一、期刊论文 (1) Yiwen Qian, Daolun Liang*, Dekui Shen, Xiaojia Wang, Fan Wang, Shengjie Bai, Yu Lan. Formation characteristics of volatile organic compounds during co-heating of municipal sewage sludge and municipal solid waste incineration fly ash, Journal of the Energy Institutem 2025, 119: 102016. (2) Lixiang Li, Christian Ingabire, Daolun Liang*, Ji Li, Yunan Zhou, Yue Jiang, Dekui Shen. Comparative study on mechanical properties and combustion characteristics of additive manufacturing/casting composite solid propellants, Acta Astronautica 2025, 229: 43-54. (3) Xueqin Liao, Daolun Liang*, Fang Wang, Peini Xie, Yukun Chen, Jianzhong Liu*. Combustion and energy performance of multiple aluminum-based alloy particles, Combustion and Flame, 2024, 269: 113666. (4) Tianhua Xue, Daolun Liang*, Xuxuan Guo, Yue Jiang and Dekui Shen. Ignition and combustion characteristics of ultrasonically levitated single droplets of nano-boron/oxygenated fuel slurries, Applied Energy, 2024, 357: 122409. (5) Ammar Al Naimat, Daolun Liang*. Substantial gains of renewable energy adoption and implementation in Maan, Jordan: A critical review, Results in Engineering, 2023, 19: 101367. (6) 向郁雪, 梁导伦*, 王晓佳, 钱意文, 潘却易, 刘国富, 沈德魁. 钢铁冶炼固废与垃圾焚烧飞灰共燃处置过程气相污染物生成特性[J]. 环境工程, 2023, 41(12): 197-205. (7) Daolun Liang*, Tianhua Xue, Weidong Zhong, Wen Ao*, Ke Ren, Yangxu Jiang, Yang Wang, Dekui Shen*. Visualized Combustion Monitoring and Mathematical Modeling for Moving Magnesium Particles in Water Vapor Flow, Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology, 2023, 22(6): 284-293. (8) Weidong Zhong, Daolun Liang*, Hong Zhong, Mengli Li, Kerun Chen, Zhiyuan Niu, Yang Wang, Dekui Shen. Combustion behavior of discrete magnesium diboride particles in the state of motion, Acta Astronautica, 2023, 205: 119–126. (9) Tianhua Xue, Daolun Liang*, Weiqiang Pang, Dekui Shen, Ammar Niamat, Jianzhong Liu, Junhu Zhou.Ignition and combustion of metal fuels under microgravity: a short review, FirePhysChem, 2022, 2: 340–356. (10) Daolun Liang*, Zizhan Wu, Yangxu Jiang, Ke Ren, Mingyue Zhou, Sheng Chu, and Dekui Shen*. Effects of Solids’ concentration and Oleic Acid Dispersant on the Stability and Combustion Characteristics of Aluminum/Bioethanol Nanofluid Fuel, Powder Technology, 2022, 398: 117108. (11) 周明月, 王立民, 梁导伦*,王国祺, 李霁*, 陈頔, 张焘. 复合固体推进剂与电阻式温度传感器一体化增材制造技术[J]. 含能材料, 2022, 30(9): 927-936. (12) 钟伟东, 梁导伦*, 沈德魁. 二硼化镁作为固体高能金属燃料研究进展, 推进技术, 2022, 43(4): 1-10. (13) Daolun Liang*, Ke Ren, Zizhan Wu, Yangxu Jiang, Dekui Shen*, Heping Li*, Jianzhong Liu. Combustion Characteristics of Oxygenated Slurry Droplets of Nano-Al/EtOH and Nano-Al/TPGME Blends, Energy, 2021, 220: 119693.
