陈良勇,东南大学能源与环境学院研究员、博士生导师。分别于山东大学能源与动力工程学院、东南大学能环学院攻读学士、博士学位,并先后于山东电力集团公司菏泽发电厂(助理工程师,1999~2003)、南京工业大学能源科学与工程学院(讲师,2009~2015)、美国肯塔基大学应用能源研究中心(Center for Applied Energy Research, University of Kentucky,博士后、副研究员和高级研究员,2011~2017)和东南大学能源与环境学院任职(研究员,2017~)。 主要从事能源清洁利用方向的教学与科研。作为项目负责人或项目合作负责人获得国家自然科学基金委、科技部、江苏省、美国能源部(US-DOE)、肯塔基州政府和美国企业联盟的多个研发项目资助,经费总额分别达到¥1000万和$400万(在美项目)。其中,以第一负责人承担国家自然科学基金项目2项,国家重点研发子课题2项,江苏省业前瞻与关键核心技术-碳达峰碳中和科技创新专项资金课题1项,美国能源部项目1项 ($60万);以合作负责人完成美国能源部资助项目3项 (共$251万),美国能源部-企业联盟项目2项($85万),另外企业委托课题5项。已在国内外核心发表学术论文60余篇,参与Handbook of Chemical Looping Technology(化学链技术手册,Wiley 出版社)的编写,申请美国专利各1项,申请中国发明专利7项。讲授过《工程热力学》《锅炉原理》《燃烧学》《汽轮机原理》《锅炉课程设计》等课程。
本科生课程: 《汽轮机原理》和《汽轮机原理课程设计》; 研究生课程:《气固反应与传递过程》
东南大学(2018- ) **储能关键设备研究与开发(江苏省产业前瞻与关键核心技术-碳达峰碳中和科技创新专项资金)(重点项目-课题 BE2023094-3), 2023-04/2027-03, ¥***万, 项目负责人. 基于Modelica的热泵粮食烘干系统动态仿真平台开发. 2023-2024, ¥**万, 项目负责人. 基于非等温化学链新方法的甲烷直接转化生产C2-烃的基础研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2021-2024, 52076042), 项目负责人. 基于化学链的能源与化工产品转化技术研究. 江苏省“双创人才”项目, (2018)1408, 项目负责人. 煤-载氧体化学链燃烧反应促进与抑制机理. 国家重点研发计划“煤的化学链燃烧和气化技术”子课题, 2018-07/2021-06. 2018YFB0605401-04, 项目负责人. 木质素催化解聚制备酚类单体、二聚体 (国家重点研发计划“纤维素类生物质催化制备生物航油技术研究与示范”子课题), 2019-04/2023-03, 2018YFB1501503-02, 项目负责人. 基于化学链的高含水中药渣高效气化制备合成气技术. 东南大学-中国药科大学校际合作重点培育项目, 2019-2020, 2242019K3DZ08, 项目负责人. 尖晶石及钙钛矿型载氧体在化学链工艺中的稳定性及快速失效机理研究. (引进人才资助项目), 3203008203, 项目负责人。 生物基高能量密度航油制备研究. 基本科研业务费-GF基金, 2018-04/2018-09, 2242018k1G021, 项目负责人。
(1) Application of Chemical Looping with Spouting Fluidized Bed for Hydrogen-rich Syngas Production from Catalytic Coal Gasification, supported by U.S. DOE and NETL (DE-FE-0024000, $602,128; 2014-2016; Principal Investigator).
(2) Application of Spouting Fluidized Bed to Coal-fueled Pressurized Chemical Looping Combustion to Improve Plant Efficiency and Reduce Process Complexity, supported by U.S. DOE and NETL (2015-2017, DE-FE0025098, $875,779; Co-Investigator).
(3) US-China Clean Energy Research CenterAdvanced Coal Technologies, “CERC 2.0 CLC Development” Phase II Planning, “Systematic Study of Coal-fueled Chemical Looping Combustion”2015–2020, supported by U.S. DOE and NETL (2015-2020, DE-PI0000017, 10-733-UKRF-2; $1,102,500; Co-Investigator).
(4) Coal-fueled PCLC combined cycle for power generation and CO2 capture, supported by Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet, Department for Energy Development & Independence (2013/07-2016/06,PON2 127 1300002874 1 &PON2 127 1400003262 1; $534,977; Co-Investigator).
(5) Solid-Fueled Pressurized Chemical Looping with Flue-Gas Turbine Combined Cycle for Improved Plant Efficiency and CO2 Capture, supported by U.S. DOE (2012-2013, DE-FOA-0000636, $755,300; ).
