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Major Journal Publications:

[5] Cao Y.*, et al. Techno-economic analysis of cascaded supercritical carbon dioxide combined cycles for exhaust heat recovery of typical gas turbines. Energy Convers. Manage., 2022, 258: 115536. (IF=10.4)

[4] Cao Y., et al. Thermoeconomic analysis of a gas turbine and cascaded CO2 combined cycle using thermal oil as an intermediate heat-transfer fluid. Energy, 2018, 162: 1253-1268. (IF=9.0)

[3] Cao Y., et al. Thermodynamic analysis and optimization of a gas turbine and cascade CO2 combined cycle. Energy Convers. Manage., 2017, 144: 193-204. (IF=10.4)

[2] Cao Y., Dai Y. Comparative analysis on off-design performance of a gas turbine and ORC combined cycle under different operation approaches. Energy Convers. Manage., 2017, 135: 84-100. (IF=10.4)

[1] Cao Y., et al. Optimum design and thermodynamic analysis of a gas turbine and ORC combined cycle with recuperators. Energy Convers. Manage., 2016, 116: 32-41. (ESI, IF=10.4)

Other Selected Publications:

[52] Cao Y.*, et al. Novel performance assessment method for superheated steam control of a coal-fired power plant under renewable energy accommodation condition. Appl. Therm. Eng., 2024, 243: 122661. (IF=6.4)

[51] He T., Cao Y.*, et al. Off-design characteristics and operation strategy analysis of a compressed carbon dioxide energy storage system coupled with a combined heating and power plantEnergy, 2024, 303: 131983. (IF=9.0)

[50] Li B., Cao Y.*, et al. Thermodynamic analysis and operation strategy optimization of coupled molten salt energy storage system for coal-fired power plantAppl. Therm. Eng., 2024, 236: 121702. (IF=6.4)

[49] Tang Y., Qiao Z., Cao Y., et al. Multi-component multiphase lattice Boltzmann modeling of water purging during supercritical carbon dioxide extraction from geothermal reservoir pores.  Renew. Energy, 2024, 220: 119660. (IF=8.7)

[48] Cao R., Wang Y., Wu Z., Liu W., Cao Y.*. Thermodynamic analysis and optimization of a supercritical CO2 power cycle driven by a SOF-GT hybrid system. Proc. ASME Turbo Expo, 2024.

[47] 李博,曹越,等.考虑火电-熔盐储热耦合特性的风光火储能源调度[J]综合智慧能源,2024

[46] 马尧,曹越,等.基于MLP-MINLP的发电机组干湿联合冷却系统运行优化[J]热力发电,2024

[45] 贾博清,曹越,司风琪.超临界CO2余热利用系统动态特性及最优负荷控制策略研究[J]热能动力工程,2024

[44] 黄震洋,周建新,曹越.高背压抽凝供热机组不同供热期运行背压调整优化研究[J]热能动力工程,202439(2)126-134

[43] Cao Y.*, et al. Optimum design of bivariate operation strategy for a supercritical/ transcritical CO2 hybrid waste heat recovery system driven by gas turbine exhaustEnergy, 2023, 284: 129325. (IF=9.0)

[42] Cao Y.*, et al. Off-design performance analysis of a gas-supercritical carbon dioxide combined cycle under multi-stage mass flow cooperative operationAppl. Therm. Eng., 2023, 219: 119486. (IF=6.4)

[41] Cao Y.*, et al. Comparative analysis on thermodynamic performance of combined heat and power system employing steam ejector as cascaded heat sink. Energy, 2023, 275: 127444. (IF=9.0)

[40] He T., Cao Y.*, et al. Thermodynamic analysis and optimization of a compressed carbon dioxide energy storage system coupled with a combined heating and power unitEnergy Convers. Manage., 2023, 277: 116618. (IF=10.4)

