

通讯方式:Email: hyzhang@seu.edu.cn











张会岩,山东临沂人,教授、博导,国家优青,连续多年入选爱思唯尔中国高被引学者。近年来,牵头获教育部技术发明一等奖、中国专利优秀奖、日内瓦国际发明展特别金奖等奖项,获中国可再生能源学会首届优秀青年科技人才奖、中国动力工程学会首届青年科技奖和霍英东优秀青年教师荣誉。主持国家重点研发项目、国家优秀青年科学基金、国家自然科学基金委面上基金、江苏省杰出青年基金、企事业项目等20余项。研究成果在Science、Nature Commun.、PNAS、Energ. Environ. Sci.等权威期刊发表SCI收录论文200余篇,多次入选elsevier高被引学者。主编专著/教材4部,参编英文专著2部。获授权发明专利50余件,其中美国专利2件。担任《能源研究与利用》副主编,《Fuel Processing Technology》、《Science of the Total Environment》等6个期刊编委/客座编辑。担任2017年中国工程热物理学会燃烧会议和2019年第一届能源与环境国际会议大会秘书长,2020年和2021年中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会大会程序委员会主席。主讲课程获东南大学课程思政示范课程、在线课程,江苏省优秀课程等,获2023年东南大学第十三届十佳“我最喜爱的研究生导师”称号。


研究生课程:《生物质热化学转化制取燃料和化学品》、《Renewable Energy》;


科研 教改项目


1、    国家科技部,国家重点研发计划项目:有机固废高效气化及产品深度利用技术与装备(2019YFC1906800),项目负责人,2138万元,2020.01-2022.12

2、    国家科技部,国家重点研发计划项目课题:多工况有机固废高效协同气化技术基础(2019YFC1906801),课题负责人,406万元,2020.01-2022.12

3、    国家科技部,国家重点研发计划项目子课题:生物质自热式催化热解制取高品质液体燃料关键技术研发与示范(2019YFD1100602-2),东南大学负责人,368万元,2020.01-2022.12

4、    中国核动力研究院,横向项目:水质对流动换热特性影响分析(8503008444),项目负责人,60万元,2020.05-2024.05

5、    国家自然科学基金委,优秀青年科学基金项目:生物质定向热转化(51822604),项目负责人,130万元,2019.01-2021.12,结题

6、    江苏省科技厅,江苏省自然科学基金杰出青年基金项目:生物质定向热解(BK20180014),项目负责人,100万元,2018.07-2021.06,结题

7、    江苏省科技厅,江苏省自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目:水滑石/分子筛协同作用下生物质选择性热解制取高品质液体燃料基础研究(BK20170081),项目负责人,50万元,2017.07-2020.06,结题

8、    国家自然科学基金委,面上基金项目:生物质碱性纳米片断键-酸性微孔择形协同催化热解制取单苯环类化合物的基础研究(51676045),项目负责人,60万元,2017.01-2020.12,结题

9、    国家科技部,国家重点研发计划项目子课题:基于廉价载氧体加压化学链反应特性研究(2016YFE0102500-06-02),子课题负责人,87万,2016.12-2019.11,结题












论文 专著

Selected papers



1.         Yuyang Pan, Huiyan Zhang†*, Bowen Zhang, Feng Gong, Jianyong Feng, Huiting Huang,, Srinivas Vanka, Ronglei Fan, Qi Cao, Mingrong Shen, Zhaosheng Li*, Zhigang Zou, Rui Xiao, Sheng Chu*. Renewable formate from sunlight, biomass and carbon dioxide in a photoelectrochemical cell. Nature Communications, 2023,14(1):1013.

