论文:*为通讯作者 1.Liu, C. and Zhang, Y., 2019. Relations between indoor and outdoor PM2.5 and constituent concentrations, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 13, 5. 2.Liu, C.* and Cao, J., 2018. Potential role of intraparticle diffusion in dynamic partitioning of secondary organic aerosols, Atmospheric Pollution Research 9, 1131-1136. 3.Liu, C.*, Yang, J., Ji, S., Lu, Y., Wu, P. and Chen, C.*, 2018. Influence of natural ventilation rate on indoor PM2.5 deposition, Building and Environment 144, 357-364. 4.Liu, C., Zhang, Y., Weschler, C., 2017. Exposure to SVOCs from inhaled particles: impact of desorption. Environmental Science & Technology , accepted. 5.Liu, C., Kolarik, B., Gunnarsen, L., Zhang, Y., 2015. C-depth method to determine diffusion coefficient and partition coefficient of PCB in building materials, Environmental Science & Technology, 49, 12112-12119 6.Liu, C., Shi, S., Weschler, C., Zhao, B. and Zhang, Y., 2013. Analysis of the Dynamic Interaction Between SVOCs and Airborne Particles. Aerosol Science and Technology 47, 125-136. 7.Liu, C., Liu, Z., Little, J. and Zhang, Y., 2013. Convenient, rapid and accurate measurement of SVOC emission characteristics in experimental chambers, Plos One, 8(8): e72445. 8.Liu, C., Morrison, G. and Zhang, Y., 2012. Role of aerosols in enhancing SVOC flux between air and indoor surfaces and its influence on exposure, Atmospheric Environment 55, 347-356. 9.Liu, C., Zhao, B. and Zhang, Y., 2010. The influence of aerosol dynamics on indoor exposure to airborne DEHP, Atmospheric Environment 44, 1952-1959. 10.Liu, C., Weschler, C. and Zhang, Y., 2014. The impact of mass transfer limitations on size distributions of particle associated SVOCs in outdoor and indoor environments, Science of The Total Environment, 497, 401-411. 11.Liu, C., Zhang, Y., Benning, J and Little, J., 2015. The effect of ventilation on indoor exposure to semivolatile organic compounds, Indoor Air, 25, 285-296. 12.Liu, C., Zhang, Y., 2016. Characterizing the equilibrium relationship between DEHP in PVC flooring and air using a closed-chamber SPME method, Building and Environment, 95, 283-290 13.Liu, C., Cao, J., Zhang, Y., 2016. Simplifying analysis of sorption of SVOCs to particles: Lumped parameter method and application condition, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 99, 402-408 14. Cao, J., Liu, C*. and Zhang, Y., 2017. Influence of airborne particles on convective mass transfer of SVOCs on flat surfaces: Novel insight and estimation formula, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 115, 127-136. 专著: 李景广,刘聪,《中国室内环境与健康研究进展报告2015-2017》,中国建筑工业出版社,2017