒排放的关系[J].化工学报,201869(04)1714-1722

  6. 李欣怡,潘丹萍,胡斌,等.燃煤烟气中SO3迁移转化特性及其控制的研究现状及展望[J].化工进展,201837(12)4887-4896

  7. 骆律源,程滕,杨林军,等.空预器中硫酸氢铵形成特性及其对颗粒物排放的影响[J].高校化学工程学报,2018(03)675-682

  8. 周心澄,黄治军,潘丹萍,等.燃煤电站超低排放烟气颗粒物排放测试及特性分析[J].东南大学学报(自然科学版)2018(02)240-247

  9. 狄华娟, 杨林军, 潘丹萍. 超声波强化钙基废渣碳酸化固定CO2的性能[J]. 化工学报, 2012, 63(08):2557-2565

  10. 沙焱, 杨林军, 陈浩,. 燃煤烟气中细颗粒物与共存气态组分对膜吸收CO2的影响. 化工学报, 2013, 64(4):1293-1299

  11. 潘丹萍, 郭彦鹏, 陈浩, 杨林军. 铵基循环碳酸化固定CO2. 化工学报, 2013, 64(6):2232-2239.

  12. 赵汶, 刘勇, 鲍静静, 杨林军. 化学团聚促进燃煤细颗粒物脱除的试验研究. 中国电机工程学报, 2013(20):52-58

  13. 王霞, 陈浩, 瞿如敏, 杨林军. 燃煤烟气中共存杂质对膜分离CO2性能影响的实验研究. 燃料化学学报, 2015, 43(01):100-107

  14. 潘丹萍, 郭彦鹏, 黄荣廷, 杨林军. 石灰石-石膏法烟气脱硫过程中细颗粒物形成特性. 化工学报, 2015, 66(11):4618-4625.

  15. 潘丹萍, 吴昊, 黄荣廷, 杨林军. 石灰石-石膏法烟气脱硫过程中SO3酸雾脱除特性. 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 46(02): 311-316.

  16. 黄荣廷, 潘丹萍, 盛溢, 杨林军. 氨法烟气脱硫过程中气溶胶颗粒生成特性. 化工学报, 2015, 66(11): 4366-4372.

  17. 束航,张玉华,范红梅,张亚平,杨林军.SCR脱硝中催化剂表面NH4HSO4生成及分解的原位红外研究.化工学报,201566(11):4460-4468(EI收录号:20154801612055)

  18. Yang LJ, Jin YZ, Tan TE. Study on fluorine expulsion and retention in brick-making practice, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2002, 10(3): 339-346

  19. Yang LJ, Bao JJ, Yan JP. Removal of fine particles in wet flue gas desulfurization system by heterogeneous condensation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2010, 156: 25-32.

  20. Huang R, Wu H, Yang L. Study on the ammonia emission characteristics in an ammonia-based WFGD system[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020,379:122257.

  21. Cheng T, Zhou X, Yang L, et al. Transformation and removal of ammonium sulfate aerosols and ammonia slip from selective catalytic reduction in wet flue gas desulfurization system[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2020,88:72-80.

  22. Cheng T, Luo L, Yang L, et al. Formation and Emission Characteristics of Ammonium Sulfate Aerosols in Flue Gas Downstream of Selective Catalytic Reduction[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2019,33(8):7861-7868.

  23. Cheng T, Zheng C, Yang L, et al. Effect of selective catalytic reduction denitrification on fine particulate matter emission characteristics[J]. Fuel, 2019,238:18-25.

  24. Sun Z, Yang L, Shen A, et al. Combined effect of chemical and turbulent agglomeration on improving the removal of fine particles by different coupling mode[J]. Powder Technology, 2019,344:242-250.

  25. Zhou L, Chen W, Wu H, et al. Investigation on the relationship of droplet atomization performance and fine particle abatement during the chemical agglomeration process[J]. Fuel, 2019,245:65-77.

  26. Bin H, Yang Y, Cai L, et al. Experimental study on particles agglomeration by chemical and turbulent agglomeration before electrostatic precipitators[J]. Powder Technology, 2018,335:186-194.

  27. Bin H, Yang Y, Lei Z, et al. Experimental and DFT studies of PM2.5 removal by chemical agglomeration[J]. Fuel, 2018,212:27-33.