2.         Qingyu Liu†, Dongyang Jiang†, Hui Zhou†, Xiangzhou Yuan, Chunfei Wu, Changsong Hu, Rafael Luque, Shurong Wang, Sheng Chu, Rui Xiao, Huiyan Zhang*. Pyrolysis–catalysis upcycling of waste plastic using a multilayer stainless- steel catalyst toward a circular economy. PNAS, 2023,120: 2305078120.Nature Energy特别报道)

3.         Huiyan Zhang*, Ke Yang, Yujie Tao Qing Yang, Lujiang Xu, Chao Liu, Longlong Ma, Rui Xiao*. Biomass directional pyrolysis based on element economy to produce high-quality fuels, chemicals, carbon materials - A review. Biotechnology Advances. 2023,69:108262

4.         Sheng Chu*, Bowen Zhang, Xin Zhao, Han Sen Soo, Feng Wang, Rui Xiao, Huiyan Zhang*.Photocatalytic Conversion of Plastic Waste: From Photodegradation to Photosynthesis. AdvancedEnergy Materials,2022:2200435. (封面文章)

5.         Sheng Chu, Yuyang Pan, Ying Wang*, Huiyan Zhang*, Rui Xiao, Zhigang Zou. Polyimide-based photocatalysts: rational design for energy and environmental applications.Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020,8(29):14441-14462.

6.         Chenjun Yang, Yujie Tao, Huiyan Zhang*. Binary diffusion coefficient of methyl decanoate and its impact on non-premixed flame extinction: A molecular dynamics study. Combustion and Flame, 2024,262:113340

7.         Zhenting Zha, Zefeng Ge, Yuna Ma, Mingxun Zeng, Yuqing WuZenghui Hou, Fangzhou Li, Huiyan Zhang*. Hydrogen-rich syngas production and insight into morphology-kinetics correlation for furfural residue steam gasification in a bubbling fluidized bed. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2023,477:147151.

8.         Fangzhou Li, Daoguang Sun, Zhenting Zha, Ke Yang, Zefeng Ge, Huiyan Zhang*. Numerical simulation of the coupled multiphysics fields and reactions during the microwave pyrolysis of wood particles. Energy. 2023,283:128493.

9.         Sheng Chu, Jingjing Shao, Hongyu Qu, Xintie Wang, Rui Xiao, Huiyan Zhang*. Band Structure Engineering of Polyimide Photocatalyst for Efficient and Selective Oxidation of Biomass-Derived 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural. ChemSusChem. 2023, DOI10.1002/cssc.202300886

10.        Siyu Wang, Kai Wu, Sheng Chu, Jiajun Yu, Yihan Wang, Bingbing Luo, Huiyan Zhang*. Comprehensive DEM-CFD model and thermal uniformity optimization for biomass catalytic pyrolysis reactor. Energy Conversion and Management, 2023:117321.

11.        Yuqing Wu, Zefeng Ge, Chen Huang, Zhenting Zha, Mingxun Zeng, Yuna Ma, Lijuan Sun, Zenghui Hou, Sheng Chu, Huiyan Zhang*. In-situ pyrolysis kinetic analysis and fixed-bed pyrolysis behavior of ex-service wind turbine blades. Waste Management, 2023, 168:54-62.

12.        Yihan Wang, Kai Wu, Siyu Wang, Jiajun Yu, Yujie Tao, HuiyanZhang*.Preparation of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from chlorine-containing mixed waste plastics via tandem catalysis coupled with hydrothermal pretreatment. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023,465:142885

13.        Zhenting Zha, Zefeng Ge, Sheng Wang, Fangzhou Li, Yuna Ma, Yuqing Wu, Mingxun Zeng, Chen Huang, Huiyan Zhang*. Biomass combustion behaviors based on online monitoring system: Morphological, thermodynamic and kinetic analysis. Combustion and Flame, 2023,252:112750.

14.        Zhenting Zha, Kai Wu, Zefeng Ge, Yuna Ma, Mingxun Zeng, Yuqing Wu, Yujie Tao, Huiyan Zhang*. Effect of oxygen on thermal behaviors and kinetic characteristics of biomass during slow and flash pyrolysis processes. Combustion and Flame, 2023,247:112481.

15.        Siyu Wang, Kai Wu, Jiajun Yu, Bingbing Luo, Chenyang Chu, Huiyan Zhang*. Kinetic and thermodynamic analysis of biomass catalytic pyrolysis with nascent biochar in a two-stage reactor. Combustion and Flame. 2023, 251:112671.

