1. Li Xin, Lu Yongze*, Li Na, Wang Yongzhen, Yu Ran, Zhu Guangcan*, Zeng Raymond Jianxiong. Mixotrophic Cultivation of Microalgae Using Biogas as the Substrate[J]. Environment Science and Technology, 2022,56(6):3669-3677.
2. Zeng Qi, Wang Chu-Ya*, Xu Bo-Xing, Han Jianyu, Fang Xin and Zhu Guangcan*. Electron-Level Mechanistic Insights into Ce Doping for Enhanced Efficiency Degradation of Bisphenol A under Visible Light Irradiation[J]. Nanomaterials, 2022, 12, 1382.
3. Li Xin, Lu Yongze*, Chen Yue, Zhu Guangcan*, Zeng Raymond Jianxiong. Constraining nitrification by intermittent aeration to achieve methane-driven ammonia recovery of the mainstream anaerobic effluent [J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 295, 113103.
4. Wang Yumin, Zhu Guangcan*. Analysis of reliability and belief degree for water distribution system based on fuzzy set theory [J]. Urban Water Journal, 2021, 18(7), 498-509.
5. Huang Shan, Zhang Jingran, Pi Jiachang, Gong Liying, Zhu Guangcan*. Long-term electricity generation and denitrification performance of MFCs with different exchange membranes and electrode materials [J]. Bioelectrochemistry, 2021, 140, 107748.
6. Hassan Mahdi, Zhu Guangcan*, Yang Zhonglian, Lu Yongze. Simultaneous removal of sulfamethoxazole and enhanced denitrification process from simulated municipal wastewater by a novel 3D-BER system [J]. Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering, 2021, 19(1): 23-38.
7. Pi Jiachang, Zhu Guangcan*, Liu Lianqing, Wang Chuya, Yang Zhonglian. Size and resin fractionations of dissolved organic matter and characteristics of disinfection by-product precursors in a pilot-scale constructed wetland [J]. Water Supply, 2021, 21(4): 1481-1494.
8. Wang Yumin, Zhu Guangcan*. Improved fuzzy chance-constrained optimization of booster strategy for water distribution system under uncertainty [J]. Water Supply, 2021, 21(2): 750-764.
9. Wang Yumin, Zhu Guangcan*. Inexact left-hand side two-stage chance-constrained programming for booster optimization in water distribution system [J]. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 298, 113372.
10. Zhu Guangcan*, Lu Yongze*, Xu Liran. Effects of the carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio on a system coupling simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) and denitrifying phosphorus removal (DPR). Environmental Technology, 2021, 42(19): 3048-3054.
11. Zhu Guangcan*, Huang Shan, Lu Yongze, Gu Xia. Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in the bio-cathode of a multi-anode microbial fuel cell [J]. Environmental Technology, 2021, 42(8): 1260-1270.
12. Sun Qi, Zhu Guangcan*, Wu Jun*, Lu Jian, Zhang Zhenhua. Simultaneous catalytic ozonation degradation of metronidazole and removal of heavy metal from aqueous solution using nano-magnesium hydroxide. Environmental Technology, 2021, 42(6): 894-904.
13. Hassan Mahdi, Zhu Guangcan*, Lu Yongze, AL-Falahi Ali Hamoud, Lu Yuan, Huang Shan, Wan Ziren. Removal of antibiotics from wastewater and its problematic effects on microbial communities by bioelectrochemical Technology: Current knowledge and future perspectives [J]. Environmental Engineering Research, 2021, 26(1): 190405.
14. 韩震, 李淑萍, 朱光灿*, 陆勇泽, 闫刚印, 李照博. 高原地区曝气池氧传质的影响因素研究[J]. 水处理技术, 2021, 47(06): 34-38.
15. 仲雨叶, 朱光灿*, 任亮, 张志东, 李翱. 进水条件对小型一体化装置处理污水效果的影响[J]. 水处理技术, 2021, 47(02): 102-105.
16. Gao Huan, Ji Hongjun, Yu Ran*, Zhu Guangcan*. Effects of ozonation on disinfection by-product formation potentials and biostability in a pilot-scale drinking water treatment plant with micro-polluted water [J]. Environmental Technology, 2020, 11-12.