(14) Daolun Liang*, Dekui Shen*, Weidong Zhong, Yang Wang, Jianzhong Liu. Nuclear shell model for ignition process of boron particle with binary surface oxide layer, Combustion and Flame, 2021, 225: 320-328. (15) Heping Li, Daolun Liang*, Jianzhong Liu. Nano‑carbides as accelerants for boron oxidation reaction, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2021,144(3): 721-728. (16) Heping Li*, Daolun Liang*, Minghui Yu, Jianzhong Liu, Xuefeng Huang. Study on dehydrogenation and oxidation kinetics mechanisms of micron α-AlH3 in an oxidative atmosphere, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45 (46): 24958-24967. (17) Daolun Liang*, Jianzhong Liu, Qili Qiu. Nano carbides-mediated acceleration of energy release behavior of amorphous boron during ignition and combustion, Energy Reports, 2020,6: 1160-1169. (18) Daolun Liang*, Rui Xiao, Jianzhong Liu, Yang Wang. Ignition and heterogeneous combustion of aluminum boride and boron–aluminum blend, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 84: 1081-1091. (19) Daolun Liang*, Rui Xiao, Heping Li, Jianzhong Liu. Heterogeneous decomposition and oxidation during combustion of magnesium diboride particles, Acta Astronautica, 2018, 153: 159-165. (20) Daolun Liang, Jianzhong Liu*, Yunan Zhou, Junhu Zhou, Kefa Cen. Ignition delay kinetic model of boron particle based on bidirectional diffusion mechanism, Aerospace Science and Technology, 2018, 73: 78-84. (21) Daolun Liang, Jianzhong Liu*, Yunan Zhou, Junhu Zhou. Ignition and combustion characteristics of amorphous boron and coated boron particles in oxygen jet, Combustion and Flame, 2017, 185: 292-300. (22) Daolun Liang, Jianzhong Liu*, Yunan Zhou, Junhu Zhou, Kefa Cen. Ignition and combustion characteristics of molded amorphous boron under different oxygen pressures, Acta Astronautica, 2017, 138: 118-128. (23) Daolun Liang, Jianzhong Liu*, Heping Li, Yunan Zhou, Junhu Zhou. Improving effect of boron carbide on the combustion and thermal oxidation characteristics of amorphous boron, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2017, 128(3): 1771-1782. (24) Daolun Liang, Jianzhong Liu*, Heping Li, Junhu Zhou, Kefa Cen. Generation and evolution of surface oxide layer of amorphous boron during thermal oxidation: a micro/nanofabricated slice measurement, Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2017, 42(5): 532-540. (25) 梁导伦, 刘建忠*, 陈冰虹, 李和平, 周俊虎. 