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1)Shan, L., Guo, Z., Monga, D., Boylan, D., & Dai, X. (2023). Microchannel-elevated micromembrane forsustainable phase-separation condensation. Joule, 7(1), 168-182.

2)Shan, L., Cui, Y., Meacham, J., “Optimizing the spray characteristics of an ultrasonic droplet generatorwith a continuously variable frequency and chamber height”, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,2021. DOI: 10.1121/10.0005908

3)Shan, L., Li, J., Ma, B., Jiang, X., Dogruoz, B., Agonafer, D., “Experimental Investigation of Evaporationfrom Asymmetric Microdroplets Confined on Heated Micropillar Structures”, Experimental Thermal andFluid Science, 2019.

DOI: 10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2019.109889

4)Shan, L., Ma, B., Li, J., Dogruoz, B., Agonafer, D., “Investigation of the evaporation heat transfermechanism of a non-axisymmetric droplet confined on a heated micropillar structure”, InternationalJournal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019.

DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2019.06.042

5)Shan, L., Ma, B., Dogruoz, B., Agonafer, D., “Numerical Investigation of Shape Effect on MicrodropletEvaporation”, Journal of Electronic Packaging, 2019.

DOI: 10.1115/1.4044962

6)Li, J., Shan, L., Ma, B., Jiang, X., Solomon, A., Agonafer, D., “Investigation of the confinement effect onthe evaporation behavior of a droplet pinned on a micropillar structure”, Journal of Colloid and InterfaceScience, 2019.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2019.07.096

7)Ma., B., Shan, L., Dogruoz, B., Agonafer, D., “Evolution of Microdroplet Morphology Confined onAsymmetric Micropillar Structures”, Langmuir, 2019 Featured on Cover Page

DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.9b01410

8)Ma, B., Shan, L., Li, J., Dogruoz, B., & Agonafer, D. “Molecular Dynamic Simulation of the Effect ofNanocoating on Two-Phase Evaporative Heat and Mass Transfer”, 18th IEEE Intersociety Conference onThermal and Thermomechanical Phenomena in Electronic Systems (ITherm), 2019.

DOI: 10.1109/ITHERM.2019.8757326

9)Ma, Binjian, Shan Li, Damena Agonafer, and Baris Dogruoz. Molecular Dynamic Simulation ofEvaporative Heat Transfer on Graphene Coated Silicon Substrate for Electronics Cooling. 35thSemiconductor Thermal Measurement, Modeling and Management Symposium (SEMI-THERM), 2019.

10) Boylan, D., Monga, D., Shan, L., Guo, Z., & Dai, X. (2023). Pushing the Limit of Beetle‐Inspired Condensation on Biphilic Quasi‐Liquid Surfaces. Advanced Functional Materials, 2211113.

11) Guo, Z., Monga, D., Shan, L., Boylan, D., & Dai, X. (2022). Coarsening‐induced disappearing droplets contribute to condensation. Droplet, 1(2), 170-181.

12) D.D. Agonafer, H. Lee, P.A. Vasquez, Y. Won, K.W. Jung, S. Lingamneni, B. Ma, L. Shan, S. Shuai, Z. Du, Porous micropillar structures for retaining low surface tension liquids. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2018, 514, 316-327. Featured on Cover Page

DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2017.12.011

13) Zhen, Zhang, Zhu Zengwei, Shan Li, Wu Jun, Pan Wuchun, Liu Zhikang, Wang Lei, Chen Wei, and Shu Yunhua. The Effects of Inclined Angle Modification and Diffuse Radiation on the Sun-Tracking Photovoltaic System. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 7, 2017

DOI: 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2017.2715718