17. Wang Chuya, Zeng Qi, Zhu Guangcan*. Novel S-doped BiOBr nanosheets for the enhanced photocatalytic degradation of bisphenol A under visible light irradiation [J]. Chemosphere, 2020, 268, 128854.
18. Zhang Liling, Pei Zhoutao, Zhao Yani, Zhang Jing, Xu Rourou, Zhang Meng, Wang Wenqiang, Sun Liwei*, Zhu Guangcan*. Toxicity changes of heavily polluted river sediments on Daphnia magna before and after dredging [J]. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2020, 105(6): 874-881.
19. Wang Ce, Qi Yi, Zhu Guangcan*. Deep learning for predicting the occurrence of cardiopulmonary diseases in Nanjing, China [J]. Chemosphere, 2020, 257, 127176.
20. Wang Ce, Zhu Guangcan*, Zhang Lei, Chen Kai. Particulate matter pollution and hospital outpatient visits for endocrine, digestive, urological, and dermatological diseases in Nanjing, China [J]. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 261, 114205.
21. Huang Shan, Lu Yuan, Li Xin, Lu Yongze, Zhu Guangcan*, Hassan Mahdi. Tertiary denitrification and organic matter variations of secondary effluent from wastewater treatment plant by the 3D-BER system [J]. Environmental Research, 2020, 189, 109937.
22. Huang Shan, Zhu Guangcan*, Gu Xia. The relationship between energy production and simultaneous nitrification and denitrification via bioelectric derivation of microbial fuel cells at different anode numbers [J]. Environmental Research, 2020, 184, 109247.
23. Huang Shan, Lu Yongze, Zhu Guangcan*, Kong Yun. Effect of organic concentration in the anode and cathode on bioelectricity generation and denitrification in a single-cathode three-anode microbial fuel cell [J]. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2020, 146(8): 04020086.
24. Chen Yue, Li Shuping, Lu Yongze, Zhu Guangcan*, Cheng Huapeng. Simultaneous nitrification, denitrification and phosphorus removal (SNDPR) at low atmosphere pressure [J]. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 160, 107629.
25. Lu Yongze, Li Xin, Chen Yue, Wang Yongzhen, Zhu Guangcan*, Zeng Raymond Jianxiong. The indispensable role of assimilation in methane driven nitrate removal [J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 746, 141089.
26. Gong Liying, Chen Guiding, Li Jialin, Zhu Guangcan*. Utilization of rural domestic sewage tailwaters by Ipomoea aquatica in different hydroponic vegetable and constructed wetland systems [J]. Water Science & Technology, 2020, 82(2): 386-400.
27. Hassan Mahdi, Zhu Guangcan*, Yang Zhonglian, Lu Yongze. Effects of pH on antibiotic denitrification and biodegradation of sulfamethoxazole removal from simulated municipal wastewater by a novel 3D-BER system [J]. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2020, 146(12): 04020134.
28. Hassan Mahdi, Zhu Guangcan*, Yang Zhonglian, Lu Yongze, Lang Yan, Gong Liying, Huang Shan. Effect of the C/N ratio on biodegradation of ciprofloxacin and denitrification from low C/N wastewater as assessed by a novel 3D-BER system [J]. Sustainability, 2020, 12(18), 7611.
29. Hassan Mahdi, Zhu Guangcan*, Yang Zhonglian, Lu Yongze, Huang Shan. Diversity of immobilized bacterial communities and nitrates removal by instantaneous heterotrophic denitrification treating nitrate-polluted water using 3D-BERs-GAC: Effects of pH and COD/NO3--N ratio [J]. Preprints, 2020, 2020070162 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202007.0162.v1).
30. Wang Yumin, Zhu Guangcan*. Risk associated with increasing bromide in drinking water sources in Yancheng City, China [J]. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2020, 192(1), 36.
31. Wang Yumin, Zhu Guangcan*, Engel Bernard, Wu Yifeng. Probabilistic human health risk assessment of arsenic under uncertainty in drinking water sources in Jiangsu Province, China [J]. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2020, 42(7), 2023-2037.
32. Ling Feng, Lu Yongze, Wang Ce, Yuan Zhan, Yu Ran*, Zhu Guangcan*. Electron transfer pathways and kinetic analysis of cathodic simultaneous nitrification and denitrification process in microbial fuel cell system [J]. Environmental Research, 2020, 186,109505.