含硼推进剂一次燃烧固相产物氧化反应特性, 推进技术, 2017, 38(4): 948-953. (26) Daolun Liang, Jianzhong Liu*, Binghong Chen, Junhu Zhou, Kefa Cen. Improvement in energy release properties of boron-based propellant by oxidant coating, Thermochimica Acta, 2016, 638: 58-68. (27) Daolun Liang, Jianzhong Liu, Junhu Zhou, Yang Wang*, Yuxin Yang. Combustion characteristics and propulsive performance of boron/ammonium perchlorate mixtures in microtubes, Journal of Energetic Materials, 2016, 34(3): 297-317. (28) Daolun Liang, Jianzhong Liu*, Jinwu Xiao, Jianfei Xi, Yang Wang, Yanwei Zhang, Junhu Zhou. Energy release properties of amorphous boron and boron-based propellant primary combustion products, Acta Astronautica, 2015, 112(4): 182-191. (29) Daolun Liang, Jianzhong Liu*, Jinwu Xiao, Jianfei Xi, Yang Wang, Junhu Zhou. Effect of metal additives on the composition and combustion characteristics of primary combustion products of B-based propellants, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2015, 122(1): 497-508. (30) 梁导伦, 王纵涛, 刘建忠*, 张彦威, 敖文, 席剑飞, 汪洋, 周俊虎. 碳对无定形硼颗粒的点火燃烧特性影响, 含能材料, 2014, 22(3): 386-391. (31) Yunan Zhou, Jianzhong Liu*, Jianru Wang, Tuanwei Xv, Daolun Liang, Kefa Cen. The formation mechanism and distribution of micro-aluminum oxide layer, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2018, 133 (3): 1335-1344. (32) 苑继飞, 刘建忠*, 王健儒, 许团委, 陈冰虹, 梁导伦, 周俊虎. 压力对纳米铝粉/RDX混合物聚光点火燃烧特性的影响. 含能材料, 2018, 26(4): 297-303. (33) Yunan Zhou, Jianzhong Liu*, Daolun Liang, Shi Wei, Weijuan Yang, Junhu Zhou. Effect of particle size and oxygen content on ignition and combustion of aluminum particles, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2017, 30 (6): 1835-1843. (34) Jianzhong Liu*, Daolun Liang, Jinwu Xiao, Binghong Chen, Yanwei Zhang, Junhu Zhou, Kefa Cen. Composition and characteristics of primary combustion products of boron-based propellants, Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves, 2017, 53 (1): 55-64. (35) 刘建忠*, 梁导伦, 周禹男, 周俊虎. 硼颗粒点火燃烧特性研究进展, 固体火箭技术, 2017, 40 (5): 573-582. (36) 李和平, 席剑飞*, 罗淋旺, 赵文敬, 梁导伦, 刘建忠. 基于含硼推进剂的微推进器燃烧特性及推进性能, 固体火箭技术, 2017, 40(6): 671-677. (37) 陈冰虹, 刘建忠*, 梁导伦, 李和平, 周俊虎. 氧化剂包覆硼颗粒对硼基推进剂点火燃烧特性的影响, 含能材料, 2016, 24(8): 774-780. (38) 陈冰虹, 刘建忠*, 梁导伦, 周禹男, 周俊虎. 硼颗粒的包覆机理及工艺研究进展, 火炸药学报, 2016, 39(5): 13-21. (39) Jianfei Xi, Jianzhong Liu*, Yang Wang, Daolun Liang, Junhu Zhou. Effect of metal hydrides on the burning characteristics of boron. Thermochimica Acta, 2014, 597: 58-64. (40) Jianfei Xi, Jianzhong Liu*, Yang Wang, Daolun Liang, Heping Li, Junhu Zhou. Role of oxalic acid in promoting ignition and combustion of boron: an experimental and theoretical study [J]. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2014, 39(6): 844-851. 