16.        Jiajun Yu, Bingbing Luo, Siyu Wang, Kai Wu, Yujie Tao, Sheng Chu, Huiyan Zhang*. Enhanced aromatic yield from catalytic pyrolysis of pine wood via ultrasonic assisted Mo modified HZSM-5. Biomass & Bioenergy, 2023,172:106769.

17.        Mingxun Zeng, Zefeng Ge, Yuna Ma, Zhenting Zha, Yuqing Wu, Zenghui Hou, Huiyan Zhang*. Hydrothermal carbonization coupled with gasification for collaborative disposal of kitchen waste and yard waste. Energy Conversion and Management, 2023,283:116864.

18.        Ke Yang, Kai Wu, Fangzhou Li, Liangyuan Jia, Sheng Wang, Huiyan Zhang*. Investigation on the co-pyrolysis of bamboo sawdust and low-density polyethylene via online photoionization mass spectrometry and machine learning methods. Fuel Processing Technology, 2023,240:107579.

19.        Yihan Wang, Kai Wu, Siyu Wang, Jiajun Yu, Bingbing Luo, Huiyan Zhang*. Tandem catalytic pyrolysis of mixed plastic packaging wastes to produce BTEX over dual catalysts. Fuel Processing Technology, 2023,243:107670.

20.        Bowen Zhang, Huiyan Zhang*, Yuyang Pan, Jingjing Shao, Xintie Wang, Yuting Jiang, Xiaoyu Xu, Sheng Chu*. Photoelectrochemical conversion of plastic waste into high-value chemicals coupling hydrogen production. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023,462:142247.

21.        Mei Zhao, Tao Yujie, Rui,Xiao, Huiyan Zhang*. A HyChem combustion model of methyl decanoate. Combustion and Flame, 2023,251: 112677.

22.        Ru Hong, Qingyu Liu, Qi Cao, Jiahuan Xu, Rui Xiao, Huiyan Zhang*. Catalytic upcycling of waste polypropylene for gram-scale production of FeCo@N-doped carbon nanotubes toward efficient oxygen reduction electrocatalysis. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2023,936:117394.

23.        Chenyang Chu, Kai Wu, Bingbing Luo, Qi Cao, Huiyan Zhang*. Hydrogen storage by liquid organic hydrogen carriers: Catalyst, renewable carrier, and technology - A review. Carbon Resources Conversion, 2023, 6(4):334-351

24.        Yuting Jiang, Huiyan Zhang*, Longfei Hong, Jingjing Shao, Bowen Zhang, Jiajun Yu, Sheng Chu. An integrated plasma-photocatalytic system for upcycling of polyolefin plastics. ChemSusChem, 2023, 16(14):e202300106

25.        Shuping Zhang*, Jiaxing Wang, Lei Ye, Sha Li, Yinhai Su, Huiyan Zhang*. Investigation into biochar supported Fe-Mo carbides catalysts for efficient biomass gasification tar cracking. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023,454(1):140072

26.        Lingli Zhu, Dekui Shen*, Huiyan Zhang*, Kai Hong Luo, Chong Li. Fabrication of Z-scheme Bi7O9I3/g-C3N4 heterojunction modified by carbon quantum dots for synchronous photocatalytic removal of Cr () and organic pollutants.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023,446(15):130663.

27.        Huiyan Zhang*, Chenjun Yang, Yujie Tao, Min Chen, Rui Xiao. Catalytic cracking of model compounds of bio-oil: Characteristics and mechanism research on guaiacol and acetic acid. Fuel Processing Technology, 2022,238:107512.

28.        Huiyan Zhang*, Yiwen Zhu, Qingyu Liu, Xiaowen Li.Preparation of porous carbon materials from biomass pyrolysis vapors for hydrogen storage.Applied Energy, 2022,306:118131.

29.        Huiyan Zhang*, Bingbing Luo, Kai Wu, Han Wu, Jiajun Yu, Siyu Wang.Enhancing aromatic yield from catalytic pyrolysis of Ca2+-loaded lignin coupled with metal-modified HZSM-5.Applications in Energy and Combustion Science,2022,9:100049.