33. Lu Jian*, Sun Qi, Wu Jun, Zhu Guangcan. Enhanced ozonation of antibiotics using magnetic Mg(OH)2 nanoparticles made through magnesium recovery from discarded dischofite [J]. Chemosphere, 2020, 238, 124694.
34. 宋亚男, 陆圆, 陆勇泽, Hassan M, 朱光灿*. 电流对DF-BER反硝化和有机物转化的影响[J].中国环境科学, 2020, 40(07), 2880-2887.
35. 邵袁, 王华成, 覃榴滨, 侯婉宁, 朱光灿*. 乡镇污水处理厂仿真模拟及优化运行研究[J]. 水处理技术, 2020, 46(09), 90-97.
36. 王柯, 杨忠莲, 朱永林, 吉志一, 朱光灿*. 长江下游原水臭氧-生物活性炭深度处理效果及有机物特性变化[J]. 净水技术, 2020, 39(04), 45-53.
37. 侍路梦, 吴慧芳*, 王玉敏, 朱光灿*, 吴倩. 供水管网余氯衰减变化规律及模型研究[J]. 中国给水排水, 2020, 36(01), 52-57+62.
38. 孙琪, 朱光灿*, 武君, 吕剑. 不同形貌的纳米Mg(OH)2催化臭氧化降解甲硝唑[J].化工进展, 2020, 39(3), 1174-1180.
39. 黄珊, 陆勇泽, 朱光灿*, 孔赟. 耦合生物阴极SND的MLMB-MFC的构建与运行[J].化工学报, 2020, 71(04), 1772-1780.
40. Zhu Guangcan*, Sun Qi, Wang Chuya, Yang Zhonglian, Xue Qi. Removal of sulfamethoxazole, sulfathiazole and sulfamethazine in their mixed solution by UV/H2O2 process [J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(10), 1797.
41. Sun Qi, Zhu Guangcan*, Wu Jun*, Lu Jian, Zhang Zhenhua. Catalytic ozonation of nitroimidazole antibiotics using nano-magnesium hydroxide as heavy-metals free catalyst [J]. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2019, 161, 216-227.
42. Sun Qi, Zhu Guangcan*, Wang Chuya, Yang Zhonglian, Xue Qi. Removal characteristics of steroid estrogen in the mixed system through an ozone-based advanced oxidation process [J]. Water Air & Soil Pollution, 2019, 230(9), 218.
43. Wang Yumin*, Zhu Guangcan, Engel Bernard. Health risk assessment of trihalomethanes in water treatment plants in Jiangsu Province, China [J]. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2019, 170, 346-354.
44. Wang Yumin, Yu Ran, Zhu Guangcan*. Evaluation of Physicochemical Characteristics in Drinking Water Sources Emphasized on Fluoride: A Case Study of Yancheng, China [J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(6), 1030.
45. Wang Yumin*, Zhu Guangcan, Yang Zhonglian. Analysis of water quality characteristic for water distribution systems [J]. Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination, 2019, 9(2), 152-162.
46. Sun Qi, Lu Jian*, Wu Jun, Zhu Guangcan. Catalytic ozonation of sulfonamide, fluoroquinolone, and tetracycline antibiotics using nano-magnesium hydroxide from natural bischofite [J]. Water Air & Soil Pollution, 2019, 230(3), 55.
47. Wu Junkang, Gao Huan, Ye Jinyu, Chang Yan, Yu Ran*, Ding Zhen, Zhu Guangcan. Effects of Exogenous N-Acyl-Homoserine Lactone as Signal Molecule on Nitrosomonas Europaea under ZnO Nanoparticle Stress [J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(16), 3003.
48. 李甲琳, 陈桂顶, 杨忠莲, 朱光灿*. 水培蔬菜与潜流湿地组合工艺净化农村生活污水尾水. 净水技术, 2019, 38(10), 94-100+123.
49. 杨阳, 杨忠莲, 吴倩, 朱光灿*. 臭氧投加量对微污染淮河原水中消毒副产物前体物去除效果的影响. 净水技术, 2019, 38(08), 53-63.
50. 陆圆, 顾霞, 陆勇泽, 黄珊, 朱光灿*. 外电阻值对3A-MFC产电和脱氮性能的影响. 化工进展, 2019, 38(8), 3910-3916.
51. Wu Junkang, Zhu Guangcan, Yu Ran*. Fates and impacts of nanomaterial contaminants in biological wastewater treatment system: A review [J]. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2018, 229(1), 9.
