6th Yangzi River Delta International Conference on New Energy Successfully Held


The 6th Yangtze River Delta International Conference on New Energy was held at the Liuyuan Hotel in Southeast University on December 5-6, 2020. The conference was jointly hosted by Southeast University, Nanjing Association for Science and Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University, University of Science and Technology of China, Aalto University in Finland, and the International Energy Agency-Solar Heating and Cooling (IEA-SHC). School of Energy and Environment of Southeast University, Nanjing Renewable Energy Society, Jiangsu Renewable Energy Society, Solar Energy Technology Research Center of Southeast University (Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Solar Energy Science and Technology), and Nanjing Panuote Solar Energy Co., Ltd. jointly organized the conference.

More than 20 foreign experts from Finland, Russia, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and more than 80 domestic scholars from Xi'an Jiaotong University, Southeast University, Southern University of Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, etc. conducted academic exchanges online and offline. The conference set up fuel cell, energy storage, and solar energy sub-sessions to thoroughly discuss the development of solar thermal technology, fuel cell, and energy storage technology.

Wang Jun, vice president of the Solar Energy Technology Research Center of Southeast University presided over the opening ceremony. Huang Dawei, vice president of Southeast University, Professor Peter Lund from Aalto University in Finland, Zheng Li, vice chairman of Nanjing Association for Science and Technology, Professor Dai Yanjun from Shanghai Jiaotong University, Daniel Neyer from the IEA-SHC Task 65, Professor Yu Zitao from Zhejiang University, Professor Zhu Bin from Southeast University, etc. attended the opening ceremony. Vice President Huang Dawei delivered a welcome speech on behalf of Southeast University. Professor Peter Lund and Vice-chairman Zheng Li delivered speeches in turn to wish the conference a success.

Vice President Huang Dawei of Southeast University delivered a welcome speech.

Professor Peter Lund from Aalto University gave a speech remotely.

Nanjing Association for Science and Technology Vice-chairman Zheng Li gave a speech.

During the conference, experts and scholars at home and abroad gave wonderful reports on their latest research results in the field of new energy and conducted academic exchanges on multiple topics with participants in a harmonious environment. The conference also included nearly one hundred high-quality research papers. Scholars shared their most cutting-edge and top technologies on new energy and had in-depth discussions. This conference has built a bridge to further promote the interoperability of the Yangtze River Delta region, promoted the development and industrialization of new energy technologies, and contributed to the enhancement of exchanges and cooperation between the Yangtze River Delta region and international countries and regions advancing in new energy technologies.

The main session

Oversea attendees joined the conference remotely.

The fuel cell colloquium

The solar energy and energy storage colloquium