(6) Energy Research Carbon Management Research Group consortium at Uky-CAER (American Electric Power, Duke Energy, East Kentucky Power COOP, Electric Power Research Institute, L&GE and KU Service Company and Kentucky Department of Energy Development and Independence, for cost share, $100,000;Co-Investigator).
南京工业大学(2009-2012)高硫石油焦催化气化制氢耦合脱碳、脱硫的机理研究. (自然科学基金青年基金, 51106069,2012-2014, ¥25万, 项目负责人). 高硫石油焦催化气化制氢-脱碳-脱硫系统特性研究.(江苏省科技厅资助, 11KJB480002, 2012-2013, 项目负责人). 用于低品位热源的有机蒸汽发电系统的换热器/冷凝器/ 蒸发器系列化设计. (2011-2012, 项目负责人). 应用于动车牵引变流器的热交换器设计、测试与开发. (2011-2012, ¥50万, 项目负责人). 低温多效海水淡化火力发电厂余热利用可行性研究. (2012-2013, ¥49万, 项目负责人).
代表论著 专著: Liangyong Chen, Zhen Fan, Rui Xiao, Kunlei, Liu, Chapter 5. Pressurized Chemical Looping Combustion for Solid Fuel, Handbook of Chemical Looping Technology. Wiley Press, 2018.
代表性研究论文: Liangyong Chen, Daocheng Liu, Jie Xue, Zhenkun Sun, Laihong Shen, Mechanism of phase segregation in ilmenite oxygen carriers for chemical-looping combustion. Chemical Engineering Journal. (2024) 479, 47921. Daocheng Liu, Liangyong Chen*, In-situ hydrogenation of dual function material for integrated CO2 capture and methanation with the presence of steam. Carbon Capture Science & Technology, 13 (2024) 100291. Yuhan Chen, Laihong Shen, Liangyong Chen*, Sensitivity Study of Integrated Carbon Capture and Methanation Process Using Dual Function Materials. Separation and Purification Technology.(2024)344: 127170.
Liangyong Chen, Yuhan Chen, Guoqiang Wei, Conceptual design and assessment of integrated capture and methanation of CO2 from flue gas using chemical-looping scheme of dual function materials, Energy Conversion and Management, (2024) 299:117847.
Liangyong Chen, Daocheng Liu, Guoqiang Wei, Performance of Na-Ru/Al2O3 dual function material for integrated CO2 capture and methnation with the presence of coal ashes, Energy Conversion and Management, (2024) 299:117811. Liangyong Chen*, Rui Mao. Lattice oxygen behaviors of Mn-based catalytic oxygen carriers and sustainable oxidative coupling of methane in chemical-looping scheme. Fuel(2024) 371:131910. Wanying Li, Liangyong Chen*, Surface reaction and lattice oxygen transfer in chemical looping oxidative coupling of methane: Molecular dynamics simulations.Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technolgy. 2024, 52(6), 820–830. Liangyong Chen, Haixu Li, Haifeng Wang, Kunlei Liu, Performance of red mud oxygen carriers in chemical-looping hydrogen production using different components of plastic waste pyrolytic gas. Journal of Cleaner Production 409 (2023) 137213. Liangyong Chen, Jian Ma, Jie Peng, Tao Song, Kunlei Liu. Effect of CuO addition on the performance of V2O5-based oxygen carriers for chemical-looping oxidation of H2S for efficient sulfur recovery from natural gas. Fuel,2023, 337: 126898. Liangyong Chen, Guoqiang Wei, Kunlei Liu. Influences of reaction and thermal conditions on microstructural evolutions of ilmenite oxygen carriers for chemical looping combustion. Fuel Processing Technology, 2022,228:107139 .
[2]陈良勇,一种去除惰性气体中微量可燃气的在线净化方法,申请号:201910852720.3,申请日期:2019.09.10; [3]陈良勇,马健, 生物质加压化学链燃烧发电和负碳系统、燃料反应器,申请号:CN202210470216.9A,申请日期:2022.04.28; [4]陈良勇,李海旭,一种高含水中药渣气化制备高品质合成气的装置及方法. 申请号:202210471793.X,申请日期:2022.04.29. [5]陈良勇,毛瑞,一种基于链式甲烷氧化偶联的锰基催化剂-载氧体及其制备方法、乙烯制备方法.申请号:202311757087.2,申请日期:2023.12.20.
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