High Values of Biomass and Waste Utilization


This direction views of energy strategy requirements of our country: National long-term development plan for the energy sector. It develops deeply the energy utilization of biomass and waste (such as garbage, sludge, etc.). This direction also constructs the basic theory of energy resource utilization process, breaking one of the key technological bottlenecks. It will develop clean and efficient, low-cost operation, domestic technology which is suitable for China, to promote large-scale application of biomass and waste, to ease pressure on the fossil energy supply.


Our institution has already obtained some important research achievements. Such as:

●Fast pyrolysis of biomass and upgrades of the quality of biomass

It has developed a new theory to enhance quality of biomass, building the integrated systems and optimizing the process on biomass liquefaction technology theory. It has achieved a laboratory-scale integration validation which can access to clean liquid fuels and synthetic liquid fuels from biomass gasification in the method of biomass selective cracking. This study supported by the second grade Project of the National Key Basic Research and Development Program (973 Program). Research on bio-oil upgrading published in the journal Science in 2010 caused a major global technology media attention, which is to obtain high value-added chemicals in the method of two-step catalytic hydrogenation of bio-oil technology developed jointly with the United States. The authority of the field of international biomass utilization evaluated that "the industrialization of the technology will bring direct economic benefits $ 400 billion annually." This new technology has formed a series of patents.


●Biomass Gasification directionally

With the support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, a deep study was carried out to the new method of Hydrogen Produced selectively by biomass. Preparation of the catalyst was obtained and the mechanism process of hydrogen produced by biomass is analyzed. They also studied the mechanism and regulation of biomass by utilizingCO2 emissions. Based on this, the laboratory has studied the low temperature pyrolysis and gasification process of biomass and the mechanism on which CO2 is efficiently adopted in the subcritical water hydrolyzed process. This study supported by the second grade Project of the National Key Basic Research and Development Program (973 Program), which is energy-saving and the emission reduction and utilization of CO2 in high-value biomass utilization process.


●Large-scale direct combustion power generation by using biomass

They have launched the key technology of research and engineering applications on large-scale direct-fired resources utilization. They have developed the core technology of a large-scale direct-fired resources utilization of biomass straws and sludge, including two aspects. One of them is feeding and burning straw. Another is that “drying and burning sludge”. Specifically, it includes the combustion technology of water-cooled vibrating grate straw, the combustion technology of circulating fluidized bed of straw, the sludge incineration technology of fluidized bed, the drying technology of rotating spouted sludge, the feeding technique of double helix straw in differential speed and variable pitch. They built the first set of straw circulating fluidized bed boiler which has external heating devices at 75 t/h. To Compared with foreign equipment, the efficiency of boiler increased more than 4%, and the utilization hours increased by 30%. The research results obtained the Science and Technology Progress Award Ministry of Education in 2009, in which is the key technology of research and engineering applications on large-scale direct-fired resources utilization. That is also the first prize of Science and Technology Progress of Jiangsu Province in 2009. (The large industrial installations optimization techniques of coupling of dense multiphase flow and thermo-chemical reaction), and the second prize of 2010 National Science and Technology Progress Award. (The key technology and application of energy-saving and emission reduction of coupling system of dense multiphase flow and thermo-chemical reaction)


●High-value use of combustible waste

On the basis of the waste utilization of resources in industrial production previous of coal, taking the disposal and recycling of municipal solid waste as research priorities, they has undertaken successively some basic research projects on garbage incineration. For instance, (1) the basic research of MSW pyrolysis and gasification and new incineration technology in the Ministry of National Education Foundation for Cross-century Talents. (2)“a set of technologies of collection and recycling classified of municipal solid waste”is one of Science and Technology Projects of Jiangsu Province.(3)“the energy recovery from industrial and urban waste by using advanced low temperature pyrolysis technology”,which is one of Sino-Australian cooperation projects. They have developed successfully solid waste incineration technology of the circulating fluidized bed. Recently laboratory takes complex components of combustible solid waste as the main object. They appropriately combined the whole process of heat transfer in different conditions with the ways of optimization and high-value products in basic research, numerical simulation, experimental verification methods to formed a new generation of near-zero emission theory of efficient energy utilization, in other words, To achieve high value and efficiency in terms of energy and to achieve near-zero emissions on the environment. This study supported by the second grade Project of the National Key Basic Research and Development Program (973 Program), which is the mechanism of efficient energy from combustible solid waste and high value utilization of their products.


Currently the focuses of research are as including follows:

(1) High-grade liquid fuels from biomass and high value-added chemicals;

(2) Directional preparation of high calorific value, low tar industrial gas from biomass;

(3) High efficient heat transfer of other wastes (sludge, waste).