Cooperative School-running

Joint Research Institute on “Energy Theme” between Monash University and Southeast University


1. Target

In order to enhance the collaborations between the Southeast University and Monash University in different research areas, the “Energy Theme” joint research institute between the two universities is planning to be set up, according to the following management details.  The short-term target of this joint research institute is to co-supervise 3-4 PhD students. About 8 PhD students would be recruited in the joint research institute and more academics would be involved in the long-term development of this institute.


2. Objective

To establish a joint research institute on “Energy Theme”, two overlaps of the strengthened research area between the two sides are sorted out as:

Clean utilization technology of coal (CLC, oxy/fuel, et. al);

Biomass utilization (co-firing, pyrolysis, gasification, bio-upgrading et. al);


3. The distinguished academic staffs

Some academic staffs from the two universities are engaged in the nominated research objectives:





Rui Xiao


Southeast university

CLC of coal and biofuel

Dekui Shen


Biomass utilization

Yaji Huang


CLC of coal

Huiyan Zhang

Associate Professor



Sankar Bhattacharya

Associate professor

Monash university

CLC of coal and bio-fuel

Andrew Hoadley

Associate professor

CO2 capture

Lian Zhang



Akshat Tanksale




4. Governance

Funding support –The operation of the institute and setup of equipments and instruments would be supported by Monash-Southeast office with the amount of 2 million RMB per year. The payment for PhD students will supported by the existed research project funding from the supervisor. The involved academics are all encouraged to seek more funding for further development of the joint institute from diverse sources internally in Australia and China, both government and industries.


Co-supervision of PhD students – Initially, the PhD students needs to do research work in Nanjing in China or Clayton campus in Australia because of the location of the equipments and instruments. While the research facilities are set up in Suzhou, the students are encouraged to work in the joint research institute in Suzhou. The PhD students from Southeast University need to work in Australia up 2 years (at least one year) before they apply the PhD degree.


Publications and patents – The PhD Students will be co-supervised by academics from Monash and Southeast University. The resulting journal/conference papers from any collaborative research project will be published in joint authorship. The joint research institute should be one of the affiliations for the publication.