Training Plan for Bachelor of Building Environment and Equipment Engineering,

Category: Engineering   Major code: 080704       Degree-granting: Bachelor of Engineering

Duration: 4 years    Specify date: June, 2012


I. Training Objectives       

This major aims to equip the graduates with solid foundation, wide knowledge, strong working ability, collaborative spirit, creativity. The high level students of this major are qualified in scientific research, product development, engineering design, teaching and business management in the field and other related fields of Building Environment and Equipment Engineering.


II. Basic requirements

Solid foundation of mathematics and natural science, the systematic mastery of building environment and equipment, engineering thermodynamics, and the relevant basic theory and professional knowledge of mechanics, architecture, electrics, electronics, instrument and automatic control and computer are required in students. Meanwhile, students should also be skilled in practice and own the basic theory of humanities, sociology, management and the relevant majors, and are capable of doing scientific research, product development, engineering design, teaching, business management, etc.


III. Knowledge, ability and quality the graduates should acquire

1. Graduates are expected to cultivate good morality and have a solid understanding of common knowledge in humanity and sociology as well as in science, especially mathematics, natural science, architecture and thermodynamics.

2. Graduates should be proficient in one foreign language, can read professional scientific articles without difficulty and be proficient in computer applica

3. Graduates should master basic theory of architecture technology and engineering thermodynamics.
4. Graduates should master the professional knowledge concerning building environment, construction equipment and building automation.

5. Graduates should be all round developed, have the spirit of teamwork, can well communicate with others orally and literally, have scientific spirit and professional ethics.


 IV. Main disciplines and similar major

Major courses: Mechanics, Architecture, Engineering Thermophysics, Computer Science And Automation

Similar major Thermal Energy and Power Engineering


V. Main courses

Basic courses of general education: Basic Principles on Marxism, Morals and some other cultural quality education, Physical Education, English, Advanced Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Probability Theory, Physics, Fundamentals of Computer, etc.

Basic courses of major: Mechanical drawing, Fundamentals of Machine Design, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Technology, Engineering Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Principle of Automatic Control.

Main major courses: Refrigeration Technology, Air Conditioning, Heating and Heat Engineering Equipment, Construction Environmental Testing Techniques, Fluid Transmission and Distribution Network and the Fluid Mechanical, Heat and Mass Transfer Principles and Equipment, Building Environment


VI. Main practical courses and training

Base Practice of Machinery Manufacturing, Practice of Mechatronics Fundamental, Design Training, Preliminary Practice in Engineering, Senior Practice in Engineering, graduation design, Graduation Project, etc..


VII. Bilingual teaching courses 

Modern HVAC Technology, Ventilation Engineering

VIII. Courses in English teaching
Building Environment, Principles and Equipment of Heat and Mass Transfer, Air-Conditioning

IX. Research-based curriculum
Building Energy Efficiency, Modern HVAC Technology, Building Automation

X. Graduation credit and GPA requirements

According to credit management and bachelor's degree awarded regulations of Southeast University, the minimum 150 credits are required to graduate. Under the condition of graduation requirements, if qualified on Southeast University English Language Learning Standards and Grade Point Average≥ 2.0, a bachelor's degree in engineering can be granted.


XI. Credit and credit hours of various courses assigned (see plan)


XII. Teaching arrangements guidance table (see plan)