作者:2019/08/20 02:52
George W Huber is the Richard Antoine and Dororthy O’Brien Professor of Chemical Engineering at University of Wisconsin-Madison.His research focus is on developing new catalytic processes for the production of renewable liquid fuels and chemicals.He has received several awards including the AICHE Colburn award, the Thomson Reuters highly cited researcher award, the Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar award, and the NSF career award. In summer of 2015, George did a sabbatical visit with Professor Tao Zhang at Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics.George did a post-doctoral stay with Avelino Corma at the Technical Chemical Institute at the Polytechnical University of Valencia, Spain (UPV-CSIC).He obtained his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from University of Wisconsin-Madison (2005) under the direction of James Dumesic.He obtained his B.S. (1999) and M.S.(2000) degrees in Chemical Engineering from Brigham Young University where he studied under the direction of Calvin Bartholomew.