30.        Huiyan Zhang*, Bo Peng, Qingyu Liu, Changshuo Wu, Ziwei Li. Preparation of porous biochar from heavy bio-oil for adsorption of methylene blue in wastewater. Fuel Processing Technology,2022,238:107485.

31.        Yinhai Su, Shuping Zhang, Yuanquan Xiong, Huiyan Zhang*. Detecting the inner mechanism of agglomeration behaviors and product properties during fast pyrolysis of lignin via alkaline additives. Fuel Processing Technology,2022,238:107528.

32.        Zefeng Ge, Xi Cao, Zhenting Zha, Yuna Ma, Mingxun Zeng, Yuqing Wu, Fangzhou Li, Huiyan Zhang*. The sintering analysis of biomass waste ash based on the in-situ exploration and thermal chemical calculation in the gasification process. Combustion and Flame,2022,245:112381.

33.        Yuna Ma, Zefeng Ge, Fangzhou Li, Zhenting Zha, Mingxun Zeng, Huiyan Zhang*. Pyrolysis and CO2 gasification of biomass in high-temperature stage microscope: Morphological evolution and thermal behaviors. Combustion and Flame,2022,245:112387.

34.        Qingyu Liu, Ning Cai, Bo peng, Chunfei Wu, Ru Hong, Dongyang Jiang, Huiyan Zhang*.Investigating the influences of metal-support interaction in Ni-Fe catalysts on the quality of carbon nanomaterials from waste polypropylene. Fuel Processing Technology, 2022,236: 107428

35.        Bingbing Luo, Kai Wu, Jiajun Yu, Siyu Wang, Yihan Wang, Chenyang Chu, Huiyan Zhang*. Enhancement of renewable N-heterocycles production via catalytic co-pyrolysis of glycerol and cellulose over HZSM-5 under ammonia atmosphere. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis,2022,167:105649.

36.        Qingyu Liu, Faze Wang, Enyi Hu, Ru Hong, Tao Li, Xiangzhou Yuan, Xinbing Cheng, Ning Cai, Rui Xiao, Huiyan Zhang*. Nickel-iron nanoparticles encapsulated in carbon nanotubes prepared from waste plastics for low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells. iScience, 2022,25(8):104855.

37.        Yinhai Su, Shuiping Zhang, Yuanquan Xiong, Huiyan Zhang*. Inhibition mechanism of calcium hydroxide on melting and agglomeration behaviors of lignin under torrefaction temperature range. Fuel Processing Technology, 2022,235: 107370

38.        Ke Yang, Kai Wu, Huiyan Zhang*. Machine learning prediction of the yield and oxygen content of bio-oil via biomass characteristics and pyrolysis conditions.Energy,2022,254:124320.

39.        Zefeng Ge, Xi Cao, Zhenting Zha, Yuna Ma, MingxunZeng, YuqingWu, Huiyan Zhang*.The influence of a two-step leaching pretreatment on the steam gasification properties of cornstalk waste. Bioresource Technology,2022,358:127403.

40.        Shanshan Shao, Zian Ye, Chengyue Liu, Xinggang Hu, Jiayuan Sun, Xiaohua Li*, Huiyan Zhang*, Rui Xiao. Catalytic pyrolysis of holocellulose followed by integrated aldol condensation and hydrogenation to produce aviation fuel.Energy Conversion and Management,2022,264:115644.

41.        Kai Wu, Yang Ke, Siyu Wang, Jiajun Yu, Chengyang Chu, Bingbing Luo, Huiyan Zhang*.The enrichment of sugars and phenols from fast pyrolysis of bamboo via ethanol-Fenton pretreatment. Bioresource Technology, 2022,356:127315

42.        Zhenting Zha, Kai Wang, Zefeng Ge, Jinhao Zhou, Huiyan Zhang*.Morphological and heat transfer characteristics of biomass briquette during steam gasification process.Bioresource Technology, 2022,356:127334

43.        Bo Peng, Qingyu Liu, Xiaodi Li, Zhixiong Zhou, Changshuo Wu, Huiyan Zhang*. Co-pyrolysis of industrial sludge and rice straw: Synergistic effects of biomass on reaction characteristics, biochar properties and heavy metals solidification.Fuel Processing Technology, 2022,230:107211.

