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(1)     Wang J., Wu H., Ma T., Chen H., Chen C., Wang Y., Xian Q., Gong T.*, 2024. Formation of aromatic halogenated disinfection byproducts in swimming pool water during chlorination: Organic precursors and mechanisms. Environmental Science & Technology 58, 21782‒21793.

(2)   Wang J., Zhang M., Hu S., Xian Q., Chen H., Gong T.*, 2022. Occurrence and cytotoxicity of aliphatic and aromatic halogenated disinfection byproducts in indoor swimming pool water and their incoming tap water. Environmental Science & Technology 56, 17763‒17775.

(3)   Hu S., Gong T.*, Zhu H., Wang J., Li Z., Chen H., Huang Z., Zhang M., Xian Q.*, 2020. Formation and decomposition of new iodinated halobenzoquinones during chloramination in drinking water. Environmental Science & Technology 54, 5237‒5248.

(4)   Cao Y., Hu S., Gong T.*, Xian Q., Xu B., 2019. Decomposition of beta-N-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) and 2,4-diaminobutyric acid (DAB) during chlorination and consequent disinfection byproducts formation. Water Research 159, 365–374.

(5)   Li Z., Liu X., Huang Z., Hu S., Wang J., Qian Z., Feng J., Xian Q.*, Gong T.*, 2019. Occurrence and ecological risk assessment of disinfection byproducts from chlorination of wastewater effluents in East China. Water Research 157, 247–257.

(6)   Hu S., Gong T.*, Xian Q., Wang J., Ma J., Li Z., Yin J., Zhang B., Xu B., 2018. Formation of iodinated trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids from aromatic iodinated disinfection byproducts during chloramination. Water Research 147, 254–263.

(7)   Gong T., Tao Y., Zhang X., Hu S., Yin J., Xian Q.*, Ma J., Xu B., 2017. Transformation among aromatic iodinated disinfection byproducts in the presence of monochloramine: From monoiodophenol to triiodophenol and diiodonitrophenol. Environmental Science & Technology 51, 10562‒10571.

(8)   Qian Z., Ma J., Sun C., Li Z., Xian Q.*, Gong T.*, Xu B., 2017. Using stable isotope labeling to study the nitrogen metabolism in Anabaena flos-aquae growth and anatoxin biosynthesis. Water Research 127, 223‒229.

(9)   Gong T., Zhang X.*, 2015. Detection, identification and formation of new iodinated disinfection byproducts in chlorinated saline wastewater effluents. Water Research 68, 77–86.

(10)   Gong T., Zhang X.*, 2013. Determination of iodide, iodate and organo-iodine in waters with a new total organic iodine measurement approach. Water Research 47, 6660–6669.


孙成,鲜啟鸣,龚婷婷李久海,刘廷风,马长文,宋敏,王京平,王玉萍,杨林军,2019. 《环境监测》“全国高等学校环境科学与工程类专业规划教材”,北京,科学出版社,1–432.