[39] Jin W., Si F., Cao Y., et al. Numerical research on ammonia-coal co-firing in a 1050 MW coal-fired utility boiler under ultra-low load: Effects of ammonia ratio and air staging conditionAppl. Therm. Eng., 2023, 233: 121100. (IF=6.4)

[38] 孙韬志,司风琪,曹越.基于遗传算法的超临界CO2压缩机防喘振自抗扰控制[J].热能动力工程2023

[37] 陈然璟,陈祎璠,曹越,等.基于差压电流比混合模型的磨煤机变加载策略优化[J].综合智慧能源2023

[36] 丁衡,胡慧,曹越,等.基于改进灰狼算法的热电联供系统负荷优化分配策略研究[J].动力工程学报202343(11)1516-1522

[35] 陈祎璠,曹越司风琪.燃煤机组过热汽温宽负荷模型前馈控制[J].动力工程学报202444(1)77-83

[34] 陈然璟,曹越,司风琪.基于PC-GWO的高背压抽凝热电联供系统负荷优化研究[J]热能动力工程,202338(2)18-25

[33] 曹越,等.基于神经网络的燃气-超临界CO2联合循环变工况特性快速预测及优化[J].中国电机工程学报202343(11)4178-4190

[32] Cao Y.*, et al. A concept of a supercritical CO2 Brayton and organic Rankine combined cycle for solar energy utilization with typical geothermal as auxiliary heat source: Thermodynamic analysis and optimization. Energy Reports, 2022, 8: 322-333. (IF=5.2)

[31] Cao Y.*, et al. Design optimization of plate-fin heat exchanger in a gas turbine and supercritical carbon dioxide combined cycle with thermal oil loop. Appl. Sci., 2022. (IF=2.7)

[30] Cao Y.*, et al. Multiobjective load dispatch for coal-fired power plants under renewable-energy accommodation based on a nondominated-sorting grey wolf optimizer algorithm. Energies, 2022, 15, 2915. (IF=3.2)

[29] Pang Z., Chen R., Cao Y.*. Performance analysis and optimization for static mixer of SCR denitration system under different arrangements. Energies, 2022, 15, 8977. (IF=3.2)

[28] Wang P., Si F., Cao Y., et al. Prediction of superheated steam temperature for thermal power plants using a novel integrated method based on the hybrid model and attention mechanism. Appl. Therm. Eng., 2022, 203: 117899. (IF=6.4)

[27] Jin W., Si F., Cao Y., et al. Numerical optimization of separated overfire air distribution for air staged combustion in a 1000 MW coal-fired boiler considering the corrosion hazard to water walls. Fuel, 2022, 309: 122022. (IF=7.4)

[26] 曹越,等.基于PFNN的火电机组过热汽温辨识方法及控制策略[J].东南大学学报202252(3)417-424(120周年校庆期-篇首文章)

[25] 展君,曹越,等.燃气-串级超临界CO2联合循环变工况策略研究[J]热能动力工程202237(10)27-34

[24] 胡慧,曹越,等600MW双机热电联供系统智能优化方法研究[J]热能动力工程,202237(10)41-50

[23] Cao Q.*, Yu J., Cao Y.*, et al. Unusual effects of vacuum annealing on large-area Ag3PO4 microcrystalline film photoanode boosting cocatalyst- and scavenger-free water splitting. J. Materiomics, 2021, 7: 929−939. (IF=9.4)

[22] Dong Y., Cao Y., et al. Co-simulating fouling, erosion of gas-particle flow and morphologies predictions around circular tube via parallel CFD-DEM modeling. Fuel, 2021, 294: 120464. (IF=7.4)

[21] Dong Y., Si F., Cao Y., et al. A new mechanistic model for abrasive erosion using discrete element method. Powder Technol., 2021, 380: 486-496. (IF=5.2)