44.        Panxing Kang, Guangyi Zhang, Zefeng Ge, Zhenting Zha, Huiyan Zhang*.Three-dimensional modelling and optimization of an industrial dual fluidized bed biomass gasification decoupling combustion reactor.Applied Energy,2022,311:118619.

45.        Xiaodi Li, Bo Peng, Qingyu Liu, Huiyan Zhang*. Microwave pyrolysis coupled with conventional pre-pyrolysis of the stalk for syngas and biochar.Bioresource Technology, 2022.348:126745.

46.        Kai Wu, Ke Yang, Yiwen Zhu, Bingbing Luo, Chenyang Chu, Mingfan Li, Yuanjian Zhang, Huiyan Zhang*. The co-pyrolysis interactionsof isolated lignins and cellulose by experiments and theoretical calculations. Energy, 2022,263(c):125811.

47.        Yiwen Zhu, Ziwei Li, YujieTao, JinghaoZhou, Huiyan Zhang*.Hierarchical porous carbon materials produced from heavy bio-oil for high-performance supercapacitor electrodes.Journal of Energy Storage,2022,47:103624.

48.        Jiajun Yu, Bingbing Luo, Yihan Wang, Siyu Wang, Kai Wu, Chao Liu, Sheng Chu, Huiyan Zhang*.An efficient way to synthesize biomass-based molybdenum carbide catalyst via pyrolysis carbonization and its application for lignin catalytic pyrolysis.Bioresource Technology, 2022,346:126640.

49.        Siyu Wang, Kai Wu, Jiajun Yu, Huiyan Zhang*. Design optimization and scale-up characteristics of a double-helical ribbon reactor for biomass catalytic pyrolysis.Powder Technology,2022,399: 117192.

50.        Zhenting Zha, Zefeng Ge, Yuna Ma, Mingxun Zeng, Yujie Tao, Huiyan Zhang*. Reactivity and kinetics of furfural residue air gasification based on-line gas releasing behaviors in a bubbling fluidized bed.Combustion and Flame, 2022,237,118871.

51.        Zefeng Ge, Xi Cao, Zhenting Zha, Yuna Ma, Mingxun Zeng, Kai Wu, Sheng Chu, Yujie Tao, Huiyan Zhang*.The mineral transformation and molten behaviors of biomass waste ashes in gasification-melting process. Fuel Processing Technology, 2022,226:107095.

52.        Kai Wu, Bingbing Luo, Han Wu, Min Chen, Yihan Wang, Zefeng Ge, Sheng Chu, Qingyu Liu, Huiyan Zhang*. Enhancement of the production of chemicals and liquid fuels from grass biowaste via NaOH-Fenton pretreatment coupled with fast pyrolysis. Energy Conversion and Management,2022,251:114954.

53.        Yihan Wang, Kai Wu, Qingyu Liu, Huiyan Zhang*. Low chlorine oil production through fast pyrolysis of mixed plastics combined with hydrothermal dechlorination pretreatment.Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021,149:105-114.

54.        Mingxun Zeng, Zefeng Ge, Yuna Ma, Zhenting Zha, Huiyan Zhang*. On-line analysis of the correlation between gasification characteristics and microstructure of woody biowaste after hydrothermal carbonization.Bioresource Technology, 2021,342:126009.

55.        Min Chen, Weipeng Zhong, Kai Wu, Gang Wei, Zonghua Hu, Wenguang Zheng, Huifeng Ruan, Huiyan Zhang*, Rui Xiao. Catalytic pyrolysis mechanism of β-O-4 type of lignin dimer: The role of H proton. Energy & Fuels, 2021,35:575-582.

56.        Kai Wu, Han Wu, Huiyan Zhang*, Bo Zhang, Chengyan Wen, Changsong Hu, Chao Liu, Qingyu Liu. Enhancing levoglucosan production from waste biomass pyrolysis by Fenton pretreatment.Waste Management, 2020,108:70-77.

