


Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Solar Energy Science and Technology of Southeast Universityare looking for a talent-young people and full-time research professor

一、青年杰出人才(A talent-young people)

1、研究方向:Research direction:

先进燃料电池和固体电池(Advanced fuel cells and Solid batteries

2、申请条件The qualifications:)


The applicant is in the field of natural science or engineering technology, enriched experience in the relevant research fields with successful achievements and the age should not exceed 40 years old;


Those who have obtained a doctoral degree in a well-known university at home country and abroad and have worked abroad for more than 3 years (excluding those who have retained personnel relations, positions and salaries in a home unit), and have performed particularly well in the field of overseas doctoral studies,may exceed the overseas’ working years’ limit;


If you have a formal teaching or scientific research position in a well-known overseas university, scientific research institution or a well-known enterprise research and development institution, you should return and work in to China for full-time. To whom having already worked in China, the working period in China should be within one year;


After the employment, you should return China to work full-time.

3、支持政策Payment and benefits


Position: directly employed as a professor;


Salary: for the first 3 years of employment, the salary of the agreement shall be 500,000 yuan/year during the employment period, and the one-time subsidy of 500,000 yuan (tax exemption) provided by the state to be paid once in full;



Scientific research funds: the state provides scientific research funds of 1-3 million yuan; the school provides construction funds of 1-2 million yuan;


Housing: in accordance with the national and university policies, we shall provide a monetary subsidy of 3 million yuan (including local government support) for housing purchase, or purchase the specially approved housing with a discount higher than the subsidy;


Support from the college: sufficient office and experimental rooms will be provided, and the double-first-class construction funds of the college will be tilted. Fails and declare the national thousand-young talents program, college will still support the priority to apply for the work at school, give priority to declare other talent program (national excellent green project, the Yangtze river scholars, the double team research 3 million, Jiangsu province, double gen personal funding 0.5-1 million, 0.5-1 million distinguished professor of scientific research funds in Jiangsu province, Jiangsu province, 333 project project funding 0.03-1 million);


Others: give priority to supporting the establishment of scientific research teams, give preferential policies to the enrollment indexes of doctoral and postgraduate programs, and assist in solving spouse's work and children's enrollment;


The school will also support those who fail to pass the defense of a talents’ young, but have excellent academic performance, through the talent policy of the school.

二、专职研究员(Full-time research professor)

1、研究方向Research direction:

先进燃料电池和固体电池(Advanced fuel cells and Solid batteries

2、申请条件The qualifications:)


The applicant should be in the field of natural science or engineering technology, enriched experience in the relevant research fields with successful achievements and not over 50 years old;


Obtain doctor's degree from famous universities at home country and abroad


The applicants have presided over at least one national project, published sufficient high-impact research papers, and should work in Southeast University full-time after employment.

3、支持政策Payment and benefits


Position: directly employed as a research professor after qualification examination;


Salary: 300,000-400,000yuan/year.





Zhu Bin, Professor, Chief Scientist

School of Energy and Environment, Southeast University

E-mail: binzhu@kth.se


朱斌博士, 2020年元月入职东南大学能源和环境学院,太阳能技术研究中心和储能联合研究中心首席科学家。

1998起在瑞典皇家工学院(Royal Institute of Technology)教授级高级研究员。研究方向主要包括纳米复合和能源材料/技术, 燃料电池和应用, 新一代能源技术:半导体基燃料电池和固体电池以及可再生能源等。1996以来主持瑞典国家国际合作基金委(STINT Fellow),瑞典国家创新局,瑞典国家能源局,瑞典国家研究理事会和欧盟先进材料和燃料电池以及欧盟-中国研究网络www.nanocofc.com多次在瑞典国家组织的国际专家评审评为国际领先的研究地位。

在新型燃料电池和绿色能源研究的进展和突破,发明单部件燃料电池(就是传统的燃料电池有阳极,电解质和阴极三部件构成,现在只要一个部件,Nature Nanotechnology选择这个技术为2011年的研究亮点,命名为“Three in One”三合一(Nature Nanotechnology, 20116(6), 330–330.doi:10.1038/nnano.2011.89。朱斌连续5年(2014-至今进入中国高被引学者榜单Elsevier能源类)2018年加盟英国拉夫堡大学任职于访问教授:http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/aae/staff/bin-zhu/.

材料和能源等国际顶级期刊发表论文300篇,引用7500多次,H-因子46, 引领国际燃料电池发展的新方向。发现了半导体离子新型功能材料并创立半导体离子学以及在新一代能源领域的应用。该领域获得中国国家自然科学基金委(NSFC)多个项目资助。主编Wiley出版社的固体氧化物燃料电池(从传统电解质到无电解质器件)书(Solid Oxide Fuel Cells: From Electrolyte-based to Electrolyte-free Devices)。



东南大学太阳能技术研究中心成立于2007年,依托能源与环境学院,利用学院的学科优势,主要开展太阳能利用技术的各项研究。中心主任由中国工程院院士、南京市科协主席张耀明教授担任。研究重点划分为4个板块——光热发电,光伏发电,储能,多能互补。近年来,承担了市、省、国家各类科研项目。开展了一系列如:聚光技术、聚光太阳能电池组件技术、散热技术、低成本高精度自动跟踪太阳技术、光伏光热综合利用技术等研究,形成了具有自主知识产权的低倍聚光光伏发电和光伏光热综合利用技术,取得了一系列丰硕的科研成果。其中,低倍聚光光伏发电机构、槽式太阳能热发电系统等(槽式热发电技术在聚光器、真空集热管等方面也取得了较大的突破),并进一步向着实现太阳能技术领域的关键设备与系统的产业化方向发展,目标是成为国内外知名的一流太阳能利用技术研究开发机构。中心具有配备基础设施和试验条件的“太阳能技术研发基地”,并建立了10kW光伏光热发电示范工程,200kW光伏光热发电示范电站正在建设之中。以太阳能技术研发为基础,进一步拓展能源多联产,能源转化和储存一体化研究,建立了联合储能中心。以半导体离子学科学基础上建立的能源转化和储存一体化研究及新一代半导体离子燃料电池的研究是国内和国际的领先水平,已经有多个大学的研究团队加盟。全面开展能源转化(太阳能,燃料电池,光催化等)和储能(电池,热能)的研究。中心开展了广泛的国际合作,成功组织召开了江苏欧洲新能源系列国际会议、策划组建中欧新能源国际产业园,引进芬兰阿尔托大学Peter D Lund教授并与之建立长期的紧密合作关系而且Peter教授将入职太阳能技术研究中心。