52. Wang Yumin*, Zhu Guangcan, Engel Bernard. Variation and relationship of THMs between tap water and finished water in Yancheng City, China [J]. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2018, 190(9), 517.
53. 顾霞, 黄珊, 陆圆, 孔赟, 朱光灿*, 陆勇泽. 不同运行方式对多阳极型微生物燃料电池反硝化及产电性能的影响 [J]. 化工进展, 2018, 37(10), 3818-3825.
54. 李寒, 蒋彬, 赵悬悬, 朱光灿*. 水生蔬菜型人工湿地对蓝藻消化液中氮、磷的去除[J]. 中国给水排水, 2018, 34(17), 63-68.
55. 张小玲, 朱光灿*. 加气混凝土砌块吸附初期径流中磷的效果与机制[J]. 环境工程学报, 2018, 12(8), 2202-2209.
56. 袁展, 吉红军, 余冉*, 朱光灿*. 饮用水处理工艺中臭氧剂量控制消毒副产物生成势研究[J]. 2018, 69(6), 2697-2707.
57. 王洁, 朱光灿*, 余冉, 杨忠莲. 臭氧-生物活性炭工艺对消毒副产物前体物的去除特性[J]. 净水技术, 2017, 36(12), 22-26, 37.
58. 夏岩, 宋海亮*, 朱光灿*, 张晓, 耿冰. 长距离输水管网中DBPs生成分布规律及管网微生物的多样性[J]. 净水技术, 2017, 36(12), 13-21.
59. 周晓莉, 俞锋, 朱光灿*, 张亚平. 江苏农村生活污水处理设施进水水质调查分析[J]. 环境工程学报, 2017, 11(3), 1445-1449.
60. 李传杨, 余冉*, 朱光灿*. 给水系统中水质生物稳定性研究进展[J]. 净水技术, 2017, 36(3), 18-26. (被引频次2)
61. Zhu, Guangcan∗, Chen, Guiding, Yu, Ran, Li, Han, Wang, Caiping. Enhanced simultaneous nitrification/denitrification in the biocathode of a microbial fuel cell fed with cyanobacteria solution [J]. Process Biochemistry,2016, 51(1), 80-88
62. Zhu, Guangcan, Yang, Zhonglian, Lu, Xiwu. Removal Characteristics of Organic Pollutants from Eutrophic Raw Water by Biological Pretreatment Reactors [J]. Journal of Chemistry, 2016, 2016, 3151482.
63. 赵艳, 朱光灿*, 石晶晶, 王卫. 粉末活性炭吸附强化长距离输水管道反应器净水效能实验研究 [J]. 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 46(4), 801-806.
64. 蒋彬, 朱光灿*, 石晶晶, 黄富民, 朱建国, 仲兆平. LPBR及PAC-LPBR反应器改善水质效果分析 [J].中国给水排水, 2016, 32(23), 1-4+9.
65. 王洁, 朱光灿*, 王卫, 袁君. 超声强化生物接触氧化的技术研究 [J].环境工程, 2016, (S1), 286-290.
66. 王卫, 朱光灿*, 周圣东, 陆纳新, 戎文磊, 庄星宇, 袁君. 微污染原水在原水输送及后续工艺中的水质变化 [J]. 中国给水排水, 2016, 32(7), 10-13+23.
67. Zhu Guangcan, Lu Xiwu, Yang Zhonglian. Characteristics of UV-MicroO(3) Reactor and Its Application to Microcystins Degradation during Surface Water Treatment [J]. Journal of Chemistry, 2015, 2015, 240703.
68. 张跃峰, 李寒, 朱光灿*, 许卓, 吕锡武. 多点交替进水阶式A2/O工艺实时控制参数研究[J]. 生态与农村环境学报, 2015, 31(6), 950-954.
69. 徐立然, 周晓莉, 朱光灿*, 袁俊. 多点交替进水阶式A2/O工艺强化脱氮除磷[J]. 环境科学研究, 2015, 28(9), 1466-1473.
70. 陈桂顶, 朱光灿*, 周越. pH对腐熟蓝藻微生物燃料电池产电性能的影响[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 46(7), 2757-2761.
71. 华清秀, 朱光灿*, 袁俊, 吕锡武. 多点交替进水阶式A2/O工艺氮磷去除途径[J]. 环境科学研究, 2014, 27(7),749-757.
