
能环学院 制冷与建筑环境系上岗副研究员













刘剑,上岗副研究员。1990年01月生,中共党员,安徽芜湖2021 年08月毕业于香港城市大学, 获建筑与土木工程专业博士学位,2022年03月入职东南大学能源与环境学院。主要研究方向为高温热泵与储能、低碳建筑节能技术、睡眠环境及相关特性、低碳空调系统等。在Energy Conversion and Management, Energy and Buildings, International Journal of RefrigerationBuilding and Environment,化工学报 等领域高水平期刊上发表论文30余篇,其中SCI一作文章19篇,通讯3篇,第一/通讯作者EI及核心论文8篇,并担任多个期刊的审稿人。担任首届《制冷学报》青年编委和“制冷剂替代技术”专栏特邀编辑




科研 教改项目

1) 《极地与极端环境模拟试验设施》国家重大科技基础设施预研项目,1.3亿,主要参与

2) LNG冷能综合利用技术,省部级项目,210万,负责

3)     2024年东南大学省部级重点实验室科学研究项目-余热回收型中高热泵非共沸工质定向筛选机制20万,负责

4)     2023 年度江苏省科技计划专项资金(创新能力建设计划)-极端环境下建筑环境质量控制与生命保障机理研究,310万,负责

5)     2023年度江苏省科技计划专项资金(创新能力建设计划)-极地与极端环境模拟实验设施,8500万,参与

6)     2023年江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,20万,负责

7)     2023东南大学高校基本业务经费-GF 实验室项目,多因素耦合环境模拟系统方案论证,30万,负责

8)     2023东南大学中央高效基本业务费20万,负责

9)     企业横向,xxxxx,20万,负责

10)     企业横向,xxxx26万,负责

11)  企业横向,xxxx32万,负责

论文 专著


1)Tian Xue, Liu Jian, Lin Zhang. Enhancing individual thermal preference satisfaction and energy efficiency in multi-occupant spaces through stratified micro-environments[J]. Building and Environment, 2024: 111356.

2)Jian Liu*, Jihao Shi, Tao Zhang, Jianhong Cheng, Xiaosong Zhang, Separated condensation and cascaded evaporation - A novel method to improve ejector-compression heat pump cycle using zeotropic mixtures, Energy Conversion and Management, 2024, 118217

3)Jian Liu*, Jihao Shi, Bu Qiu, Xiaosong Zhang, Energy and exergy analysis of various ejector-assisted two-stage compression heat pumps applied in various conditions [J]. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2024

4)     Liu Jian*, Zhou Fang, Lyu N, et al. Analysis of low GWP ternary zeotropic mixtures applied in high-temperature heat pump for waste heat recovery [J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2023: 292, 117381.

5)     Shifang Huang, Fang, Zhou., Liu, Jian*, Xiaosong Zhang, (2023) Comparison of various dual-temperature zones space heating systems based on energy cascade utilization principle. Applied Thermal Engineering, accepted.

6)     Liu, Jian*, Zhou, L., Cheng, J., Lin, Z., & Zhang, X. (2023). A novel two-stage compression air-source heat pump cycle combining space heating, cooling, and domestic hot water production. Energy and Buildings, 285, 112863.

7)     Shifang Huang, Zhou, Lu., Liu, Jian*., Lin, Z., Zhou, Q., & Zhang, X. (2023). Performance analysis of a novel multi-heat sinks heat pump based on two-stage ejector-compression cycle. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 101544.

8)     Huang, SF; Wang, LB; Xie, LY; Liu, Jian; Zhang, XS 2023Energetic, economic and environmental analyses of frost-free air-source heat pump in multi-type buildings and different locations. Journal of building engineering.

9)     Zhang, X., Cai, L., Ma, Z., Liu, Jian, & Zhang, X. (2023). Performance potential and optimal configuration study for low-GWP R161-DMETEG single-stage absorption refrigeration system via pinch technology. Applied Thermal Engineering, 121093.

10)  Zhang, X., Cai, L., Ma, Z., Liu, Jian, & Zhang, X. (2023). Performance potential and optimal configuration study for low-GWP R161-DMETEG single-stage absorption refrigeration system via pinch technology

11)  Zhang, X., Cai, L., Ma, Z., Liu, Jian, & Zhang, X. (2023). Thermodynamic screening and analysis of ionic liquids as absorbents paired with low-GWP refrigerants in absorption refrigeration systems

12)  Lu, Yalin, Liu, Jian, & Lin, Zhang* (2023). Impact of different supply modes of stratum ventilation on airflow and contaminant distribution characteristics. Building and Environment, 110303.

13)  Lyu, N., He, H., Liu, Jian., Liang, C., Zhang, X., & Wang, F. (2023). Investigation on the performance coupling characteristics between a compound anti-frosting method and air source heat pump system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 121430.

14)  Liu Jian*, Zhou L, Lin Z, et al. Performance evaluation of low GWP large glide temperature zeotropic mixtures applied in air source heat pump for DHW production[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 274: 116457.