57.        Xiaowen Li, Huiyan Zhang*, Bo Zhao, Yaping Zhang. Preparation of hydrogen storage carbon materials using bio-oil heavy components as carbon-containing precursor.Fuel Processing Technology, 2020,203:106386.

58.        Shuping Zhang*, Meng Pi, Yinhai Su, Dan Xu, Yuanquan Xiong, Huiyan Zhang*. Physiochemical properties and pyrolysis behavior evaluations of hydrochar from co-hydrothermal treatment of rice straw and sewage sludge. Biomass and Bioenergy, 2020,140:105664.

59.        Yuna Ma, Huiyan Zhang*, Huaizhou Yang, Yaping Zhang. The effect of acid washing pretreatment on bio-oil production in fast pyrolysis of rice husk. Cellulose, 2019,26(15):8465-8474.

60.        Bing Wang, Rui Xiao*, Huiyan Zhang*. An overview of bio-oil upgrading with high hydrogen-containing feedstocks to produce transportation fuels: Chemistry, catalysts, and engineering. Current Organic Chemistry, 2019,23(7):746-767.

61.        Yaping Zhang, Xiupeng Yue, Weiwei Xu, Huiyan Zhang*, Fei. Li. Amino modification of rice straw-derived biochar for enhancing its cadmium (II) ions adsorption from water. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019,379:120783.

62.        Qingyu Liu, Changsong Hu, Bo Peng, Chao Liu, Ziwei Li, Kai Wu, Huiyan Zhang*, Rui Xiao, High H2/CO ratio syngas production from chemical looping co-gasification of biomass and polyethylene with CaO/Fe2O3 oxygen carrier. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019,199:111951.

63.        Shuping Zhang*, Shuguang Zhu, Houlei Zhang, Xinzhi Liu, Huiyan Zhang*. Evaluation of pyrolysis behavior and products properties of rice husk after combined pretreatment of washing and torrefaction. Biomass & Bioenergy, 2019,127:105293.

64.        Shuping Zhang*, Yinhai Su, Kuan Ding, Huiyan Zhang*. Impacts and release characteristics of K and Mg contained in rice husk during torrefaction process. Energy, 2019,186:115888.

65.        Huiyan Zhang*, Xiupeng Yue, Fei Li, Rui Xiao, Yaping Zhang*, Dongqing Gu. Preparation of rice straw-derived biochar for efficient cadmium removal by modification of oxygen-containing functional groups. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 631-632:795-802.

66.        Huiyan Zhang, Peter Keliona WaniLikun, Rui Xiao*. Improving the hydrocarbon production via co-pyrolysis of bagasse with bio-plastic and dual-catalysts layout. Science of The Total Environment, 2018, 618:151-156.

67.        Shanshan Shao, Huiyan Zhang*, Rui Xiao, Xiaohua Li *, Yixi Cai. Controlled regeneration of ZSM-5 catalysts in the combined oxygen and steam atmosphere used for catalytic pyrolysis of biomass-derivates. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 155:175-181.

68.        Shanshan Shao, Huiyan Zhang*, Rui Xiao, Xioahua Li*, Yixi Cai. Evolution of coke in the catalytic conversion of biomass-derivates by combined in-situ DRIFTS and ex-situ approach: Effect of functional structure. Fuel Processing Technology, 2018,178:88-97.

69.        Changsong Hu, Huiyan Zhang*, Rui Xiao*. Effects of nascent char on ex-situ catalytic fast pyrolysis of wheat straw. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018,177:765-772.

70.        Changsong Hu, Huiyan Zhang*, Rui Xiao*. Catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass over core-shell HZSM-5@silicalite-1 in a bench-scale two-stage fluidized-bed/fixed-bed reactor.Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. 2018,136:27-34.

71.        Huiyan Zhang*, Yuna Ma, Shanshan Shao, Rui Xiao*. The effects of potassium on distributions of bio-oils obtained from fast pyrolysis of agricultural and forest biomass in a fluidized bed. Applied Energy, 2017, 208:867-877.