[20] 李涛,曹越,司风琪基于改进NSGWO的火电厂负荷优化分配研究[J]热能动力工程,202137(1)21-27

[19] 李佩蔚,曹越,等再压缩sCO2-CPG联合循环热力优化[J]热能动力工程,202136(1)1-9

[18] 庞占洲,黄青岭,曹越,等.600MW火电机组的高加水位改进前馈控制策略研究[J].热能动力工程,202136(3)106-113

[17] Qiao Z., Cao Y., et al. Numerical analysis of membrane-absorption separation for supercritical carbon dioxide and water mixture of plume geothermal power generation systems. Energy Convers. Manage., 2020, 208: 112609. (IF=10.4)

[16] Qiao Z., Cao Y., et al. Thermoeconomic analysis of a CO2 plume geothermal and supercritical CO2 Brayton combined cycle using solar energy as auxiliary heat source. J. Cleaner Prod., 2020, 256: 120374. (IF=11.1)

[15] Qiao Z., Cao Y., et al. Solvation structure of supercritical CO2 and brine mixture for CO2 plume geothermal applications: A molecular dynamics study. J. Supercrit. Fluids, 2020, 159: 104783. (IF=3.9)

[14] Tang Y., Qiao Z., Cao Y., et al. Numerical analysis of separation performance of an axial-flow cyclone for supercritical CO2-water separation in CO2 plume geothermal systems. Sep. Purif. Technol., 2020, 248: 116999. (IF=8.6)

[13] 郑少雄,曹越,等.基于辨识模型的中间再热机组一次调频特性研究[J].热能动力工程,202035(7)12-20

[12] 黄青岭,曹越,等.灵活调峰下火电机组回热系统的CNN-GA-FFC控制策略研究[J].热能动力工程,202035(12)121-127

[11] Ren J.,Cao Y., et al. Thermodynamic comparison of a gas turbine and ORC combined cycle with pure and mixture working fluids. J. Energy Eng., 2018, 145(1): 05018002. (IF=2.2)

[10] Cao Y., Dai Y. Preliminary system design and off-design analysis for a gas turbine and ORC combined cycle.J. Energy Eng., 2017, 143(5): 04017040. (IF=2.2)

[9] Zheng Y., Hu D., Cao Y., et al. Preliminary design and off-design performance analysis of an organic Rankine cycle radial-inflow turbine based on mathematic method and CFD method. Appl. Therm. Eng., 2017, 112: 25-37. (IF=6.4)

[8] 曹越带回热的燃气轮机-有机朗肯联合循环热力设计[J]燃气轮机技术201731(1)11-15

[7] 任敬琦,曹越H级重型燃气轮机建模与动态仿真[J]动力工程学报201738(2)98-104(F5000)

[6] 乔红,曹越燃气-蒸汽联合循环变工况性能和控制策略的研究[J]热能动力工程201732(3)33-39

[5] 王永庆,赵嘉,曹越超临界机组及其一次调频控制系统的辨识与仿真[J]热能动力工程201733(2)111-116

[4] 乔红,曹越300MW重型燃气轮机数学建模与动态仿真[J]燃气轮机技术201629(2)28-33

[3] 王佳莹,高毅超,曹越湿空气透平循环的压缩空气储能热电联供系统热力学分析[J]西安交通大学学报201650(7)26-31

[2] Cao Y., et al. Study of the speed control system of a heavy-duty gas turbine. Proc. ASME Turbo Expo, 2015.

[1] 曹越等.V94.3A燃气轮机控制策略分析[J].发电设备,201529(3)176-179


[3] 曹越,乔宗良,郭瑞,等.《汽轮机原理》课程教学改革实践[J]中国电力教育,2024(06):66-67

[2] 乔宗良,张蕾,曹越,等.双碳目标下高校能动专业开展责任关怀教育[J].科技风2022(35):45-47

[1] 乔宗良,胥建群,曹越,等.'PBL+课程思政'在《汽轮机原理》课程中的应用[J].中国电力教育2022(01):78-80