  28. Sun Z, Yang L, Shen A, et al. Improving the removal of fine particles from coal combustion in the effect of turbulent agglomeration enhanced by chemical spray[J]. Fuel, 2018,234:558-566.

  29. Zhang R, Wu H, Si X, et al. Improving the removal of fine particulate matter based on heterogeneous condensation in desulfurized flue gas[J]. Fuel Processing Technology, 2018,174:9-16.

  30. Zhou L, Liu Y, Luo L, et al. Improving the removal of fine particles by chemical agglomeration during the limestone-gypsum wet flue gas desulfurization process[J]. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2018.

  31. Fan FX, Yang LJ, Yan JP, Bao JJ, Shen XL. Experimental study on removal of fine particles from coal combustion by a condensational scrubber. Chemical Engineering and Processing, 2009, 48: 1353-1360.

  32. Fan FX, Yang LJ, Yan JP, Yuan ZL. Numerical analysis of water vapor nucleation on PM2.5 from municipal solid waste incineration. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2009, 146: 259-265.

  33. Bao JJ, Yang LJ, Geng JF, Yan JP, Shen XL. Removal of fine particles by heterogeneous condensation in the double-alkali desulfurization process. Chemical Engineering and Processing, 2011, 50(8): 828-835.

  34. Bao JJ, Yang LJ, Yan JP, Xiong GL. Experimental study of fine particles removal in the desulfurated scrubbed flue gas. Fuel 108 (2013) 73–79

  35. Bao JJ, Yang LJ, Song SJ, Xiong GL. Separation of fine particles from gases in Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization system using a cascade of double towers. Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26(4): 2090-2097.

  36. Bao JJ, Yang LJ, Song SJ, Geng JF, Improving the removal of fine particles in the WFGD system by adding wetting agents, Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26(8): 4924-4931.

  37. Yan JP, Bao JJ, Yang LJ, Shen XL. The formation and removal characteristics of aerosols in ammonia-based wet flue gas desulfurization. Journal of Aerosol Science, 2011, 42: 604–614.

  38. Danping Pan, Ran Yu, Jingjing Bao etal. The emission and formation characteristics of aerosols from ammonia-based wet flue gas desulfurization. Energy  Fuels. 2016, 30 (1)666–673.

  39. Wu H, Yang LJ, Yan JP. Improving the removal of fine particles by heterogeneous condensation during WFGD processes. Fuel Processing Technology, 2016, 145: 116-122.

  40. Wu H, Pan DP, Jiang YZ. Improving the removal of fine particles from desulfurized flue gas by adding humid air. Fuel, 2016, 184:153-161.

  41. Rongting H, Ran Y, Hao W, et al. Investigation on the Removal of SO3 in Ammonia-based WFGD System. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2016, 289:537-543.

  42. Bao JJ, Mao L, Zhang YH, Fan HM, Shi YJ, Yang LJ, Yang HM. Effect of selective catalytic reduction system on fine particle emission characteristics. Energy & Fuels, 2016.

  43. Shi YJ, Shu H, Zhang YH, Fan HM, Zhang YP, Yang LJ. Formation and decomposition of NH4HSO4 during selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3 over V2O5-WO3/TiO2 catalysts. Fuel Processing Technology, 2016, 150:141-147.

  44. Lin Zhang, Rumin Qu, Yan ShaXia WangLinjun Yang. Membrane gas absorption for CO2 capture from flue gas containing fine particles and gaseous contaminants. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas control, 2015, 33,10-17.

  45. Lin Zhang, Juan Li, Lei Zhou, Rui Liu, Xia Wang, and Linjun Yang. Fouling of impurities in desulfurized flue gas on hollow fiber membrane absorption for CO2 Capture. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research2015.

  46. Wang X, Chen H, Zhang L, et al. Effects of coexistent gaseous components and fine particles in the flue gas on CO2, separation by flat-sheet polysulfone membranes. Journal of Membrane Science, 2014, 470(23): 237-245


  1. 孙成等主编, «环境监测»,北京:科学出版社,2019.10(负责第4章空气与废气监测)

  2. 杨林军著. 燃烧源细颗粒物污染控制技术. 北京: 化学工业出版社, 2011.6.

  3. 章名耀等, 洁净煤技术及其工程实例, 化学工业出版社, 2010(负责第10章细颗粒物污染控制技术)