72.        Huiyan Zhang, Shanshan Shao, Mengmeng Luo, Rui Xiao*. The comparison of chemical liquid deposition and acid dealumination modified ZSM-5 for catalytic pyrolysis of pinewood using pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 244:726-732.

73.        Huiyan Zhang, Shanshan Shao, Yang Jiang, Tharapong Vitidsant, Prasert Reubroycharoen, Rui Xiao*. Improving hydrocarbon yield by two-step pyrolysis of pinewood in a fluidized-bed reactor. Fuel Processing Technology, 2017, 159:19-26.

74.        Huiyan Zhang, Xin Meng, Chao Liu, Yao Wang, Rui Xiao*. Selective low-temperature pyrolysis of microcrystalline cellulose to produce levoglucosan and levoglucosenone in a fixed bed reactor. Fuel Processing Technology, 2017, 167:484-490.

75.        Huiyan Zhang, Jun Hu, Zheng Jian, Rui Xiao*. Fast pyrolysis of cellulosic ethanol solid residues with high ash and lignin contents in a fluidized bed. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2017, 128:217-223.

76.        Huiyan Zhang, Shanshan Shao, Georgy Ryabov, Yang Jiang, Rui Xiao*, Functional group in situ evolution principles of produced solid and product distribution in biomass torrefaction process, Energy & Fuels, 31(12):13639-13646.

77.        Changsong Hu, Rui Xiao, Huiyan Zhang*. Ex-situ catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass over HZSM-5 in a two-stage fluidized-bed/fixed-bed combination reactor. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 243:1133-1140.

78.        Shanshan Shao, Huiyan Zhang*, Rui Xiao, Xiaohua Li *, Yixi Cai. Catalytic conversion of biomass-derivates by in situ DRIFTS: Evolution of coke. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2017, 127:258-268.

79.        Shanshan Shao, Huiyan Zhang*, Rui Xiao, Dekui Shen. Catalytic conversion of furan to hydrocarbons using HZSM-5: Coking behavior and kinetic modeling including coke deposition. Energy Technology, 2017, 5(1):111-118.

80.        Huiyan Zhang, Yun Wang, Shanshan Shao, Rui Xiao*. An experimental and kinetic modeling study including coke formation for catalytic pyrolysis of furfural. Combustion and Flame, 2016, 173:258-265.

81.        Huiyan Zhang, Yun Wang, Shanshan Shao, Rui Xiao*. Catalytic conversion of lignin pyrolysis model compound-guaiacol and its kinetic model including coke formation. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6:37513.

82.        Shanshan Shao, Huiyan Zhang*, Dekui Shen, Rui Xiao. Enhancement of hydrocarbon production and catalyst stability during catalytic conversion of biomass pyrolysis-derived compounds over hierarchical HZSM-5. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(50):44313-44320.

83.        Xin Meng, Huiyan Zhang*, Chao Liu, Rui Xiao. Comparison of acids and sulfates for producing levoglucosan and levoglucosenone by selective catalytic fast pyrolysis of cellulose using Py-GC/MS. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30(10):8369-8376.

84.        Huiyan Zhang, Rui Xiao*, Jianlong Nie, Baosheng Jin, Shanshan Shao, Guomin Xiao. Catalytic pyrolysis of black-liquor lignin by co-feeding with different plastics in a fluidized bed reactor. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 192:68-74.

85.        Huiyan Zhang, Mengmeng Luo, Rui Xiao*, Shanshan Shao, Baosheng Jin, Guomin Xiao, Ming Zhao, Junyu Liang. Catalytic conversion of biomass pyrolysis-derived compounds with chemical liquid deposition (CLD) modified ZSM-5. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 155:57-62.

86.        Huiyan Zhang, Jianlong Nie, Rui Xiao*, Baosheng Jin, Changqing Dong, Guomin Xiao. Catalytic co-pyrolysis of biomass and different plastics (polyethylene, polypropylene, and polystyrene) to improve hydrocarbon yield in a fluidized-bed reactor. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28(3):1940-1947.

