


1986             Kembla Coal & Coke (KCC) Scholar (86-89)

1990             CSIRO Postdoctoral Fellowship Award (90-91)

1993             ARC Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship Award (93-97)

2001             Anthony Mason Fellowship Award, UNSW

2002            Josef Kapitan Ironmaking Award, Iron and Steel Society (ISS)

2002            Outstanding Overseas Chinese Scholar Award, China (03)

2004            Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE)

2005            ARC Australian Professorial Fellowship (APF) Award (05-09)

2006            Scientia Professor, University of New South Wales (07-)

2007             Doctor of Science (DSc), University of New South Wales

2008             ARC Federation Fellowship (FF) Award (08-13)

2009             Ian Wark Medal and Lecture 2010 (for outstanding research contributing to the prosperity of Australia, one recipient per two years), Australian Academy of Science

2010             ExxonMobile Award (for significant ongoing contributions to Chemical Engineering through a series of related publications over a number of years), Australian and New Zealand Federation of Chemical Engineers.

2010             NSW Scientist of the Year (in the category of engineering, mathematics and computer sciences), NSW State Government. 

2011             Distinguished Visiting Fellowship Award, the Royal Academyof Engineering (UK)

2011             Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (AAS)

2011             Top 100 Most Influential Engineers in Australia, Institution of Engineers Australia

2012             Supervisor of the Year Award, UNSW Postdoctoral Academy

2014             Fellow, Royal Society of New South Wales, (http://www.royalsoc.org.au/) 

2014             Baosteel Professor, Baosteel, China

2014             Vice Chancellor’s Professorial Fellow, Monash University

2016             Listed in Most Cited Researchers in Chemical Engineering, Elsevier

2017      Academician (Foreign Fellow), Chinese Academy of Engineering

2019             Alumni Award for Research and Scholarship, University of Wollongong

2019             Thomas Baron Award in Fluid-Particle Systems, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)

2021            Sir John Monash Distinguished Professor, Monash University

Professional Activities:

(a) Membership of Professional Societies:

1996-1999  Vice-President, Chinese Australian Academic Society

2000-2003  Vice-President, Australian Chinese Society of Science and Technology

2003-2006  Secretary, Australasian Particle Technology Society

2004-  Fellow, Institution of Chemical Engineers

2004-  Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (http://www.atse.org.au/)

2006-2010     Honorary Secretary, NSW Division, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (also member of ATSE Assembly/Council in 2008-10)

2007-               President (07-08), Chair of Advisory Board (09-10) and Honorary President (11- ), Federation of Chinese Scholars in Australia (http://www.focsa.org.au/)

2010-               Elected Committee Member, Association pour l'Etude de la Micromécanique des Milieux Granu (AEMMG)

2011-  Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (http://www.science.org.au/)

2013-2014      Chair, NSW Region, Australian Academy of Science (the position held until moving to Monash Univ.in Melbourne)

2013-2016      Member and then Chair from 2014, Sectional committee of physical and engineering sciences, Australian Academy of Science

2013-  Australian representative, Chemical Reaction Engineering Committee

2014-  Fellow, Royal Society of New South Wales (http://www.royalsoc.org.au/)

2017-              Foreign Fellow/Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering             



(b) Professional (Editing/Refereeing) Service:

Being active in refereeing papers for many international journals (e.g. Powder Technology, Chemical Engineering Science, Journal of American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Langmuir, Physical Review (PRL & PRE), Nature, Computers and Chemical Engineering, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, and Minerals Engineering).

More importantly, involved in various editorial work as listed below:

1999          Engineering Editor, SCIENCE-ADVANCING INTO THE NEW MILLENNUM, People's Education Press (China), 1999 (ISBN 7-107-13208-3)

2002          Co-editor, Proc. Int. Blast Furnace Lower Zone Symposium, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2005 (ISBN 920806 30 X)

2003-        Associate Editor, Chinese Science Bulletin, Springer (ISSN: 1001-6538)

2004          Guest Editor, Steel Research International (for a special issue on process metallurgy), Wiley InterScience (ISSN: 1611-3683)

2005-        Member of Editorial Board and Thematic Editor (2009-), Particuology, Elsevier (ISSN: 1672-2515)

2005-08    Member of Editorial Board, Science in China – B: Chemistry, Springer (ISSN: 1006-9291)

2007-        Member of Editorial Board, 4 journals published by Bentham Science Publisher: Recent Patents on Engineering (ISSN: 1872-2121), Recent Patents on Nanotechnology (ISSN: 1872-2105), Recent Patents on Chemical Engineering (ISSN: 1874-4788), and Recent Patents on Materials Science (ISSN: 1874-4648)

2007-        Member of Editorial Board, Powder Technology, Elsevier (ISSN: 0032-5910)

2008-        Member of Editorial Board, International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation (IJESMS), Interscience Publishers (ISSN: 1755-9758)

2008-        Member of Editorial Board, Granular Matter, Springer (ISSN: 1434-5021)

2008         Guest Editor, Special issue on simulation and modeling of particulate systems, Particuology, Elsevier (ISSN: 1672-2515)

2009-11   Member of Editorial Advisory Board, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, American Chemical Society Publications (ISSN: 0888-5885)

2009          Guest Editor, Minerals Engineering (special issue on computational mineral processing), Elsevier (ISSN: 0892-6875)

2010          Guest Editor (for a special issue on iron and steel making), Steel Research International, Wiley InterScience (ISSN: 1611-3683)

2011-        Member of Editorial Board, Chinese Journal of Rare Metals, The Nonferrous Metals Society of China (ISSN: 0258-7076)

2011-14    Member of Advisory Board, ISIJ International, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISSN: 0915-1559)

2012-        Member of Advisory Board, ISRN Chemical Engineering (ISSN: 2090-861X)

2012-        Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Material Science and Engineering, OMICS Publishing Group (ISSN: 2169-0022)

2013-        Member of Editorial Board, Rare Metals, Springer (ISSN: 1001-0521)

2013-        Associate Editor, Journal of Energy Chemistry, Elsevier (ISSN: 2095-4956)

2013-        Member of Editorial Board, International Journal of Nano Studies & Technology, SciDoc Publisher (ISSN: 2167-8685)

2013-        Member of Editorial Board, National Science Review (NSR), Oxford Journals (ISSN: 2095-5138)

2013-        Editor, Powder Technology, Elsevier (ISSN: 0032-5910)

2014-        Editor-in-Chief, Handbook (or Book Series) of Powder Science and Engineering, Springer

2014          Guest Editor, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Elsevier (ISSN: 0301-7516)

2016-        Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Nanotechnology and Materials Science, Ommega Publishers (ISSN: 2377-1372)

2017-        Editor, Granular Matter, Elsevier (ISSN: 1434-5021)