
核科学与技术系 副教授 博导







办公地点:九龙湖校区 能环大楼0609




2009-2013年在清华大学工程物理系攻读学士学位,2013-2019年在中国核动力研究设计院攻读硕士、博士学位,201911月进入东南大学能源与环境学院工作。现主要从事包括超临界流体流动传热、液态金属流动传热、先进紧凑换热设备在内的反应堆热工水力基础科研和超临界二氧化碳核能系统研发工作,先后主持国家自然科学基金、国防工业核动力技术创新基金、中核集团核反应堆热工水力技术重点实验室基金等6项。在Int. J. Heat Mass TransferApplied Thermal EngineeringInt. J. Thermal Sciences《核动力工程》等国内外Top期刊发表SCI/EI19篇,授权专利7项,参与编撰学术专著1部。先后获四川省自然科学奖二等奖、中国核工业集团科学技术奖特等奖、国防技术发明奖一等奖。





科研 教改项目


2)国家自然科学基金委员会 青年科学基金项目(12105046),主持,2022.01-2024.12;

3)国家自然科学基金委员会 联合基金项目(U1867218),参与,2019.01-2022.12;

4)国家自然科学基金委员会 面上项目(52176061),参与,2022.01-2025.12;

论文 专著


(19)Jiatao Meng, Shuangqing Chen, Yonggang Cao, Jiyue Liang, Shenghui Liu*, et al. Thermal-hydraulic analysis of <1-2> passes printed circuit heat exchanger with lead-bismuth and supercritical carbon dioxide as working fluids, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2025, 180:105612;

(18)Shuangqing Chen, Shenghui Liu*, et al. Coupling effects of bend corners with alternating direction on the heat transfer and hydraulic characteristics of zigzag-type printed circuit heat exchanger for the next generation unclear systems, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2025, 180:105611;

(17)Jianxin Qiao, Shuangqing Chen, Shenghui Liu*, et al. Study on the prediction and optimization of flow mal-distribution in printed circuit heat exchangers based on machine learning, Energy, 2024, 313:134029;

(16)Haijie Wu, Minyun Liu, Shenghui Liu*, et al. Development of system analysis code and its application in transient simulation of supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle direct cooled reactors, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2025, 211:111031;

(15)Feixiang Yuan, Shenghui Liu*, Minyun Liu, et al. Design and optimization of space nuclear power system with sCO2 Brayton cycle on Mars, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2024, 176:105375;

(14)Jianxin Qiao, Shenghui Liu*, Minyun Liu, et al. Conceptual design and optimization of heat rejection system for nuclear reactor coupled with supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton cycle used on Mars, Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2024, 176:105364;

(13)Guangwei Hong, Fanyu Qu, Shenghui Liu*, et al. Experimental study on single- to two-phase flow and heat transfer of water in a small tube, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 226:125472;

(12)Jianxin Qiao, Shenghui Liu*, Jiatao Meng, et al. Design and optimization of intermediate heat exchanger for lead-bismuth cooled fast reactor coupled with supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton cycle, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2023, 414:112535;

(11)Shenghui Liu, Rui-long Liu, Yan-ping Huang, et al. Experimental study on flow and heat transfer of supercritical carbon dioxide in zigzag channels with bending angle 30 for advanced nuclear systems, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2023, 185:109720;

(10)Shenghui Liu, Cheng Gao, Minyun Liu, et al. An improved zigzag-type printed circuit heat exchanger for supercritical CO2 Brayton cycles, Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2023, 183:109653;

(9)Shenghui Liu, Minyun Liu, Ruilong Liu, et al. Thermal-hydraulic performance of zigzag channels with Bending number below unity for printed circuit heat exchanger, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 215:118989;

(8)Minyun Liu, Jia Tang, Shenghui Liu, et al. Modified Landau model for fluids: A rethink of pseudoboiling theory for supercritical fluids, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2022, 183:105554;

(7)Shenghui Liu*; Yanping Huang*; Junfeng Wang; Ruilong Liu; Jinguang Zang; Experimental study of thermal-hydraulic performance of a printed circuit heat exchanger with straight channels , Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 160: 120109.   