87.        Huiyan Zhang, Jian Zheng, Rui Xiao*, Yixuan Jia, Dekui Shen, Baosheng Jin, Guomin Xiao. Study on pyrolysis of pine sawdust with solid base and acid mixed catalysts by Thermogravimetry-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28(7):4294-4299.

88.        Huiyan Zhang, Shanshan Shao, Rui Xiao*, Dekui Shen, Jimin Zeng. Characterization of coke deposition in the catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass derivates. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28(1):52-57.

89.        Huiyan Zhang, Rui Xiao*, Baosheng Jin, Dekui Shen, Ran Chen, Guomin Xiao. Catalytic fast pyrolysis of straw biomass in an internally interconnected fluidized bed to produce aromatics and olefins:Effect of different catalysts. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 137:82-87.

90.        Huiyan Zhang, Rui Xiao*, Baosheng Jin, Guomin Xiao, Ran Chen. Biomass catalytic pyrolysis to produce olefins and aromatics with a physically mixed catalyst. Bioresource Technology, 2013, 140:256-262.

91.        Huiyan Zhang, Jian Zheng, Rui Xiao*, Dekui Shen, Baosheng Jin, Guomin Xiao, Ran Chen. Co-catalytic pyrolysis of biomass and waste triglyceride seed oil in a novel fluidized bed reactor to produce olefins and aromatics integrated with self-heating and catalyst regeneration processes. RSC Advances, 2013, 3(17):5769-5774.

92.        Huiyan Zhang, Torren R. Carlson, Rui Xiao, George W. Huber*. Catalytic fast pyrolysis of wood and alcohol mixtures in a fluidized bed reactor. Green Chemistry, 2012, 14(1):98-110.

93.        Huiyan Zhang, Rui Xiao*, Denghui Wang, Joungmo Cho, Guangying He, Shanshan Shao, Jubing Zhang. Hydrodynamics of a novel biomass autothermal fast pyrolysis reactor:Solid circulation rate and gas bypassing. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012, 181:685-693.

94.        Huiyan Zhang, Rui Xiao*, Denghui Wang, Guangying He, Shanshan Shao, Jubing Zhang, Zhaoping Zhong. Biomass fast pyrolysis in a fluidized bed reactor under N2, CO2, CO, CH4 and H2 atmospheres. Bioresource Technology, 2011, 102(5):4258-4264.

95.        Huiyan Zhang, Shanshan Shao, Rui Xiao*, Qiwen Pan, Ran Chen, Jubing Zhang. Numerical study on the hydrodynamics of a self-heating biomass fast pyrolysis reactor. Energy &Fuels, 2011, 25(9):4077-4084.

96.        Huiyan Zhang, Rui Xiao*, Denghui Wang, Zhaoping Zhong, Min Song, Qiwen Pan, Guangying He. Catalytic fast pyrolysis of biomass in a fluidized bed with fresh and spent fluidized catalytic cracking (FCC) catalysts. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23:6199-6206.

97.        Huiyan Zhang, Rui Xiao*, Qiwen Pan, Qilei Song, He Huang. Hydrodynamics of a novel biomass autothermal fast pyrolysis reactor: Flow pattern and pressure drop. Chemical Engineering &Technology, 2009, 32(1):27-37.

98.        Tushar P. Vispute, Huiyan Zhang, Aimaro Sanna, Rui Xiao, George W. Huber *. Renewable chemical commodity feedstocks from integrated catalytic processing of pyrolysis oils. Science, 2010, 330(6008):1222-1227.

99.        Huiyan Zhang, Yuting Cheng, Vispute Tushar P., Rui Xiao, George W. Huber*. Catalytic conversion of biomass-derived feedstocks into olefins and aromatics with ZSM-5: The hydrogen to carbon effective ratio. Energy & Environmental Science, 2011, 4(6):2297-2307.

100.      Huiyan Zhang, Rui Xiao*, He Huang, Gang Xiao. Comparison of non-catalytic and catalytic fast pyrolysis of corncob in a fluidized bed reactor. Bioresource Technology, 2009, 100(3):1428-1434.



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