15)  Liu Jian*, Zhou L, Lyu N, et al. Analysis of a modified transcritical CO2 two-stage ejector-compression cycle for domestic hot water production[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 269: 116094.

16)  Liu, Jian, Yalin, Lu, Tian, Xue and Lin, Zhang* (2021). Performance analysis of an air source heat pump cycle enhanced by ejector, Energy and Buildings, accepted.(SCI, JCR一区, IF = 4.867)

17)  Liu, Jian, Yalin, Lu, Tian, Xue and Lin, Zhang* (2021). Analyses of yearly performance analyses of novel warm air heating system applied in different climates, Applied Thermal Engineering, 194(10), 117076. (SCI, 中科院一区, IF = 4.725)

18)  Liu, Jian, Tian, Xue, and Lin, Zhang*(2021). 4E analyses of novel dual-heat source/sink ejector-compression heat pump system,Building and Environment,107787 (SCI, 中科院一区, IF = 4.971)

19)  Liu, Jian, Tian, Xue, and Lin, Zhang*(2021). Performance analysis of a novel dual heat source warm air heating system with ecofriendly refrigerants. Building and Environment, 107679. (SCI, 中科院一区, IF = 4.971)

20)  Liu, Jian, and Lin, Zhang*(2021). A novel dual-temperature ejector-compression heat pump cycle - exergetic and economic analyses, International Journal of Refrigeration, (SCI, JCR一区, IF = 3.461)

21)  Liu, Jian, and Lin, Zhang*(2021). Optimization of configurative parameters of stratum ventilated heating for a sleeping environment. Journal of Building Engineering. 102167. (SCI, JCR一区, IF = 3.379)

22)  Tian, X., Cheng, Y., Liu, Jian., & Lin, Z. (2021). Evaluation of sidewall air supply with the stratified indoor environment in a consultation room. Sustainable Cities and Society, 75, 103328.

23)  Liu, Jian, and Lin, Zhang*(2020). Performance of stratum ventilated heating for sleeping environment. Building and Environment 180: 107072. (SCI, 中科院一区, IF = 4.971)

24)  Liu, Jian, and Lin, Zhang*(2020). Energy and exergy analyze of different air distributions in a residential building. Energy and Buildings: 110694. (SCI, JCR一区, IF = 4.867)

25)  Liu, Jian, and Lin, Zhang*(2020). Thermodynamic analysis of a novel dual-temperature air-source heat pump combined ejector with zeotropic mixture R1270/R600a. Energy Conversion and Management 220: 113078.  (SCI, 中科院一区, IF = 8.208)

26)  Liu, Jian, and Lin, Zhang*(2020). Energy and Exergy Performances of Floor, Ceiling, Wall Radiator and Stratum Ventilation Heating Systems for Residential Buildings. Energy and Buildings: 110046. (SCI, JCR一区, IF = 4.867)

27)  Liu, Jian, Zhang, Xiaosong, and Lin, Zhang*(2019). Exergy and energy analysis of a novel dual-chilling-source refrigerating system applied to temperature and humidity independent control. Energy Conversion and Management197: 111875. (SCI, 中科院一区, IF = 8.208)

28)  Zhang, Sheng, Cheng, Yong, Liu, Jian, & Lin, Zhang*(2019). Subzone control optimization of air distribution for thermal comfort and energy efficiency under cooling load uncertainty. Applied Energy251, 113378. (SCI, 中科院一区, IF = 8.848)

29)  Liu, Jian, She, Xiaohui and Zhang, Xiaosong*(2017). Experimental and theoretical study on a novel double evaporating temperature chiller applied in THICS using R32/R236fa. International Journal of Refrigeration, 75, 343-351. (SCI, JCR一区, IF = 3.461)

30)  Liu, Jian, She, Xiaohui and Zhang, Xiaosong*(2016). Experimental study of a novel double temperature chiller based on R32/R236fa.Energy Conversion and Management, 124, 618-626. (SCI, 中科院一区, IF = 8.208)

31)  Liu, Jian, and Zhang, Xiongsong*(2015). Performance analysis of a novel double-temperature chilling water unit using large temperature glide zeotropic mixture. Procedia Engineering, 121, 1222-1229. (EI)

32)  Fang Zhou , Jian Liu * , Xiaosong Zhang2023POTENTIAL OF CO2/HFOS MIXTURES APPLIED IN AIR SOURCE HEAT PUMP FOR DHW PRODUCTION DOI: 10.18462/iir.HFO2023.0001.

33)  刘剑, & 张小松*(2016). 基于大滑移温度非共沸工质的双温冷水机组. 化工学报, 67(4),1186-1192.(EI)

34)  向宇玥,刘剑*张小松(2023)基于光伏/光热一体化的零碳热泵热水系统研究.太阳能学报,EI (接收)

35)  周昉,刘剑*,张小松. 基于多参数评估原则筛选高温热泵用三元非共沸混合工质[J]. 化工学报,  2023DOI: 10.11949/0438-1157.20230844. (EI)

36)  刘剑, & 张小松*(2015). 冷冻水流量和温度对基于混合工质的双温冷水机组性能影响制冷学报, 36(6), 83-89.(中文核心,获第一届制冷学报优秀论文奖)

37)  陶奕玮, 刘剑*,张小松(2023). 冷水(热泵)机组能效测试方法及能效限定值的对比研究制冷学报(已接收)

38)  方元,刘剑*,张小松,(2023) 磁悬浮离心式冷水机组节能潜力及其经济性分析,流体机械(已接收)

39)  宋翼; 张小松; 刘剑;薛鼎; 胡颖健; 朱军; 李鹏,(2023. 悬索桥主缆联合除湿系统设计与实验研究,建筑科学,1002-8528

40)  周伟, 张小松, 刘剑, & 黄紫祺. (2016). 太阳能-空气光伏/光热一体化热泵热水系统实验特性制冷学报, 37(5), 8.

41)  满亮, 张小松, 刘剑, & 徐国英. (2017). 基于大滑移温度非共沸工质双冷源制冷机组的[火用]分析制冷学报, 38(2), 7.

42)  余鹏飞, 张小松, 刘剑, & 颜华周. (2016). R236fa/r32混合制冷剂变浓度制冷系统的性能研究建筑科学, 32(12), 6.

43)  刘剑,张小松,黄维冬. R32/R236fa 混合工质双温双冷源制冷系统的热力学分析[C]. 2015 年中国工程热物理学术年会,福建,厦门,2015.

44)  刘剑,张小松. 大滑移温度非共沸混合工质在蒸发器中的传热特性[C]. 2014 年中国工程热物理学术年会,陕西,西安,2014

45)  周昉1,吕宁2刘剑*1,张小松1基于非共沸混合工质的余热回收型高温热泵性能研究2023 中国制冷学会学术年会,苏州,江苏,2023.

46)  周露,时继昊,王驿凯,刘剑*1基于分段冷凝分级蒸发的喷射压缩式污水源热泵热水循环热力学分析2023 中国制冷学会学术年会,苏州,江苏,2023.


1)刘剑, 黄世芳, 徐洁月, 张小松,一种基于大滑移温度非共沸工质的多温冰箱,2017/01/18 中国,ZL201510053428.7 (授权)

2)张小松,刘剑,张凯,用于空调制冷领域的冷水机组、工作方法及制冷剂,CN104315633B (授权)

3)吴努斌,刘剑,王磊,塔底主动风/水耦合冷却系统, CN201710265276.6 (授权)

4)折晓会,殷勇高,刘剑,一种基于膨胀功回收驱动的多温区冷量获取方法及装置,CN103615824B (授权)

5)刘剑,林章,双温空气源热泵机组,202010655160.5 (授权)

6)樊海彬;周全;张小松;刘剑;贾磊;赵盼盼. 一种压缩机-膨胀阀性能耦合匹配测试系统及测试方法CN116858528B (授权)

7)张小松,周昉,刘剑. 基于大滑移温度非共沸工质的喷射-压缩污水源热泵系统[P]. CN115585581A,2023-01-10.(实审)

8)刘剑,方元,张小松.基于冷凝器出口处过冷空调系统性能现场检测装置及方法[P]. CN115574503A,2023-01-06.(实审)

9)张小松,向宇玥,刘剑. 一种基于太阳能光伏直驱的循环供暖-供冷-热水系统[P]. CN115585562A,2023-01-10. (实审)

10)  刘剑,周露,黄世芳,张小松. 一种基于多喷射器装置的多温区冰箱系统及工作方法[P]. CN115638557A,2023-01-24. (实审)

11)  刘剑,周露,黄世芳,张小松. 基于两级喷射压缩式循环的供暖供冷热水系统及运行方法[P]. CN115638556A,2023-01-24. (实审)

12)  张小松,方元,刘剑. 基于温度互相关法的空调系统性能现场检测装置及方法[P]. CN115683678A,2023-02-03. (实审)

13)  薛鼎;张小松;李明霞;宋翼;刘剑. 一种基于余热回收的悬索桥主缆用全工况复合除湿系统[P] CN202310188090.0(实审)

14)  张小松,张涛,刘剑. 由二重双气冷器二氧化碳热泵驱动的深度复合除湿系统ZL11202310100005(实审)

15)  刘剑,时继浩,周露,一种基于两级压缩带气液分离器式循环的供暖-供冷-热水系统及运行方法 ZL11202309250024

16) 吴刚,张亚栋,陈力,郑宝锋,刘剑,方仕雄,李永哲,杨晨熙,李万金,陈扬,一种极地与极端环境模拟装置及其综合测试方法 ZL11202309270008

荣誉 奖励

1)香港政府全额博士奖学金,香港城市大学Research Tuition ScholarshipOutstanding Academic Performance Award