二、会议论文 (1) 郭栩烜, 梁导伦*, 刘士旸, 李力祥, 强月, 陈冰虹, 刘建忠. BH3CN-基离子液体的自点火和燃烧性能研究, 2024年中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会, 中国, 杭州, 2024.10.17-10.20. (2) 李力祥, Christian Ingabire, 梁导伦*, 李霁, 强月, 郭栩烜, 沈德魁. 增材制造复合固体推进剂燃烧特性研究, 中国宇航学会固体火箭推进专业委员会第41界学术年会, 中国, 烟台, 2024.08.07-08.09. (3) 钱意文, 梁导伦*, 沈德魁, 向郁雪, 王晓佳. 污泥与飞灰共燃:温度和掺混比例对挥发性有机污染物生成特性的影响, 2023年中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会, 中国, 合肥, 2023.10.12-10.15. (4) 强月, 梁导伦*, 薛天华, 王军, 王建, 沈德魁. 不同粒径B/AP/PVDF复合燃料的单颗粒悬浮点火燃烧特性,2023兵器装备工程学术年会, 中国, 重庆, 2023.10.12-10.14. (5) 薛天华, 梁导伦*, 郭栩烜, 强月, 沈德魁. 超声悬浮醇基含硼纳米浆体单液滴点火燃烧特性研究,第六届空天推进技术论坛, 中国, 桂林, 2023.5.11-5.13. (6) 周明月, 梁导伦*, 李力祥, 李霁, 王国祺. 适用于增材制造的NEPE推进剂浆体黏度特性研究,第六届空天推进技术论坛, 中国, 桂林, 2023.5.11-5.13. (7) Tianhua Xue, Daolun Liang*, Zhiyuan Niu, Mingkang Lu,Junyang Lu, Qicao Yang,Runze Zhang, Dekui Shen. Ignition and Combustion Characteristics of Single Nano slurry Droplets of Boron/bioethanol and Aluminum/bioethanol at Ultrasonic Levitation State, ABBS-International Conference on Biohydrogen and Bioprocesses 2022, Chongqing, China, 2022.12.02-12.04. (8) 周明月,梁导伦*,李霁,王国祺,尹新宇,孙培元,程明浩,张鹏驰. 基于光固化的复合固体推进剂增材制造技术研究,中国宇航学会固体火箭推进专业委员会第38届学术年会, 中国, 遵义, 2021.07.21-07.22. (9) 钟伟东,梁导伦*,沈德魁,钟红,李梦丽,陈可润,牛志远. 二硼化镁离散颗粒流动态燃烧过程研究,中国宇航学会固体火箭推进专业委员会第38届学术年会, 中国, 遵义, 2021.07.21-07.22. (10) 钟伟东,梁导伦*,沈德魁. 二硼化镁在富燃推进剂中的应用,中国宇航学会固体火箭推进专业委员会第37届学术年会, 中国, 湖州, 2020.10.31-11.02. (11) 梁导伦*, 刘建忠, 肖睿. 二硼化铝及硼铝共混物的点火与燃烧, 中国宇航学会固体火箭推进专业委员会第35届学术年会, 中国, 昆明, 2018.08.16-10.18. (12) 梁导伦, 刘建忠* , 周禹男, 李和平, 王架皓, 周俊虎. 无定形硼颗粒初始氧化层微纳尺度切片测量, 中国宇航学会固体火箭推进专业委员会第33届学术年会, 中国, 丹东, 2016.08.25-08.28. (13) D. Liang, L. Qiu, J. Liu*, B. Chen, J. Zhou. Effect of Boron Carbide on the Ignition and Combustion Characteristics of Amorphous Boron. Proceedings of the Australian Combustion Symposium, Melbourne, Australia, 2015.12.07-12.09. (14) 梁导伦, 陈冰虹, 刘建忠*, 周俊虎. 微圆管燃烧器中B/AP推进剂推进性能研究, 中国宇航学会固体火箭推进专业委员会第32届学术年会, 中国, 安吉, 2015.09.18-09.21. (15) 梁导伦, 刘建忠*, 汪洋, 席剑飞, 周俊虎. 硼基推进剂配方对二次燃烧特性影响, 中国工程热物理学会2014年学术年会, 中国, 西安, 2014.11.01-11.02. 三、会议特邀学术报告 (1)梁导伦, 超声悬浮态硼/铝基含氧纳米浆体燃料点火燃烧特性研究, 第十三届中国颗粒大会含能颗粒分会场, 苏州,2024.10.24-10.28. (2)Daolun Liang, Evaporative combustion characteristics of ultrasonically levitated single nAl-based slurry droplets with various liquid oxygenated fuels and solid concentrations, The 14th International Workshop on Combustion and Propulsion, Pescara, 2024.07.28-08.03. (3)梁导伦, 含氧纳米浆体燃料悬浮液滴点火燃烧特性的在线测量与诊断, 第一届全国多相流测试青年论坛, 郑州, 2024.06.21-06.23. (4)梁导伦, 二硼化镁逐级分解协同氧化耦合燃烧机理研究, 第八届全国青年燃烧学会议, 广州,2023.04.21-04.23. (5)梁导伦, 二元液体氧化层下硼颗粒点火过程核壳模型, 第七届全国青年燃烧学会议, 中国, 厦门(线上), 2022.05.27-05.29. (6)梁导伦, 含氧添加剂对硼基推进剂二次燃烧能量释放特性的影响, 第七届全国化学推进剂学术会议, 中国, 西安, 2015.10.16-10.17.