





      The Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo (EIT) is an emerging private not-for-profit university funded by the largest private donation in the history of Chinese higher education from the Yu Renrong Education Foundation and supported by the governments of Zhejiang Province and Ningbo City.

      We are seeking outstanding, enthusiastic, and innovative-thinking global talents who are committed to research and teaching excellence to fill multiple tenure-track or tenured faculty positions and to staff administrative departments.

一、基本要求(Basic Requirements)


        Applicants are willing to work full-time at the Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT). Applicants should be healthy and academically upright, with a great passion for education and high team spirit, and identify with the culture, mission, and vision of EIT.

二、招聘岗位(Current Openings)











  Tenure-Track Faculty Positions


      Applicants, while fully competent in communicating and teaching in English, should be scholars of outstanding academic achievements with work experience as assistant professors/associate professors/professors or equivalent positions in top-tier universities and research institutes worldwide, and have publications in top journals in the fields of their specializations.

      2.Remuneration and Benefits

  (1) Remuneration

     The university offers internationally competitive remuneration and benefits. For applicants who have already been awarded a teaching position at a top-tier university worldwide, they will be offered comparable or more favorable remuneration and benefits for the corresponding position.

  (2)Research Support

     EIT benchmarks itself against top international universities, creates an open and innovative academic atmosphere, and provides a full range of research support with sufficient start-up funds.


     Benefits such as housing allowance, high-end medical insurance, and annuities are provided. Assistance will be offered for housing application, schooling for children, and employment for spouse, etc.








  Tenure-Track Faculty Positions


      Successful candidates should have corresponding educational background, academic degrees and research experience. They should possess the theoretical foundation and practical experience in education and teaching appropriate to the posistions.

     2.Remuneration and Benefits

     Successful candidates will be provided with competitive remuneration and benefits matching domestic and international standards for Similar positions. Individual one-on-one mentoring on junior professional development and career planning will be provided.








  Research Faculty Positions


      Successful candidates should have a PhD degree, relevant research background, work experience, and be available for full-time work. Candidates with great academic potential and international vision will also be prioritized.

     2.Remuneration and Benefits

     Successful candidates will be provided with competitive remuneration and benefit packages commensurate with their qualifications and experience. Individual one-on-one mentoring for research, career development, and program applications will also be provided.











 Postdoctoral Researcher positions


      Applicants should be under the age of 35 with a doctoral degree obtained within the last three years, with considerable academic potential, an international vision, and the availability to work full-time. Working proficiency in English, teamwork and interpersonal communication abilities are also valued.

     2.Remuneration and Benefits

  (1) EIT, in collaborates with the local government, supervisors, and university-local authority cooperation platforms, builds a postdoctoral funding system and implements tiered funding for university-employed postdoctoral researchers. The pre-tax annual income is between 400,000 and 600,000 CNY.

  (2)Excellent living facilities are available; social insurances and housing fund shall be covered. Paid annual leave and other holiday benefit packages are provided.

  (3)A maximum of 200,000 CNY government start-up research funds during the contract period.

  (4)Up to 600,000 CNY subsidies if employed in Ningbo after the contract period.

  (5) For those who succeed in applying for NSFC projects and Provincial research projects, the Ningbo municipal government offers a 1:1 matching funding support.







 Administrative Staff Positions


      Successful candidates should have related degrees, specialties, and work experience. A good team player with a professional work attitude and a sense of service will also be desirable.

     2.Remuneration and Benefits

     Successful candidates will be provided with competitive remuneration and benefits commensurate with their qualification and experience.

三、申请方式(How to Apply)


      Qualification requirements vary across positions. For more details, please visit and apply via our website (https://www.eitech.edu.cn/?talent_category=research) or by scanning the QR code below. Applications will be reviewed until the positions are filled. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews.