Jobs and Economic Competitiveness

Jobs and Economic Competitiveness


NREL looks at jobs and economic competitiveness through the lens of the national energy dialogue, which is increasingly focused on American prosperity and U.S. competitiveness in the global economy. NREL investigates the potential impacts on the U.S. economy from expanding renewable technology deployment and examines opportunities for the U.S. renewable technologies and systems in the future.


Jobs and Economic Competitiveness Activities


NREL analyzes clean energy industry trends; cost, price and performance trends; market and policy drivers; and future outlook to identify potential opportunities and challenges to building and maintaining US competitiveness in the global renewable energy market.

NREL's economic competitiveness analysis efforts focus on assessing: jobs creation, workforce development needs, manufacturing costs, supply-chain constraints, innovation opportunities and comparative advantages associated with deployment of renewable energy technologies.


The goal is to provide objective information that may be helpful for policymakers and inform decision making.

NREL's Jobs and Economic Competitiveness Analysis Framework 
(mouse over capabilities to navigate) 