72. 石晶晶, 朱光灿*, 戴小冬, 吕锡武. 预臭氧-BAC工艺处理微污染原水参数优化与有机物去除特性[J]. 净水技术, 2014, 33(5), 11-16.
73. 陈文亮, 吕锡武, 姚重华, 朱光灿, 许卓. 基于ASM 2d的数学模型在六箱一体化工艺分析中的应用[J]. 环境科学研究, 2014, 27(8), 929-935.
74. 赵光宇, 吕锡武, 朱光灿, 张然. 紫外-微臭氧工艺中O3的产生及其在有机物降解中的作用[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 45(2), 655-662.
75. 薛琦, 朱光灿, 戴小冬, 吕锡武. 臭氧-生物活性炭工艺对微污染长江原水中有机物的去除特性[J]. 净水技术, 2015, 34(4), 36-41
76. Jia Sizhong, Zhu Guangcan*, Zhao Jinwei, Lu Xiwu. Treatment of Biogas Slurry of Stored Algae by Biological Contact Oxidation Combined with Aquatic Vegetable Constructed Wetland [J]. Fronttier of Environtal Science, 2014, 3(2), 38-43.
77. Zhu, Guangcan, Onodera, Takashi Onodera, Tandukar, Madan, Pavlostathis, Spyros G.. Simultaneous carbon removal, denitrification and power generation in a membrane-less microbial fuel cell [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 146:1-6.
78. Zhu Guangcan, Xu Lijuan, Lu Xiwu. Characteristics of Mixed Anaerobic Fermentation of Decomposed Cyanobacteria and Anaerobic Sludge [J]. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 2013, 7(1), 441-447.
79. 雷晓芬, 朱光灿*, 吕锡武, 许卓. 碳源类型及进水量分配对CMICAO工艺脱氮除磷的影响[J]. 环境工程学报, 2013, 7(8), 2899-2903
80. 赵悬悬, 朱光灿*, 许丽娟, 吕锡武. 蓝藻自然腐解特性研究[J]. 江苏农业学报, 2013, 29(2), 312-318
81. 许丽娟,朱光灿*,吕锡武,赵晋伟.腐熟蓝藻与厌氧污泥混合厌氧发酵特性[J].环境工程学报,2013,7(9): 3346-3350
82. 朱光灿,雷晓芬,许卓,吕锡武.阶段时间对CMICAO工艺低温运行特性的影响[J].土木建筑与环境工程,2013,35(2):118-122
83. Zhu, GC, Zhao, JW, Zhao, XX, Lu, XW. Characteristics of nutrients removal from stored algae anaerobic biogas slurry in artificial aquatic vegetable wetlands[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012, V178-181: 777-782.
84. Zhang, YF, Zhu, GC*, Lu, XW. Features and performance of biological and ecological treatment combination process for rural sanitary sewage[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2012, V356-360: 1773-1777.
85. 孔赟,朱光灿*,张亚平等.农村生活污水处理工艺综合效能评估[J].东南大学学报(自然科学版),2012,(3) : 473-477
86. 刘武平,吕锡武,朱光灿等.常规处理与深度处理工艺对南京长江原水中有机物去除效能比较[J].净水技术,2012,31(2):24-29.
87. 史静,吕锡武,朱光灿等.好氧聚磷污泥反硝化除磷特性研究[J].水处理技术,2012,38(5):36-39.
88. 朱光灿,吕锡武,雷晓芬等.多点交替进水阶式A2/O工艺阶段运行时间设置研究[J].江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版),2012,26(3):310-314.
89. 许卓,朱光灿*,吕锡武等.多点交替进水阶式A2/O工艺强化脱氮效果研究[J].中国给水排水,2012,(13):129-132.
90. 袁俊,朱光灿*,吕锡武.气浮除藻工艺的比较及影响因素[J].净水技术,2012, 31(6):25-28,76.
91. 史静,吕锡武,朱光灿等.进水碳磷比对连续流反硝化除磷工艺脱氮除磷效果的影响[J].东南大学学报(自然科学版),2012,42(1):94-98.
92. 范超文,朱光灿*,许卓等.阶式生物接触氧化对富营养化太湖水源水中溶解有机物的去除性能研究[J].环境工程学报,2011,5(11):2494-2498.