两位博士后Muhammad Naveed Mushtaq和Muhammad Yousaf入职太阳能中心


东南大学太阳能技术研究中心致力于国际化合作研究工作,积极开展国内外学术交流。2020831日,巴基斯坦籍博士Muhammad Naveed MushtaqMuhammad Yousaf作为全职博士后正式入职东南大学太阳能技术研究中心和东南大学联合储能研究中心。两位博士有着扎实的燃料电池理论基础和丰富的实验经验,其中,Naveed博士主要研究方向为钙钛矿氧化物电池材料及相关的半导体异质,Yousaf博士致力于研究纳米材料,铁电/铁磁材料在燃料电池方面的应用。两位博士后的正式加入壮大了太阳能中心在燃料电池方向的研究队伍,携手国际化合作研究,互相学习进步,相信未来一定能取得新的研究成果。


First, congratulate for Dr.Muhammad Naveed Mushtaq and Dr.Muhammad Yousaf joining into Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Solar Energy Science and Technology, School of Energy & Environment, Southeast University as the full time postdocs in 31th, September, 2020. Dr.Naveed and Dr.Yousaf finished their PHD research in Hubei University and their main research interest is semiconductor ionic fuel cell. We firmly believe that their joining will expand the research group and promote international collaboration in fuel cell field. We hope they will have outstanding achievements in the coming years.