(6)Shenghui Liu; Yanping Huang*; Junfeng Wang; Ruilong Liu; Experimental study on transitional flow in straight channels of printed circuit heat exchanger , Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 181: 115950.   

(5)Shenghui Liu, Yanping Huang, Guangxu Liu, Junfeng Wang, Laurence K.H. Leung, Improvement of buoyancy and acceleration parameters for forced and mixed convective heat transfer to supercritical fluids flowing in vertical tubes, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 106 (2017) 1144-1156. (IF 3.891) (SCI:00039301 5000100)

(4)Shenghui Liu, Yanping Huang, Guangxu Liu, Junfeng Wang, Laurence K.H. Leung, A predictive-corrective process for predicting forced convective heat transfer in heated tubes at supercritical pressures, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 110 (2017) 374-382. (IF 3.891) (SCI:000401399000032)

(3)Shenghui Liu, Yanping Huang, Guangxu Liu, Junfeng Wang, Laurence K.H. Leung, Numerical investigation of buoyancy effect on heat transfer to carbon dioxide flow in a tube at supercritical pressures, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 117 (2018) 595-606. (IF 3.891) (SCI:000417963300054)

(2)Shenghui Liu, Yanping Huang, Junfeng Wang, Theoretical and numerical investigation on the fin effectiveness and the fin efficiency of printed circuit heat exchanger with straight channels, Int. J. Thermal Sciences, 132 (2018) 558-566. (IF 3.361) (SCI: 000442063500053)

(1)Guangxu Liu, Yanping Huang, Junfeng Wang, Fa Lv, Shenghui Liu, Experimental research and theoretical analysis of flow instability in supercritical carbon dioxide natural circulation loop, Applied Energy, 205 (2017) 813-821. (IF 7.900) (SCI:000414817100065)





(1)刘生晖, 黄彦平等. 立交式微通道高效紧凑型换热器. 专利号:ZL 2016 1 0636285.7[P].

(2)刘生晖, 黄彦平等. 一种印刷电路板式紧凑换热器的换热板的表面结构. 专利号:ZL 2017 20599849.4[P].

(3)黄彦平, 刘生晖等. 扩散焊紧凑板换热器换热表面局部流动传热特性测量装置. 专利号:ZL 201721196186.8[P].





荣誉 奖励

12020 中国核学会核反应堆热工流体力学分会成立大会 优秀论文

22021 中国核学会核反应堆热工流体力学分会第一届学术年会 优秀论文

32021 东南大学优秀本科毕业设计论文指导教师

42021 四川省自然科学奖二等奖“超临界流体热力性能畸变机理与新型核动力热力循环理论设计”

52022 江苏省节能减排大赛 特等奖

62022 全国大学生节能减排大赛 一等奖

(7)2023年 江苏省节能减排大赛 二等奖

(8)2024年 东南大学第31届青年教师授课竞赛 二等奖

(9)2024年 中国核工业集团科学技术奖 特等奖

(10)2024年 国防技术发明奖(公布名:超临界二氧化碳核电转换系统关键技术与工程实现)一等奖



2020年:1 孙国鹏、2 熊瑞坤、3 杨育锋、4 周泽宇、5 金钊;2021年:1 陈翔宇、2 冯杰(校级优秀毕业设计论文)、3 张晓颖;2022年:1 崔风鹏、2 沈渝程、3 黄浩、4 赵晨曦;2023年:1 孟佳涛、2 信亭宇、3 别克·阿山;2024年:1 高佳颖、2 李明洋、3 阿热孜古丽·卡依力


2021年:1 高成、2 洪光伟;2022年:1 尹园园、2 袁费翔;2023年:1 孟佳涛、2 陈双庆2024年:1 高佳颖、陈在勇、Muhammad Jahanzaib


2023年:1 乔健鑫;2024年:1 吴海杰;
